Page 2 - Reedley Exponent 6-6-19 E-edition
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Open House
at Armory
on June 8
Staff Report
The Reedley Area Veterans will host “Open House 2019” from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 8, at the Reedley Area Armory, 601 E. 11th St.
Admission is free.
The open house is an event to promote the Armory and to bring the community together. There will be infor- mational booths, water slides and other attractions on site.
Food provided by El Rincon will be available for purchase. Proceeds go to the Reedley Area Veterans.
The Reedley Exponent A2 Thursday, June 6, 2019 RIVER
Reanna Alcaraz with Lindy’s Landing said she was hopeful the river wouldn’t remain closed for an extended period of time. During the 2017 flooding, the Kings River was closed to all recreational use from just before Memorial Day weekend until July 21.
Water temperature on the river currently is between 50 and 52 de- grees; a level that can cause hypo- thermia if someone swimming is ex- posed to the cold water for too long a period. Hypothermia can lead to exhaustion or unconsciousness, and the threat to swimmers is one of the main reasons for the closure. Other safety hazards are eroding river- banks and tree branches and limbs falling into the river.
The sheriff’s office will reas- sess water levels and river condi- tions throughout the summer, and will reopen the river to recreational use when they deem conditions to be safe for the public.
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Daniel Hernandez, foreground, and Rafael Sencion of Reedley fished off the edge of the new boat launch at Cricket Hollow Park on June 3. The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office closed the river to all recreational use activities on June 4.
Continued from page A1
June 4 but water activities are pro- hibited.
The afternoon of June 3, Reedley residents Daniel Hernandez and Ra- fael Sencion fished for smallmouth bass off the boat launch ramp at Cricket Hollow. They said the condi- tions would be hazardous to go onto the river.
“I hope they keep it closed. The water is very cold,” Hernandez said. Downstream about three or four miles to Lindy’s Landing, the popular campground wasn’t taking new visitors as water had covered the entire lower campground and crept up near regulars residing at the upper campground. A roadblock to the lower campground had signs posted by the Tulare County Sher- iff’s Office saying that access onto
the river was prohibited.
Police arrest 2 after seizing weapon, drugs
Staff Report
PolicearrestedaReed- ley man and Fresno man after discovering a loaded firearm
a vehi-
cle stop
in east
on May
John- ny Cas- taneda, 26, and
Eder Perez, 23, were taken into custody after police stopped a vehicle Castane- da was driving in the area of East and Lincoln avenues
at about
12:30 a.m.
said that
da was
on a sus-
pended li-
cense and
Perez was
found to be on probation.
Officers on the scene conducted a probation search of the vehicle, and found ammunition in the center console. They continued the search and then discovered a loaded firearm under the driver’s seat. Police also re- covered four mason jars of
See ARRESTS on page A3
Johnny Castaneda
Eder Perez
The 64 members of the Immanuel High School Class of 2019 stood on the stage inside the Reedley Mennonite Brethren Church sanctuary as they prepared to be presented with their diplomas.
IMMANUEL Continued from page A1
dared to go down, the road of faith.”
Another valedictorian, Hannah Baptista, said she was initially skeptical when she was a ninth grader but “I’ve learned high school held more value than we thought.” She cited her teachers and faculty for their examples.
Valedictorian Tamsen Taves thanked her family, friends and teachers for al- ways being there for her. She stressed trusting God through experiences in life. Salutatorian Melanie Krahn said she was grateful for her Immanuel experience — “ac- ademically, socially and most important, spiritually.”
This year’s commence- ment address was by IHS teacher Luke Thomas. Using humor and classroom stories, he recounted how the gradu- ates have given him great joy during the past four years. Ex- periences included a first-pe- riod Bible class during fresh- man year, and a subsequent World Discipleship Class where he also “learned all about the Marvel Universe” from students.
Thomas shared his pride
in the many students of his that had gone overseas for outreach and mission trips. Asking them to stand, he told of graduates who had gone to Israel, Latin American coun- tries, Africa and Thailand.
“We’re presenting Christ,” he said. “These guys have been given a world vision. Not just one that’s local to Reedley. One that says ‘let’s take pride in the entire world.’”
Thomas also called up one of his students, graduating se- nior Nicholas Miller, and used him as an example for one of his lessons. He had Nicholas open an envelope, which con- tained two reserve bank notes from Zimbabwe. Each note had a denomination of 100 tril- lion dollars.
Thomas asked Miller what he thought the notes actu- ally were worth, and Nicholas guessed a dollar. Too much, Thomas said, explaining that hyper-inflation in that country made the currency worthless. He then gave Miller a “repli- ca certificate of authenticity” which commemorated the hyper-inflation in Zimbabwe.
“So you gave me a replica of nothing?” This is so Mr. Thomas!” Nicholas said to laughter and applause.
Here, Thomas gave the
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Ashleigh Sorensen, IHS student body president, was one of four vale- dictorian speakers who addressed the graduates and audience at the May 30 ceremony.
moral of the story.
“I want you guys to have
the greatest joy. I don’t want you having joy of replicas,” he said. “My one challenge is to pursue your greatest joy. My worry is that you’ll get five cracks at that, and you’ll go after something that’s worth- less. Replica of hyper-inflated currency.
“What I do want you to have is the greatest joy possi- be. And the Bible is our guide.”
Immanuel’s certificate re- cipients for 2018-19 are:
Ashleigh Sorensen, Agri- cultural Business; Drew Vogt, Agriculture Communications;
Morgan Baldwin, Agriculture Science; Hannah James, Art; Mikaela Ens, Art Entrepre- neur; Kyle Kaehler, Automo- tive; Nikki McArron, Bible; Danielle Jefferies, Biblical Worldview; Parker Philpott, Choral Music; Grace Goert- zen, Christian Missions; Kyle Gruen, Economics; Tamsen Taves, English; Regan Ott, History; Ethan Griffioen, In- dustrial Arts; James Friesen, Mathematics; Alexandra Day- ka, Performing Arts; Melanie Krahn, Science; Sara Pree, Social Science; Tiffany Bam- ford, Spanish; Joel Young, Theatre.
“PRIME RIB” From 4:30 p.m. till it lasts!
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Loreto C. Buday
Loreto C. Buday of Orosi died June 2 in Visa- lia. He was 91.
Mr. Buday was a farm laborer.
He is survived by his wife.
Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. with a rosary at 6 p.m. on Sunday, June 23, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Cutler. Mass will be at 10 a.m. Monday, June 24, at St. Mary’s Church. Burial will follow at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Di- nuba.
Brijida Campos
Brijida Campos of Di- nuba died May 27 in Di- nuba. She was 87.
Mrs. Campos was a homemaker.
She is survived by two sons, 13 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.
Visitation, rosary and
a mass were held June 4 at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church in Dinuba. Burial was at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Alejandro Rodriguez of Cutler died May 31 in Visa- lia. He was 67.
Mr. Rodriguez was a farmworker.
He is survived by his wife, two daughters, par- ent, one brother, five sis- ters and two grandchil- dren.
Visitation will be from 4to8p.m.withrosaryat6 p.m. Thursday, June 6, at Sterling & Smith Funeral Home in Dinuba. Funeral mass will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, June 7. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Cutler. Burial will be at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
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“Prime Time”
FRED HALL ............................................................................. Publisher JON EARNEST............................................................... Editor / Sports JUANITA ADAME ...................................................Panorama Editor DEBRA LEAK........................................................................Marketing JANIE LUCIO.....................................................................Advertising DUBY TREVINO..............................................................Graphic Artist CLINTON ANTONIO......................................................Graphic Artist TOM MONTIJO..............................................................Graphic Artist KATE ISAAK................................................................ Classified Sales STACY HAWKINS .............................................................Accounting ROSEMARY OCHOA........................................................Accounting
The Reedley Exponent (USPS 458-860) is published weekly on Thursdays for $20 a year, $24.50 other areas and $26.50 out-of-state by Mid-Valley Publishing Inc., 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654. Periodicals postage paid at Sanger, CA 93657. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654
The Reedley Exponent is one of Fresno County’s oldest newspapers. It was established in March, 1891, in the Knauer residence on the corner of what now is F and 11th streets. In about 1893, it moved to the building where it is still located. The newspaper’s office is at 1130 G St, Reedley, CA 93654, Phone (559) 638-2244.
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