Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 12-16-21 e-Edition
P. 7

                 Thursday, December 16, 2021
     The View From Here
 I walked through the neighbor- hood of I Streets and Edgar Av- enue in Sanger on the morn- ing of Dec. 12.
I knew that just 12 hours before the exact spot where I’d been walking was the site of a horrific scene.
A young girl was shot and killed on that block as she walked along the street sometime after 1 a.m. [See A section for story.] Why she was out that night, no one knows. What we do know is that she was only 17-years-old and didn’t’ de- serve to be gunned down like that. Her name was Maria Guadalupe Garcia Gaspar. The Sanger Police Department said that she had left her mother’s home about an hour before that time.
I continued to walk around trying to see if I could interview someone about the crime. I looked over and saw a young man crying. His eyes were red and swollen. I paused and decided it was best not to approach him. As journal- ists I do believe there are times to follow a story and put in every detail but in- terviewing family mem- bers of victims so soon af- ter a crime like that goes against my morals. I looked over at him and shook my head, “I am sorry for your loss,” I said. He didn’t say much just looked down.
I could have kicked in with my journalist lines about "needing his input for the story." But at that time I felt the better solu- tion was to be human and let him grieve in peace. I’ve been on a number of crime scenes where I’ve run into victims’ families. Sometimes I will approach but most of the time I won’t.
This young girl’s death was the first homicide in Sanger for the year 2021. As I wrote this story, I reached out to Sanger Po- lice Lt. Joshua Johnson. I wanted to confirm they’d only had one homicide. “Yes, the first one,” he said. “It’s a testament to the work that our officers do every day to keep Sanger safe.”
Although the shooting death of this young girl was tragic and shocking for the entire Sanger com- munity, I have no doubt the case will be solved sooner than later. Anyone with in- formation is asked to call the Sanger Police Depart- ment at 559-875-8521.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The Reedley Police De- partment held their annual awards ceremony on Tuesday Dec. 7 at the Reedley Commu- nity Center.
Awards presented this year included dispatcher of the year, police officer of the year, supervisor of the year and chiefs award.
“This is the only time we get together as a department,” said Garza. “Our officers work different shifts so some don’t get to work or see each other often.”
Garza said it was an honor working with the men and women of the Reedley Police Department during the past year and he was excited to recognize this years recipi- ents.
This years recipients in- cluded Mireya Renteria for professional staff member of the year. Tiffany Gonzalez, dispatcher of the year. Ed- die Luna, police officer of the year. Gary Kincaid, Supervi- sor of the year, and chiefs award went to Rosalinda Pa- dilla.
“Rosalinda is a special, one of a kind person and this department, this community should be proud that we have a person like Rosalinda Pa- dilla in our ranks.” said Garza.
“I can tell you there is no other agency our size, the Fresno PD’s, the Clovis PD’s, the sheriff’s office, who have victim service advocates, there is no one who has a vic-
 Juanita Adame
Awards banquet held for Reedley Police Department
 JuanitaAdame /MidValleyTimes
From left, Mark Ediger, Reedley Police Department commander, stood with Joe Garza, Reedley's Police Chief and Rosalinda Padilla on the evening of Dec. 7. Padilla was given the chiefs award for the depart- ment.
  Free Christmas concert to be held on Dec. 16
“This community should be proud that we have a person like Rosalinda in our ranks.”
Joe Garza Reedley Police Chief
 tim services advocate like Ro- salinda.”
“That is why she is so de- serving of this award, Rosalin- da, on my behalf, congratula- tions on being selected for this award.”
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
A memorial table was set for Officer Javier Bejar who was killed in the line of duty on Feb. 25, 2010.
London Christmas parade returns
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
Residents in the town of London were excited to have their annual parade back on the morning of Dec. 16 following the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional parade photos can be found in the in A section of the Mid Valley Times.
A concert will be held on Dec. 16 at the First Menno- nite Church on 12th and L Streets in Reedley.
Musica Viva will present the free Advent concert titled "Stillness and waiting" and will feature Dieter Wulfhorst and Susan Doering offering music and spoken reflections
for the Advent season, with music by Bach and a variety of 20th century composers in- cluding Yon and Demessieux.
The concert will begin at 7 p.m. It is requested that at- tendees be vaccinated and that masks be worn.
For more information on the concert, contact David Boldt (559) 638-7860.
  Locals enjoyed breakfast with the Grinch in Dinuba
A photo of a local family who attended the Pancakes with the Grin- ch breakfast on Dec. 11. "With your help we successfully protected the donated toys," The Dinuba Chamber wrote on their Facebook page. "Our volunteers had just as much fun as the people attend- ing, so many smiles."
Photo of the Week
This 2017 photo of Reedley resident, the late Robert Diaz, was sent in by Lydia Diaz. "This is a photo of Robert baptized in the river by Teen Challenge leaders Nolan Crooks and Mike Jones,” she said. "Robert passed away December 4, 2017 after a short battle with melanoma." Haveaphotoyou'dlikefeatured?Emailjuanita@mid-

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