Page 3 - Reedley Exponent 1-31-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A3 Thursday, January 31, 2019 Lights & Sirens
January 17-January 23
Thursday, January 17
• Drug/narcotic violations, 1400 block of North Hemlock Avenue, 9:42 a.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, South Mendocino Avenue and East Parlier Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 1:42 p.m.
• Assault, 600 block of North Acacia Avenue, 7:07 p.m.
Friday, January 18
• Drunkenness, 500 block of Manning Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 7:43 a.m.
• Vehicle theft, 13800 block of Tuolumne Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 9:55 a.m.
• Destruction/damage/van- dalism of property, 700 block of J Street, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Depart- ment), 9 p.m.
Saturday, January 19
• Counterfeiting/forgery, 8700 block of South Whitner Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Po- lice Department), 10:13 a.m. • Larceny, 4400 block of South Newmark Avenue (Fresno County Sheriff’s De- partment), 11 a.m.
• Destruction/damage/van-
IMPACT FEES Continued from page A1
“We want to have a strong balance of that infill development, while also making sure that we are balancing that out with the greenfill development. So we’re growing, but we are growing appropriately.”
Terry told the council of two success stories occur- ring during the impact fee reduction program — the new Kings Canyon Unified School District headquar- ters and the Paseo 55 af-
dalism of property, 700 block of Park Avenue, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Depart- ment), 6:18 p.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, 700 block of East Duff Av- enue, 10:55 p.m.
• Drunkenness, 500 block of West Carob Avenue, 11:19 p.m.
Sunday, January 20
• Disorderly conduct, 500 block of South East Avenue, 5:21 a.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, West North Avenue and North Reed Avenue, 5:22 a.m. • Robbery, Sunset Avenue and Springfield Avenue, 10:16 p.m.
• Destruction/damage/van- dalism of property, 1000 block of Tulare Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 11:30 p.m.
Monday, January 21
• Assault, 1200 block of G Street, 2 a.m.
• Curfew/loitering/vagrancy violations, 900 block of East El Dorado Avenue, 5:56 a.m. • Intimidation, 1200 block of Eva Donna Street, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 3 p.m.
fordable housing develop- ment. He said the balanced infill to land within the city limits continues to support solid property values.
Using the proposed Monte Vista Estates sub- division at Buttonwillow and Myrtle avenues in east Reedley as a fiscal impact example, Terry said that the current fee for the proj- ect would be reduced from $263,646.88 to $197,736.
“That’s a discount of $65,912 or $4,119.50 per unit,” he said of the 16-lot single family development.
Tuesday, January 22
• Vehicle burglary, East Manning Avenue and South Newmark Avenue, Parlier (Parlier Police Department), 2:14 p.m.
• Impersonation, 1000 block of East Manning Avenue, 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 23
• Assault, confidential loca- tion, 12:50 a.m.
• Intimidation, J and Merced Street, 7:30 a.m.
• Drug equipment violations, 600 block of 2nd Street, Parli- er (Parlier Police Depart- ment), 9:24 a.m.
• Residential burglary, 300 block of Benjamin Avenue, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Department), 10:41 a.m.
• Burglary (agricultural), 12200 block of East Nebraska Avenue (Fresno County Sher- iff’s Department), 7 p.m.
(Crime reports are listed for the Reedley, Parlier and Orange Cove areas and are available online at crimere- Unless noted, the Reedley Police Department handled the calls.)
“That can look like a sub- stantial amount of money. But if we think about the rooftops coming in. the additional residences that would come into our com- munity. And the additional revenue and activity that happens.”
Terry used the argue- ment that houses in the development would pay anaverage of about $2,500 annually in combined taxes, resulting in the discount be- ing recouped by the city in less than two years.
Reedley Firemen’s Association / Photo Contributed
A Chevrolet pickup truck involved in a fatal rollover crash on Jan. 27 rested against a fence north of Man- ning Avenue. The single vehicle mishap claimed the life of the driver, 31-year-old Adrian Ayard of Parlier.
Parlier man dies in rollover crash near Manning Bridge
Staff Report
A Jan. 26 rollover crash just west of the Manning Av- enue Bridge involving a pick- up truck claimed the life of a Parlier man.
The accident occurred shortly before 2 a.m. on the north side of Manning Avenue just west of Kings River Road, according to the California Highway Patrol. The Fresno County Sheriff’s coroner’s of- fice identified the driver as 31-year-old Adrian Ayard.
The CHP report said that the 1989 Chevrolet truck
driven by Ayard was travel- ing west at an unknown rate of speed in the No. 2 lane of Manning just west of Kings River Road. For an unknown reason, the truck veered to the right and careened across the north paved shoulder of the road and down a descending dirt embankment.
The cab of the vehicle struck a large tree, result- ing in fatal injuries to Ayard. Units from Reedley Fire, Cal Fire and Fresno County Fire
responded to the scene. Two of- ficers from the Reedley Police Department also responded.
Fire units along with para- medics from Sequoia Safety Council arrived on scene and found the truck about 10 to 15 feet down the embankment. Ayard was pronounced dead at the scene.
The CHP said the case re- mained under investigation as of Jan. 29. It’s unknown if al- cohol or drugs played a factor in the crash.
Dwayne Randall Marable
April 4, 1939 – January 25, 2019
Dwayne Randall Marable was born to Paul and Pernie Marable of
Hector, Arkansas on April 4, 1939.  ey moved to Reedley when he was a child and attended Reed- ley Schools. He worked for Kawneer in Visalia in Production for 47 1⁄2 years. Dwayne loved hunting, horses, hanging out with family and his favorite cousin Tommy Graham He was a member of the
Eagles Lodge Faternal Order #2781 in Reedley.
He is survived by his wife Regina Marable of 45 years, two
children son Glenn Schroth of Moses Lake, Washington and daughter Jennifer Koreto  of Sanger, 5 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, brother Doran Marable, nephew William Gunn and niece Beverly Nelson.
Viewing at Cairns Funeral Home in Reedley on  ursday, January 31 from 4-8 p.m. Funeral Service on Friday,
February 1, at 11 a.m. Cairns Funeral Home.
Rosario Vincent Spallina
November 17, 1924 - January 20, 2019
Our beloved uncle, Ross
Spallina, passed peacefully from this life on Sunday, January 20th. He was 94 years old. It was a joyous day in heaven, as he was reunited with his parents, Vincent and Leona Spal- lina, brother Dom Spal- lina and sister-in-law Lou Spallina, sister Vincelle Awbrey and brother-in- law Norman Awbrey, his Aunt Lena and Uncle Rip Maselli, and nephews Terry Awbrey and Fred Spallina. Ross was born on No-
vember 17, 1924, in Lindsay, California, where he grew up and graduated from Lindsay High School in 1943. His great art skills made him a valuable member of the Comet yearbook sta , and he ran track, including running in the West Coast Relays.
Highlights of his working career include managing produce in the family store, Spallina’s Market in Lindsay, working for many years at the family gas station, Junior High Service in Reedley, and working with his nephew, Harlan Awbrey, as the o ce manager for Golden Valley Fruit for seventeen years. Ross moved to Reedley in 1952 where he lived for the rest of his life, 67 years. He lived at Sierra View Homes his last years, where his drawings of sta  members were most popular. His family would like to thank Sierra View for the wonderful care and treatment he received there.
Our Uncle Ross was one of a kind. Kind and thoughtful and humble with a sweet sense of humor. We doubt that he ever said an unkind word to anyone. He was an incredibly gi ed artist, once wrote a song that was published and commercially recorded, and had the caring heart of an artist.
Surviving Ross are his cousins, Roberta and Rip Maselli and wife Barbara, nephews and nieces Candis Spallina, Tracy Spal- lina and husband Je  Hoyt, Donna Coppin and husband Doug, Harlan Awbrey, Steve Awbrey and wife Jacque, Dan Awbrey and wife Francene, and special longtime friend, Josie Sweidy. He is also survived by many great-nieces and nephews, and great-great nieces and nephews. We all loved him dearly and will miss him.
A Celebration of Life Service will be held at the Reedley Cemetery Pavilion on Saturday, February 2, at 10:00 a.m.
FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 519 E. 11th Street, Reedley
Pastor: Ron Robertson
Sunday Growth Classes: 9:30am Children’s and Youth programs
Sunday Worship: 10:30am – Service; Children’s Church, ages 4-11 5:30pm Prayer – Evening Service 6:00pm
Wednesday Dinner served at 6:00pm
Wed. Family Night at 7:00pm (Adults, Youth Children) Food Give away – the third Saturday of the Month at 9:00am Basketball – Monday 7:00pm; Wednesday 8:00pm
For more information, call the church at 559-638-2739 All are welcome to attend
FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH 314 W. Manning Avenue • Reedley, CA 93654 638-2730
Pastor: Dr. Ernie Williams Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church for ages 3 thru 3rd grade Nursery available
Christ Lutheran
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley 559-638-2112
Join us for worship ~ Sundays at 9:30am All are welcome!
Musicians: Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey
FREE FOOD GIVEAWAY! Saturday, October 6th • 9:00am CLC Parking Lot
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands.
Wallin’s Parlier
Funeral Home
Serving our families with integrity and compassion since 1964
7942 S. Mendocino FD 1662
Parlier, CA
Prepayment Plans Available • Se Habla Espanol • We Offer Cremation Services
Parlier Package...........................................$3,774.00
Mendocino Package...................................$4,989.00
NEW! Reedley Special...............................$4,989.00 Casket included in all packages! Does not include cash advances.
(559) 646-6685

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