Page 15 - Reedley Exponent 6-6-19 E-edition
P. 15
The Reedley Exponent B7 Thursday, June 6, 2019
130•Professional Services
130•Professional Services
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
Giant Yard Sale
Central Valley Teen Challenge
will be having a Giant Yard Sale on Friday, June
7th and Saturday June 8th. On both days, the Yard Sale will be from 7 am – 4 pm. The yard sale will be at out center: 42675 Road 44, Reedley. Huge selection of items: Couches with Pull out beds, Lamps, Of ce Furniture, Chairs, TV’s, and hundreds of items!! All prices are cheap!! Call 559- 663-8353 for more information.
Yard Sale
1852 N Riverview, Sat June 8, 7am - ? Crafts, clothes, purses, miscitems
Big Yard Sale
1005 C Street Saturday June 8th 7am-3pm Toys, shoes, clothes, furniture, electronics, and
Yard Sale
1435 E. North ave Sat June 8th 7am-2pm Brand clothing for teens, women’s plus, men’s,
Yard Sale
19265 E adams Sat June 8th 7am-12pm Baby clothes and furniture, young adult clothes,
much more.
toys, and more!
and misc items.
Backyard Sale
991 N Hemlock Sat-Sun June 8th-9th 7am One electric and one gas stove, piano, sewing
machine, clothes, shoes, dishes, and lots of everything else.
Yard Sale
576 E. Evergreen (Parlier & Thompson) Sat June 8th 7:30am Lots of clothes, shoes,
purses, jewelry, outdoor furniture, and more.
Friday 7th & 8th. 1260 E. Northway Dinuba Lamp, sofa, clothing of all sizes, shoes, pots &
pans, & lots more!
Sat 8th 7 am - 1 pm 865 Millwood Dr. Dinuba. Wine-fridge, lawn mower, edger, coolers,
glassware, collectibles, clothes, household, bedding, of ce, crafts, decor, & more
Thurs 6th - 8th. 425 W. Wayside Dr. Dinuba. Name baby girl clothing, a lot of everything!
Fri 7th & 8th. 7am-1pm 665 E. Belaire Dr. Dinuba Clothes, toys, & lots of misc.
Sat 8th. 7 am. 578 Venice Dr. Dinuba Household items, clothes, & lots of misc!
Thurs 6 - Sat 8. 7am 1384 E. Bolinger Way Dinuba Each day something different! California king
mattress, queen &full size mattress with box spring & frame, 2 lazy boys, closet, couch, Elizabeth Taylor picture, name brand clothing & shoes, vintage dresser, stroller, new light xtures, books, too many items to mention!
Sanger Unified
School District 1905 7th St. • Sanger
Director, Classified Personnel - Mgmt. Sal. Rg. $8,828 - $11,267/mo. Part-time-70%, full benefit pkg., 12 mos. Req. a BA in HR mgmt., behavioral science, business admin., public admin, mgmt. and organizational de- velopment, or a closely related field, plus 3 yrs. exp. in HR mgmt., org/employee development or related field. A Master’s deg. may substitute for 1 yr. exp. Deadline 6/19/19.
Supervisor, Preschool Instructional Support - Supvry. Sal. Rg. - $4,156 - $5,305/mo. plus benefits. Req. Site Supervisor Permit and 3 yrs. exp. Equivalencies may apply as per CD Permit Matrix. View the job announcement on our website under “HR” and “Employment Opportunities”. Deadline 6/14/19.
Apply Online at OR Sanger Unified School District (559) 524-6521 EOE
We are currently accepting
applications for the following position:
CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT Openings for part time and full time C.N.A. Quali ed applicant should be a dependable team player willing to work variable shifts, weekends, and holidays.
PERSONAL CAREGIVER Care Giver in Assisted Living. Quali ed applicant should be a dependable team player, CNA certi cate a plus but not required. Must be willing to work variable shift, weekends, and holidays. Excellent Low- Cost Medical/Vision/ Dental insurance bene ts
HOUSEKEEPING AIDE Immediate opening for a part time housekeeping aide. Quali ed applicant should be a dependable team player. Must be willing to work variable shift, weekends, and holidays.
Quali ed applicants apply in person, email resume, or fax resume to the following:
703 W. Herbert, Reedley, CA. kristinarocha Fax-559-638-8463
Thursday, June 6, 2019
EDDIE’S HEATING & COOLING “Great Cus- tomer Service” 10% dis- count on any repair for all Military, 1st respond- ers & Senior citizens. Habla Espanol. (559) 394-7014
Fred’s PLUMBING Residential Plumbing Service 591-3398
Available Vacancies
Airport Commission
Applications are being accepted to ll
a vacancy on the Airport Commission. Vacancy is due to a resignation of a Com- missioner Richey. e terms for this appointment are for a three (3) year term and there is no residency requirement, however the appointee will continue with Mr. Richey terms which expires 10/2020. e Commission is an advisory board to the City Council on all matters relating to the Reedley Municipal Airport. Meet- ings are held on the third ursday, every other month at 4:00 p.m. at the Reedley Community Center.
Community Services Commission
Applications are being accepted to ll vacancy on the Community Services Commission, due to a resignation of Commissioner Zavala. Appointee shall continue with existing term expiration date of 2/2020. e Commission is an advisory body to the City Council on matters involving parks, recreation, and Senior Programs. All Commissioners shall be permanent residents of the city, provided that up to two (2) Commis- sioners may reside outside the city limits but within the city’s sphere of in uence. Meetings are held on the fourth ursday of every other month at 4:30 p.m. at the Reedley Community Center.
Tra c Safety Commission
Applications are still accepted to ll one (1) position on the Tra c Safety Com- mission. Tra c Safety Commission Chair and Vice Chair shall be resident/citizen members of the commission appointed at large. Commission is an advisory board to the City Council on matters relating to tra c safety, including vehicular parking restrictions in the public right-of-way and the implementation of the School Tra c Safety Program. Commission shall hold meetings as called by the chair or at the request of a quorum of the membership in Reedley Council Chambers. Applica- tions for this Commission are accepted until vacancies are lled.
Applications are available on the City’s website or by con- tacting City Clerk, Sylvia Plata at 559- 637-4200 ext 212
B4 The Dinuba Sentinel
(559) 638-2266 Lic.#10120999
130•Professional Services
DELIVERY/HANDY- MAN. Must be bilingual and have a clean DMV printout. Ask for Char- lene 875-2555.
DRIVERS NEEDED. Classes, A, B, & C. Must have 2yrs commercial driving experience. Sea- sonal. Call from 2pm- 4pm only 559-859-0949
SPECIALTY TRANS- FER truck driver want- ed. 2 years experience minimum. Fax resume to (559) 638-3599
General Labor: We are looking for general La- bor warehouse employ- ees for full time, long term work. Room to ad- vance and grow with our family owned company. Min. wage and up de- pending on experience. Please apply in person at Paper, Pulp & Film, 2822 S. Maple Ave., Fresno.
PACKERS WANTED Jensen Packing 13138 S Bethel Ave., Kings- burg Applications at the front guard shack. Apply in Person.
TRANSIT SHUTTLE DRIVER – City of Sel- ma, ($2377 - $2890/ mo). H.S. Diploma or equiv., three yrs. exp. in operating motor ve- hicles and coaches, Class B CDL with good driving record required. Job yer&applicationat City Hall, 1710 Tucker, Selma, CA 93662 or (559) 891-2200. Open until lled. EOE.
TRUCK DRIVERS Class A, Current DMV printout required. Ap- ply in person. 9-3 M-F Maxco Supply, Inc 605 S Zediker Ave, Parlier email resume: maxco. jobs@maxcopackaging. com
I have access to several thousand
yards of carpet!
I will carpet your living room & hall in 100% nylon high- low earthtone carpet for $594! based on 40 yrds. Price includes carpet, pad & installation! Do your whole house, living room, hall & 3 bedrooms for $1188. Based on 80 yrd. Savings in other price ranges in other styles.
732-0126 or 582-4155
You’re reading this one!
FOR SALE: Dining room set 6 chairs excellent condition $250.00 OBO. Call 638-5925.
OSCAR’S PRO Lawn Service. Yard cleanups, yearly lawn mainte- nance, residential and commercial, and tree pruning. Free estimates. Call 305-8793
107•Lawn & Garden
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ESTEBAN SANCHEZ, an individ- ual; FRANSICO SANCHEZ, an in- dividual; The Testate and Intestate Successors of ONOFRE B. GAR- CIA, Believed to be Deceased, and All Persons Claiming by, through, or under Such Person; The Tes- tate and Intestate Successors of LUCIA S. GARCIA, Believed to be Deceased, All Persons Claiming by, through, or under Such Person; ALL OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN, CLAIMING ANY LEGAL OR EQ- UITABLE RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT ADVERSIE TO PLAINTIFF’S OWNERSHIP OR TITLE, OR ANY CLOUD PLAIN- TIFF’S TITLE THERETO; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: Bradley D. Liggett, an individual
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decided against you with- out your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below.
¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro de 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la infor- macióna continuación.
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS af- ter this summons and legal papers are served to you on le a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can nd these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self- Help Center ( selfhelp), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the ling fee, ask the
court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not le your response on time, you may lose the case by de- fault, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without fur- ther warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attor- ney, you may want to call an at- torney referral service. If you can’t afford an attorney, you may be eli- gible for free legal services from a nonpro t legal services program. You can locate these nonpro t groups at the California Legal Ser- vices website (www.lawhelpcalifor-, the California Online Self- Help Center ( selfhelp), or by contacting your lo- cal court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case.
The name and address of the court is:
Tulare County Superior Court, Civil Div. 221 South Mooney Blvd, Room 201 Visalia, CA 93291
The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney is: Bradley D. Liggett,
1138 Madonna Rd,
San Louis Obispo, 93405 805-305-4011
Date: November 6, 2018 Stephanie Cameron, Clerk, by /s/ Ruben Cabrera Jr., Deputy
The property that is the subject of this action is 520 E Yale Av- enue, Dinuba, CA 93618, Tulare County Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 017-222-002-000, and le- gally described as: Lot 60 of Col- lege Heights in the City of Dinuba, County of Tulare, State of Califor- nia, as per map recorded in Book 21, page 61 of Maps in the of ce of the County Recorder of said County.
May 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2019
Lottery drawing for permits to sell Fireworks in 2020 & 2021. The City Clerk will draw three (3) two (2)-year permits.
WHO MAY PARTICIPATE: (Quali cation summary) • Non-pro t associations or corporations
organized primarily for civic betterment or youth activities
• Permanent meeting place within the Dinuba City Limits
• Bona de membership of 20 members or more
• Organized and established within city limits for a minimum of one
(1) year continuously HOW TO PARTICIPATE:
• Apply for permit at City Hall, 405 E El Monte Way, between June 1 and June 30, 2019, during regular business hours
• Provide $300 permit fee; $70 re inspection fee (for 2 years); and $100 deposit at time of application (refundable if not drawn)
• Specify proposed location of reworks stand
• AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE OF PERMIT, provide the following:
•$1,000,000 combined single limits insurance certi cate listing the City of Dinuba as an additional insured (subject to change)
•A copy of required license from the State Fire Marshal •Agreement to comply with terms of retail permit
•Furnish additional information upon request by the City of
• Agree to comply with all terms and conditions of Dinuba’s
Municipal Code Chapter 5.34 LIMITS:
• One (1) entry/permit per organization DRAWING DATE/TIME/PLACE:
• Wednesday July 10, 2019
• 12:15 pm
• Dinuba Council Chambers, Dinuba City Hall, 405 E El Monte Way
• For additional information and a copy of the Municipal Code
Chapter 5.34 contact the City Clerk’s of ce, City Hall, 405 E El Monte Way, Dinuba or phone 559-591-5900 or visit
The information listed above is for informational purposes and is not intended to supplement or be in lieu of the City of Dinuba’s Munici- pal Code Chapter 5.34.
Linda Barkley, CMC, City Clerk
May 23, June 6, 20, 2019
REFILE WITH CHANGE Began Transacting Business: February 11, 2019
Statement Expires On: April
24, 2024
Original FBN Number: 2019-0000286
Business Is Conducted By: Individual
Business Address:
143 North L Street Dinuba, CA 93618
County of Tulare
Fictitious Business Name:
California Tacos
Registrant Address:
Alvarez Sanchez, Jesus Antonio 3603 W Hillsdale Visalia, CA 93291
I declare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).) Signature Jesus Antonio Alvarez Sanchez
Print Name Jesus Antonio Alvarez Sanchez
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Tulare on: April 24, 2019 Roland P. Hill, County Clerk By: Mayra Guereca, Deputy May 16, 23, 30, June 6, 2019
REFILE WITH CHANGE Began Transacting Business: May 6, 2019
Statement Expires On: May 6, 2024
Original FBN Number: 2019-0000663
Business Is Conducted By: Individual
Business Address:
5778 Ave 248 Tulare, CA 93274 County of Tulare
Fictitious Business Name:
Los Amigos Roasted Corn, Baked Potatoes
Registrant Address:
Plascencia Angulo,
Jorge Armando 5778 Ave 248 Tulare, CA 93274
I declare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand
dollars ($1,000).) Signature Jorge Plascencia Print Name Jorge Plascencia
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Tulare on: May 6, 2019 RolandP.Hill,CountyClerk By: Valeria Lopez, Deputy May 16, 23, 30, June 6, 2019
Began Transacting Business: April 22, 2019 Statement Expires On: April 22, 2024
Business Is Conducted By: Individual
Business Address:
250 E. Visalia RD Farmerville, CA 93223 County of Tulare
Fictitious Business Name:
Alejandra’s Jewelry
Registrant Address:
Vazquez, Martha A. 1289 Jamestown ST Tulare, CA 93274
I declare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand
dollars ($1,000).) Signature Martha A. Vasquez
Print Name Martha A. Vasquez
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Tulare on: April 22, 2019 Roland P. Hill, County Clerk By: Ruth Meneses, Deputy May 16, 23, 30, June 6, 2019
Original Filing Date: August 29, 2017
Statement Expires August 29, 2022
Began Transacting Business: August 29, 2017 Business Is Conducted By: Individual
Business Address:
1679 E Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93292 County of Tulare The following person has Abandoned the use of the
Fictitious Business Name:
Happiness Nails & Spa
Registrant Address:
Le, Dung Duc
2055 W Claridge Way Hanford, CA 93230
I declare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true which he or she knows to be false is guilty
of a crime.)
Signature /s/ Dung Duc Le Print Name: Dung Duc Le I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office.
Roland P. Hill, County Clerk By: Valeria Lopez Deputy This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Tulare on: May 7, 2019 May 23, 30, June 6, 13, 2019
Began Transacting Business: April 15 2019 Statement Expires On: May 7, 2024
Business Is Conducted By: Corporation
Business Address:
1679 E Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93292 County of Tulare
Fictitious Business Name:
Happiness Nails & Spa
Registrant Address:
Lee Happiness Nails Service Inc
1679 E Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93292 State: CA
I declare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand
dollars ($1,000).) Registrant other than an individual sign below: Entity Name Lee Happiness Nails Service Inc Signature Hoa Tran
Print Officer’s Name and Title Hoa Tran, CEO
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Tulare on: May 7, 2019 Roland P. Hill, County Clerk By: Ruth Meneses, Deputy May 23, 30, June 6, 13, 2019