Page 2 - Mid Valley Times 3-18-21 E-edition
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Martin Chavez Andrade
Martin Chavez An-
drade of Orange Cove died Feb. 28 in Orange Cove. He was 45.
Mr. Andrade worked as a packer.
He is survived by his spouse, Melissa Celaya, one son, two daughters, his parents and one brother.
Services were held. Sterling & Smith Funeral Home in Dinuba handled the arrangements.
Kitty Marie Chesmore
Kitty Marie Ches-
more of Sultana died March 8 in Sultana. She was 91.
Ms. Chesmore worked as a greeter at Walmart.
She is survived by one daughter, eight grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sons.
Visitation is sched- uledfor4to7p.m. Wednesday, March 24, in the west room at Dop- kins Dinuba Funeral Chapel. Burial will be at Smith Mountain Cem- etery in Dinuba.
Nathaniel Daniel Mendoza Nathaniel Daniel
Mendoza of Dinuba died March 2 in Dinuba. He was 75.
Mr. Mendoza worked as an interpreter for county government.
He is survived by his wife, Gracyela Aguilar, parents Cosme Mendoza
and Hercelia Sanchez, one son, one daughter, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
A graveside service was held March 11 at Smith Mountain Cem- etery in Dinuba.
Dopkins Dinuba Fu- neral Chapel handled the arrangements.
Eugenia C. Ovalle
Eugenia C. Ovalle of Sanger died March 13. She was 85.
Mrs. Ovalle worked as a packer for River- bend Farms.
She is survived by three sons, one daughter, 12 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Arturo Ovalle.
Private services were scheduled. Wallin's Sanger Funeral Home is handling the arrange- ments.
Thomas Rivas Payan
Thomas Rivas Payan
of Dinuba died March 5 in Visalia. He was 77.
Mr. Payan worked as a salesman for Dinuba Lumber.
He is survived by one son, one daughter, two brothers, two sisters and four grandchildren.
A mass was held March 17 at St. Cath- erine of Sienna Catholic Church in Dinuba, fol- lowed by a graveside service at Smith Moun- tain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Dopkins Dinuba Fu- neral Chapel handled the arrangements.
Rito Noe Rodriguez Rivera Rito Noe Rodriguez
Rivera of Dinuba died Feb. 26 in Fresno. He was 50.
Mr. Rivera worked as a farm laborer.
He is survived by his wife, Susana Gonzalez de Rodriguez, parents Trinidad Rodriguez and Teresa Rivera, three sons, two daughters and two grandchildren.
A mass was held March 13 at St. Cath- erine of Sienna Catholic Church in Dinuba, fol- lowed by a graveside service at Smith Moun- tain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Dopkins Dinuba Fu- neral Chapel handled the arrangements.
Adelina Segovia
Adelinda Segovia of Cutler died March 11 in Cutler. She was 58.
Ms. Segovia worked as a saleswoman.
She is survived by her spouse, Jaime Perez, five sons, two daughters, her parents, one broth- er, four sisters and 16 grandchildren.
Visitation is sched- uledfor4to7p.m. Tuesday, March 23, at Sterling & Smith Fu- neral Home in Dinuba. A funeral service will be at 10 a.m. Wednes- day, March 24, at Living Word Fellowship Church in Dinuba. Burial will be at Smith Mountain Cem- etery in Dinuba.
Ignacio Guerra Vargas
Ignacio Guerra Var-
gas of Dinuba died March 4 in Visalia. He was 50.
Mr. Vargas worked as a farm laborer.
He is survived by his spouse, Maria Monica Garcia Preciado, one son, three daughters, six brothers and four sisters.
Visitation will be from4to7p.m.witha rosary at 4 p.m. Friday, March 19, at Dopkins Dinuba Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Mexico.
Sanger Police Department / Photo Contributed
Daniel Battenfield, left, and Jose Medina are sworn in as the newest officers for the Sanger Police Deparment during a March 15 ceremony outside Sanger City Hall. Standing in the middle is Chief Greg Garner.
Battenfield, Medina sworn in on March 15
Thursday, March 18, 2021
A2 | Mid Valley TiMes
New Sanger PD officers
    MVT Staff Report
The Sanger Police Department of- ficially added two new officers to the force on March 15 with the swearing- ins of Daniel Battenfield and Jose Medina.
The two officers took their oath during a brief ceremony outside the Sanger City Hall complex. Po- lice Chief Greg Garner and Police Chaplain Sam Estes were among the speakers at the ceremony.
Battenfield,a graduate of Exeter High School, attended both Bakers- field College and Fresno City College and graduated from the police acad- emy in 2018. He is a veteran of the United States Army, and has served tours of duty in both Iraq and Af- ghanistan.
Medina is a graduate of San Joa-
Daniel Battenfield
Joe Medina
  TRAINING Continued from page A1
of being able to inter- act with our commu- nity," Garza said. "I had an epiphany. I thought that although I've been in this business for 32 years and [the prin- ciple of] law enforce- ment hasn't changed, the expectations from our community has changed."
Garza said the train- ing showed him the im- portance of the police building relationships with the community. He acknowledged that the police usually act differently when a com- munity members asks why they've been pulled over or detained.
"But why shouldn't
we tell them why we stopped them? Why shouldn't we explain to them this is what's go- ing on, why we do what we have to do?" he said. "We do that and we can develop that relation- ship where it fosters a better interaction, and not so much of a divi- siveness."
It was after the training that Garza de- cided to get his entire department to partici- pate. Working with Ja- son Lehman, the presi- dent and founder of the organization. Adding that "I didn't want to be selfish," Garza invited the neighboring police departments into the training and partnered to have Kingsburg PD be the site of the ses-
WYSM uses the
motto of "Together Achieving Greatness" (TAG) with the mission of better uniting police and the public. The pro- gram practices 12 tools; quick-hitting ways to best engage the com- munity.
Lehman, a South- ern California police sergeant in addition to his WYSM duties, said it's an honor for the or- ganization to provide the training to willing law enforcement in the southern Fresno County region.
"The best can always get better, and we are excited to provide our training to help build more inclusive commu- nities," he said.
COUNCIL Continued from page A1
Thusu and Rachel Nerio- Guerrero both shared the desire to get a plan- ning study grant for the southeast portion of town, south of El Monte Way between Alta and Crawford avenues (and some points east) and including downtown.
quin Valley High School in Parlier, and completed his police officer training at the academy in 2020. His brother is an officer with the Reed- ley Police Department and attended his swearing in ceremony.
City officials praised the new of- ficers, and said both look forward to serving the Sanger community.
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