Page 7 - Reedley Exponent 3-22-18 E-edition
P. 7

130•Professional Services
130•Professional Services
TRACTOR FOR RENT with operator. Discing, scrapping, spring tooth, 4 rows, border maker. Call (559) 638-3144 or (559) 908-1786.
SPRING is around the corner. Do you need some help with your cleaning? Free estimates and have references. Call 559-859-1325
I have access to several thousand
yards of carpet!
I will carpet your living room & hall in 100% nylon high- low earthtone carpet for $594! based on 40 yrds. Price includes carpet, pad & installation! Do your whole house, living room, hall & 3 bedrooms for $1188. Based on 80 yrd. Savings in other price ranges in other styles.
732-0126 or 582-4155
151•Help Wanted
SPECIALTY TRANSFER truck driver wanted. 2 years experience minimum. Fax re- sume to (559) 638-3599
CORNERSTONE PACKING & Cooling is currently taking application for forklift drivers with experience. Apply in per- son at 10693 E Davis Ave in Kingsburg Cornerstone Pack- ing & Cooling está aceptando aplicación para conductores de montacargas con experi- encia. Aplique en persona en 10693 Davis Ave en Kings- burg
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
Sanger Unified
Fred’s PLUMBING Residential Plumbing Service 591-3398
Cleaning lady
Move outs, deep cleaning. De- tailedhouseorof cecleaning, vacation rentals, maintenance cleaning, etc. Complete detailed top to bottom. Supplies provided, 13+ yrs exp. References avail. English speaking. For quote call or
text Melissa 559-704-6030
$10 + 10%
Do you need someone to do your grocery shopping?
I’ll do it for you! For $10 & 10% of total cost of your receipt. For details text or call Dee
83•Miscellaneous For Sale
FOR SALE-Doctor Buggy, Hay equipment. Call 970- 4233.
WINDOW SWAMP Cooler ready to install in great condi- tion $100.00. Call after 12pm 672-0941
151•Help Wanted
DRIVERS NEEDED. Class- es, A, B, & C. Must have 2yrs commercial driving experi- ence. Seasonal. Call from 2pm-4pm only 559-859-0949
School District 1905 7th St. • Sanger
HVAC Specialist - Sal Rg: $3,704 - $4,728 / mo. FT Req. a HS dip. or equiv. and 4 yrs exp. in the HVAC field and/or AS degree in Energy Mgmt., Industrial Tech. or related field. Deadline Until Filled.
Vehicle Mechanic - Sal. Rg. $3,407 - $4,348 / mo. FT Req. a HS dip or equiv. and 4 yrs. of vehicle mechan- ics and repair, including heavy gasoline and diesel powered equip. Preferred ASE or A-Plus cert. Req. Class B lic. and P/S endorse. May drive a school bus to transport students as needed. Deadline 4/3/18.
Apply at or Sanger Unified District Office (559) 524-6521 EOE
• Mini Track Bobcats • Tractor W/Disc
• Skid Steers
• Track Bobcats
• Trenchers, Tillers • Back Hoes
small engine repair
We have replacement engines... Briggs: Authorized Warantee & Service Honda: Authorized Warantee & Service Echo: Authorized Warantee & Service
MICHAEL’S TOWING of Sanger- Exp. driver needed, Class A lic., P/T. Must live in Sanger. Contact (559) 875- 7590
HELP WANTED: Cooks for restaurant in Dinuba w/ experience. Call Robert @ 323-547-1791 Se necesita cocineros para restaurante en Dinuba con experencia. 323- 547-1791
PAYROLL CLERK, Parlier, CA 2 – 3 years experience. Fulltime positon with bene ts. Responsible for posting and maintaining payroll. Job du- ties: Working closely with of-  ce and  eld management, Import payroll data from time clocks. Input and review payroll data. Review payroll deductions Hiring process of seasonal employees Print Checks File all payroll paper- work Process employment veri cations No walk-ins. Send resume to admin@sun-
CORNERSTONE PACKING & Cooling will be accept- ing applications March 28 & 29 from 7:30am - 3:00pm at 10693 E. Davis Ave. Kings- burg Apply in person Corner- stone Packing & Cooling esta- ra aceptando aplicaciones el 28 y 29 de Marzo de 7:30am - 3:00pm en el 10693 E. Davis Ave. Kingsburg. Solicitar en persona.
CORNERSTONE PACKING & Cooling is currently accept- ing applications for Tagges & Clerks Apply in person at 10693 E. Davis Ave. Kings- burg Cornerstone Packing & Cooling actualmente esta aceptando aplicaciones para secretarias y etiquetadores . Solicitar en persona a el 10693 E. Davis Ave. Kings- burg
“Come join our team at Palm Village Retirement Community. We are accepting applications for the following positions:
AM Shift Available 6:30 am-2:45pm FT/PT available
PM Shift 2:30 pm-10:45 pm. FT/PT available
Dietary Aids and Cooks; all shifts. Must be available to work weekends and holidays
Personal Caregiver
(Assisted Living)-P/T NOC and PT PM shifts available
Quali ed applicants apply in person, email resume,
to the following: kristinarocha@ 703 W. Herbert Ave Reedley, CA 93654 559-638-8463
HELP WANTED: All Star Towing Tow truck driver/ me- chanic. Must work weekends. Good driving record, must live in city limits. Apply in person at 401 W. Tulare St. Dinuba.
EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- ERS needed to assist de- velopmentally disabled in a residential environment. Work experience with children, el- derly, or disabled is required. PT/FT positions for all shifts. Candidates must be at least 18yrs, obtain criminal clear- ance, and medical exam. Ap- plications available at Pack & Ship Authority. Next to Save Mart, Reedley
The City of Reed- ley is accepting applications for Lifeguard positions for the upcoming summer. More information on this position is avail- able at https:// www.government- reedley. Candi- dates are strongly encouraged to apply online for this position, however, paper applications may be sent by
U.S. mail to: City of Reedley Human Resources c/o Recruitments 845 G Street Reedley, CA 93654
Applications must be postmarked by the recruitment deadline of 4/6/18 for consideration. Any supplemental questionnaires included in the
job posting must be completed and submitted with the paper application.
A paper applica- tion and job an- nouncement may be downloaded from the web site or obtained at 1733 Ninth Street, Reedley, CA 93654. E.O.E. For more information, call 637-4203.
REEDLEY YARD SALES Reedley Rummage Round Up on G Street, downtown Reedley
Sat April 7th 7am-1pm. For applications go to David’s or go to the website
to download. Drop off application at David’s.
Huge Yard Sale
560 Trout Lake Drive
(Kings Canyon/Perida Sat-Sun March 24th-25th
8am-3pm No early birds. Wildwood- Lots of new infants’ one’s/acc., food containers, cupcake liners and party supplies, canvas weight and camo, home decor fabrics, large selection of women’s clothing an dmisc.
Kingsburg Estate Sale 1516 20th, Friday & Saturday, 9am House and patio are full- everything must go.
Living and dining room furniture, bed, dressers, glassware, kitchenware, small appliances, books, costume jewelry, motorcycle collectibles, cast iron toys, vintage 50’s-60’s children’s items and clothing, linens, knick knacks, useful household.
Yard Sale
998B E. Palm Ave., Reedley
Sat March 24th 7am-12pm Nearly new baby boy
and baby girl clothes and lots more.
Yard Sale
397 W. Ponderosa Ave., Reedley
Sat March 24th 7am Women, men, and baby boy
clothes, tools, furniture, and misc items.
Yard Sale
1577 N Hollywood Dr. Reedley
Sat March 24th 9am 25yrs of cleaning out the
closet! Collectibles, clothing,  shing gear, tools, shoes, Easter and Christmas decor, books, and much more. Please bring your own bags.
Country Yard Sale
24438 Clayton Ave., Orange Cove (Adams & Cove) Fri-Sat March 23rd-24th 8am A
is now on
Facebook! Go to our facebook
page & "like" us, to see: Community Events Videos Photo galleries, and much more.
NEW 1.75 Yard
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151•Help Wanted
Trailers, 3 Yard Concrete Delivery Truck To
Serve You.
107•Lawn & Garden
J & G Gardening. Lawn ser- vice, tree service, weed con- trol, mowing, pruning service,
TRIP TO LAS VEGAS March 28th - March 30th. & San Francisco April 7th For more
and clean ups. Free Esti- info contact Sylvia @ 638-
mates! Call 341-2304 ask for Del no
130•Professional Services
Free Estimates Weed Service Clean Outs and Junk Hauling Cordova’s Lawn Service Call 859-3195
130•Professional Services
(559) 638-2266 Lic.#10120999
little bit of everything.
The Dinuba Sentinel
151•Help Wanted
CONTROLLER /HR – Alta Irrigation District: Looking for an experienced, exceptional, team-oriented leader able to manage all the aspects of the District’s  nancial, human resources and administrative support activities, reporting directly to the General Man- ager. Backgroundcheck,pre- employment physical, drug screen. Go online to see job quali cations. Mustapplyon- line at Open until  lled
151•Help Wanted
SAFETY DISPATCHER. Selma P.D. ($2740 – $3331/ mo. plus bene ts) Minimum of 2 yrs. clerical exp. with extensive public contact and corrected typing speed of 40 wpm required. Job  yer & appl. at City Hall, 1710 Tuck- er, Selma, CA or www.cityof- (559) 891-2200. Apply by 04/06/18. Post- marks not accepted. EOE
Advertise in both Dinuba & Reedley
M ore coverage = M ore $$$ BIGGER, BOLDER Yard Sales!
A d d a
up to 20 w ords!!!
Name __________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
Phone Number ____________________________________________________
Prices: Fresno/Tulare Counties - $25.00 • Other counties and Out of State - $31.50
Senion Citizen (55 & Over) Take $2.00 Off Above Price
Please make check payable to Mid-Valley Publishing (Sentinel)
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The Dinuba Sentinel
145 S. L Street, Dinuba CA 93618
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