Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 4-2-20 E-edition
P. 8

Reedley council
approves an
additional $5K
to chamber
Shots fired in Sanger, no one hurt
Sanger police left yellow markers to identify where shell casings were found on the road near a home on Hume Drive and Ben- nett Way. Several neigh- bors reported a vehicle drove by and shot at one of the homes sometime af- ter 9 p.m. on the evening of March 29.
Police said no one was hit during the shooting, and the investigation contin- ues.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
FCSO detectives find nearly $1 million in stolen property
By Jon Earnest
Mid Valley Times
The Reedley City Council at its March 24 regular meeting ap- proved an amendment giving the Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce an addition- al $5,000 for emergency business response relat- ed to the COVIC-19 dec- laration of emergency.
By a 4-0 vote – Coun- cil Member Mary Fast was an excused absence – the council agreed to pay the additional mon- ey to help offset costs the chamber has taken on to assist the city in providing additional services.
"From the point of [the COVID-19 nation- al] emergency really starting, the chamber
SANGER Continued from page A3
emy Avenue for a report of a suspicious subject. • A vehicle was report- ed stolen from a park- ing lot in the 800 block of Academy Avenue.
has been in constant communication with the city," said Nicole Zieba, city manager. "They really are serv- ing almost as our staff in helping the business- es. They are spending money related to this crisis, money they don't really have."
Zieba said that Erik Valencia, Chamber ex- ecutive director, and his staff at the city's re- quest gathered and set up a number of links for the business community and city employees. Al- so, the Chamber has re- programmed its website and reached out to notify the Hispanic community about the city's action.
It was the council's first regular meeting since it declared a local emergency on March 17.
• A reported stolen ve- hicle was located in the 2400 block of 10th Street, abandoned on the street. The vehicle was returned to the reg- istered owner and a re- port was completed.
• Two subjects were
MVT Staff Report
The Fresno County Sheriff’s Of- fice is turning to the public to help identify a large cache of stolen items recently recovered by detectives.
On March 19, property crimes detectives with the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office recovered close to $1 million worth of stolen proper- ty. The items mostly consisted of designer purses, shoes and jewel- ry and detectives are now focused
on identifying the rightful owners of the items.
Detectives served search war- rants at two different storage fa- cilities in the Fresno area and dis- covered stolen merchandise inside multiple rental units. Detectives said the decision to visit the loca- tions was based on a large ongoing investigation involving residential and commercial burglaries.
It is unknown how much of the property may have been sto-
len from addresses within Fresno County but detectives are current- ly cross-referencing their reports to see if any of the items match. Other local law enforcement agen- cies have also been contacted by FCSO to help identify the items.
Detectives are asking that any member of the public who believe their items are shown in any of the photos to contact Fresno Sheriff’s Detective Austin Herion by email- ing
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contacted in the 2700 block of Jensen Avenue during a petty theft in- vestigation. One sub- ject was arrested for being in possession of narcotics and violating a domestic violence re- straining order.
• Residential vandalism was reported in the 1300 block of Almond Ave- nue. A rock was report- edly thrown through a window. •Areportofamale and female arguing was made in the 1200 block
of Hume Drive. The ar- gument was reportedly followed by the sound of a single gunshot. No one was hurt in the incident. • A male subject was placed under a 72-hour mental health evaluation in the area of Jensen and West avenues after he reportedly made state- ments that he was hear- ing voices telling him to hurt his parents.
• An elderly female was reportedly having re- spiratory issues in the 2500 block of 9th Street and stopped breathing. When EMS arrived, CPR was administered but they were not able to revive her. She was pronounced deceased at the scene.
• A female juvenile was placed under a mental health evaluation in the 1000 block of Post Ave- nue after making state- ments of not wanting to live any more.
DINUBA Continued from page A3
Saturday, March 28
• A suspicious subject was reported in the 600 block of East Nebraska Avenue at 8:41 a.m.
• Trespassing was re- ported in the 600 block of North Alta at 3:54 p.m. •Domestic violence was reported in the 1400 block of East El Monte Way at 2:03 p.m.
• A reckless driver was reported in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 5:47 p.m.
Sunday, March 29
• Domestic violence
Continued from page A2
ready fell victim to this scam and bought $2,500 in gift cards, which which the suspects were able to gain access.
Law enforcement re- minds the public that no federal agency will ev- er call you and tell you that you have a war- rant out for your arrest. They also would never demand money, nor
Sunday, March 29
There were 65 calls for service and no traffic citations were issued.
• Two male juveniles re- portedly left their resi- dence in the 2800 block of Florence Avenue with- out their parents’ permis- sion. A runaway report was made and both juve- niles were later located and returned to their parents.
• A male subject was ar- rested for an outstand- ing warrant in the area of North Avenue and In- dustrial Way.
• A male subject was arrested for an out- standing warrant in the 1300 block of 7th Street.
• A subject was arrest- ed for petty theft in the 2700 block of Jensen Av- enue.
• A report of petty theft was made in the 400 block of Academy Av- enue.
was reported in the 100 block of South P Street at 4:37 a.m.
• A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 300 block of North Alta Av- enue at 9:51 a.m.
• A reckless driver was reported in the 100 block of South Craw- ford Avenue at 12:10 p.m.
• A suspicious subject was reported in the 300 block of Kern Street at 5:31 p.m.
• Fire was reported in the 600 block of East El Monte Way at 8:41 p.m. It was reported some- one was burning trash in the area.
would they ask for the payment in the form of a gift card.
Tulare County Sher- iff Mike Boudreaux wants to remind the public that there are people out there who will try to take advan- tage of others, especial- ly during hard times. Do not fall victim to these scams. If you have any questions, or something doesn’t seem right, call TCSO at (559) 802-9400.
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Stimulus checks are coming!!!
If you haven’t  led your taxes since 2017, now is a good time to get that done. Taxpayers need to make sure they are up to date on their way.
Ya vienen los cheques de esti`mulo!!
Si no han sus impuestos desde el 2017, ahora es el mejor tiempo para hacerlos. Los trabajadores necesitan asegurarse de tener sus impuestos al dia para poder
` recibir su estimulo.
1413 7th St. • Sanger
numero (559) 399-8088 / Fax (559) 399-3948

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