Page 6 - Reedley Exponent 12-14-17 e-edition
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Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Judges selected the float from Iglesia Apostolica la Mision as the overall winner at the 2017 Electrical Farm Equipment Parade. Second place went to the Reedley 4-H Club while third place was awarded to the Reedley College Mascot float featuring “Super Clyde.”
PASEO 55 Continued from page A1
the “quintessential small- town community parade” and that she was excited that the new residents at Paseo 55 are able to be a part of the viewing area.
Preston Prince, execu- tive director and CEO of the Fresno Housing Author- ity, hosted the ceremony and said Zieba came to the authority with a vision of the downtown development in Reedley.
Buddy Mendes, Fresno County Supervisor for Dis- trict 4 which includes Reedley, also spoke at the dedication:
“As always, the county is proud to be a part of Fresno Housing Authority, to serve 50,000 residents by provid- ing quality — and I em- phasize quality — housing and empowering residents throughout Fresno County.”
Gigi Gibbs, in her final week on the job as planning and community development director for Fresno County, said she was excited to be present for the completion of Paseo 55.
“We all remember this open lot that wasn’t really contributing a whole lot to downtown Reedley. And look at it now. It’s gorgeous,” she said. “Fresno County has been really pleased over the years to be able to contribute funds for this project.
Gibbs said the county was able to invest $1 million
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the parade. The popular Reedley High School Pirates Marching Band was the second entry while Sweepstakes Award winner Iglesia Apostolica la Mision was the 39th entry. The children’s ministry
float was titled “Bethlehem City! Home to the Greatest Super Hero of them all: Jesus Christ!” and featured an array of red decorations and multi-colored lights.
Second place went to the Reedley 4-H tractor float which featured superhe- roes Superman, Spiderman and Wonder Woman along with real-life role models in
doctors, police, firefighters and military members. Third place went to Reedley College’s entry featuring “Super Clyde,” the college’s Tiger mascot.
Honored as this year’s Family of the Year at the parade were Lillie and Harry Valencia. The couple rode on one of the city’s fire trucks.
Paseo 55 residents Rosalia Chavez, top, and Elizabeth Koop, above, spoke at the Dec. 6 grand opening ceremony for Paseo 55.
in home funds into Paseo 55. She said since the Affordable Housing Act was established nationwide in 1990 and Fres- no County started receiving funds in 1992, more than $40 million had been given to the county. More than 2,000 house- holds have directly received down payment assistance to allow low-income residents to buy their first home or move into apartments.
Reedley Mayor Anita Be- tancourt — assisted by two young residents, 4-year-old Daniela Lomas and 7-year- old Keira Bell — cut the rib- bon with a large ceremonial pair of scissors.
The Reedley Exponent A6 Thursday, December 14, 2017
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
Preston Prince (left), executive director/CEO of the Fresno Housing Authority, addressed about 50 people at the Dec. 7 grand opening celebration for Paseo 55 in downtown Reedley.
Wreaths for Veterans event Dec. 16 at cemetery
Staff Report
The fourth annual Wreaths forReedleyVeteransceremo-
ny will be held Saturday, Dec. 16, at Reedley Cemetery.
Volunteers will transport wreaths from the Reedley
Armory to the cemetery in the morning. A brief ceremony begins at 10 a.m., and will fea- ture the Reedley High School Navy Junior ROTC and the re- lease of white doves in tribute to veterans.
Event organizer Susan Lusk said volunteers are welcome to help before and after the event. About 1,700 wreaths will be placed at veterans’ gravesites on Dec. 16, and the wreaths will be removed on Jan. 9.
Lusk, a Reedley resident, is a Gold Star Mom. Her son, Joe F. Lusk II, died in a helicopter crash in Kuwait in 2005. Since
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his death, Susan Lusk has es- tablished the CPT Joe F. Lusk II Memorial Foundation to help veterans in need.
Volunteers willing to help with any portion of the event can contact Lusk at (559) 859- 2865.
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