Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 3-5-20 E-edition
P. 7
Sanger Adult School graduates celebrate success
The View From Here
I stepped into the Washing-
ton Middle School audi- torium on the evening of
Feb. 26. This
was my first time attend-
ing an Adult School graduation.
The auditorium was filled with family and friends of the graduates, some with congratulatory balloons and flowers for their loved ones.
I waited for the gradu- ates to enter the building and meanwhile opened the pro- gram that I had been given at the door.
A quote was written at the bottom of the first page. “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”
This resonated with me because earlier that day I was having a bit of trouble writing one of my stories.
I remember thinking back to when Dick Shep- pard, former editor of the Sanger Herald and now Edi- tor Emeritus with the Mid Valley Times, told me not to "think too much into it" and just start writing.
His advice was some- thing that always stayed with me. I believe what Dick meant was, “get out of your own way.”
A small effort for me on this particular day was to simply begin writing.
Not think about how it would sound or what was grammatically correct. Don't get me wrong, that part is al- so important, but that part is done in what we call “post production.”
When I first began work- ing for the Sanger Herald I’d spend so much time wor- rying about how my writing would sound to those reading it. I would begin a story then stop again. “No, that didn’t sound good,” I would think to myself. “I shouldn’t start with that.”
Eventually I began to “get out of my way,” and just begin the process of writing. Thank you Dick for helping me with that.
Maybe, it was the same for these students from Sanger Adult School. One day they decided it was time to get out of their own way and finish their education.
I was inspired by Oreana Mendoza's speech. She talk- ed about how one day she de- cided to change her life for the better. And she did just that.
Congratulations to the students of Sanger Adult School, I wish you all the best in your futures, keep reaching for the stars!
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
It was a special night for students from Sanger Adult School as they celebrated their graduation from the program on the evening of Feb. 26.
“We are very pleased to have you all here to support our graduates,” said Lori Hawkyard, principal.
“These are brave gradu- ates, and I call them brave graduates because it takes courage to re-enter school after being away from the world of education for a while.”
In all, 60 students gradu- ated from the program. Among them was student speaker Oreana Mendoza.
Mendoza addressed the class and talked a little about her background and how she has overcome the obstacles that have faced her in life.
“For as long as I can re- member, I have been faced
with adversity,” said Men- doza. “From a very young age, I was dealing with an unstable home moving from place to place, I never end- ed a school year at the same school."
Mendoza said she became a young mom while still in high school.
“Once I had my first son, I knew I needed to provide for him.” she said. That’s when I saw no other option but to drop out of high school and find a reliable source of income.”
Mendoza said she put off her education for years but finally decided it was time to re-enroll in school.
“Good luck in the future,” she told students. “I will leave you all with this quote, but as for you, do not give up, be strong for your work will be rewarded.”
For information on upcoming classes visit sangeradult.sanger.k12.
Juanita Adame
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Oreana Mendoza was the student speaker for the Sanger Adult School's graduating class of 2020. Mendoza told the class about not giving up on their dreams and continuing to strive forward no matter the situation or circumstances.
Cole Shott named Dinuba's Mr. Emperor
Photo by George M. Villagrana
Cole Shott was crowned Mr. Emperor on the evening of Feb. 29. Shott was also awarded a $350 scholarship.
Mid Valley Times
Eight Dinuba High stu- dents did their best to win the hearts and minds of judges while impressing the audi- ence with hopes of winning the Mr. Emperor title.
This year’s theme was "Fast & Furious" and in the end, senior Cole Shott emerged as Mr. Emperor. The title also include a $350 scholarship.
The contest was Feb. 29 at the school's auditorium. Contestants opened with a choreographed dance that was followed by Miss Dinuba Katelyn Oyervidez perform- ing the national anthem.
There was a talent show portion, a formal wear and biography session, an im- promptu question and a spe- cial performance from last year's winner, Joshua Gracia, before the final announce- ments were made.
The difficult duty of decid- ing the winners were judges
Sandy Seitz, Ramon Rivera, and KaraDuranwhiletheau- ditors were Mario Tobias and Julianna Tuttle. This year’s emcees were Fadra Kiehn and Jarius Lopez.
First runner up was Isa- iah Gonzalez who won a $250 scholarship and was voted the fan favorite. Second runner up was Noah Garza who won a $150 scholarship and Garza also won a $100 scholarship for being named Mr. Conge- niality.
Other contestants were Ramon Navarro, Devin De- leon, Gino Adaoag, Justin En- cinas and Michael Pena.
Special thanks to the DHS Leadership Committee Maria Dominguez, Jasmine Jorge, Alejandra Ferrel, Julianna Tuttle and Sally Bledsoe as well as coordinator, Erin To- bias, and the entire technical and sound crew for their hard work in putting together an incredible evening.
Remembering Andrew Bedoya, annual scholarship event is March 21
The Andrew Bedoya Me- morial Scholarship Dance presented by the AB3 Foun- dation will be held on Satur- day, March 21 at the Dinuba Memorial Hall located at 249 South Alta Avenue.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with a silent auction from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. The dance will be from 8 p.m. – 12:30 a.m. This year’s entertainment will be Balazzo and Califas.
Bedoya, a beloved base- ball coach and Fresno State graduate was killed in a car accident in 2015.
According to the Andrew Bedoya Memorial Founda- tion's Facebook page; the AB3Foundation was formed to further the ideals and dreams of Andrew Joseph Acosta Bedoya.
Family and friends of Bedoya describe him as a son, student, athlete, musi- cian, and man of faith, An- drew embodied everything great and good in this life.
Tickets in advance are $20 and $25 at the door. They can also be purchased at Ser- rano’s Furniture or contact Rudy Lopez at 559-859-8290.
Photo Courtesy AB Memorial Foundation Facebook Page
Andrew Bedoya