Page 15 - Demo
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                    4. Having chosen their vouchers the system will then take payment.
5. Once payment has been made they will receive electronic copies of the vouchers they have purchased. The voucher will identify the date and time of their visit and also what it has been bought for and its value.
6. They will then arrive at your farm at the appointed time and show their voucher (these can be scanned to ensure they can only be used once if required).
7. You will give them the appropriate sized punnet for the voucher they have presented and they will follow designated paths to the fruit.
8. Once their punnet is full they can take it to their car and go home.
9. If you don’t want to exchange the voucher for the punnet on entry but require them to weigh their fruit before they leave, the value of the voucher can be redeemed against their total purchase and they pay the difference.
To quote a well know marketing brand – it’s SIMPLES!

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