Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 6-25-20 E-edition
P. 8
Thursday, June 25, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Orosi man dies in motorcycle crash on June 20 in Dinuba
MVT Staff report
A 32-year-old Dinuba man was killed when the motorcycle he was riding struck a car turn- ing into Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba on
SANGER Continued from page A3
of Jensen Avenue. The female was also found to have a war- rant.
• A mental health evaluation was conducted in the 1700 block of 7th Street.
• A mental health evalua- tion was conducted in the 900 block of K Street.
• A male subject was arrest- ed for possession of narcotics in the 800 block of 10th Street.
Thursday, June 18
There were 78 (day) calls for service and 11 traffic cita- tions were issued.
• A male subject was arrested for drug paraphernalia in the 1500 block of 7th Street.
• A male subject was arrested for being in possession of a controlled substance.
• A male subject was arrested in the 1200 block of Academy Avenue after officers were dispatched to the location for a report of a subject with a gun. Upon arrival, officers observed the subject sitting on a bench and then pick up a firearm he had hidden under his feet. Officers then placed the subject at gunpoint and or- dered him to place the weap- on on the table, to which he complied. However, officers say he refused to move away from the table, leading to of- ficers quickly picking up the weapon and taking him into custody after a short struggle.
Harley Davidson motor- cycle north on Road 100, south of Avenue 424, shortly before 5 p.m. A 2007 Saturn, driven by 47-year-old Julia Marti- nez DeGaona, was south- bound when Parlier resi-
dent Martinez DeGaona — attempting to enter the cemetery — turned left directly into the path of Tarbell approaching on the motorcycle.
Tarbell struck the Saturn, and was eject-
ed from his bike, the CHP stated. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
The CHP said Mar- tinez Degaon was coop- erating with the inves- tigation and was not im-
paired at the time of the accident.
A 10-year-old boy from Parlier was a pas- senger in the Saturn, and was uninjured in the crash. Martinez DeGa- ona also was not injured.
DINUBA Continued from page A3
ported at 42100 Road 68 at 7:16 p.m.
• Fireworks was re- ported in the 400 block
ported in the
of Buttercup Avenue at 9:23 p.m.
Sunday, June 21
• Trespassing was re- ported in the 200 block of South P Street at 2:18 a.m. It was reported an un- known subject was trying to get into a residence.
• An unwanted person was reported in the 900
block of South College Avenue at 12:41 p.m.
• Loud music was re- ported in the 1200 block of East Whittaker Way at 5:10 p.m.
• Vandalism was re- ported in the 200 block
REEDLEY Continued from page A3
enue, 1:53 p.m. Suspect described as a male with shoulder length hair and possibly driving an older gray Nissan Altima.
• Outstanding warrant/ arrest, Manning Avenue and Del Atair Avenue, 2:20 p.m.
• Outstanding warrant/ arrest, Manning Avenue and Englehart Avenue, 3:44 p.m.
• Alcohol possession ci-
of South L Street at 6:20 p.m. It was reported a male subject was break- ing items in the store.
• A suspicious subject was reported in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 8:36 p.m.
tation, Reedley Beach, 4:48 p.m.
• Disturbance, 100 block of West Ponderosa Ave- nue, 7:22 p.m.
• Theft of license plate, 1500 block of East Early Avenue, 7:45 p.m.
(Unless otherwise not- ed, the Reedley Police Department handled the calls. The department reminds the public to practice social distanc- ing, wash your hands regularly, and if you feel sick, stay home!)
Sunday - Thursday: 11AM-10PM Friday & Saturday: 11AM-11PM
727 ‘G’ St. • Reedley
520 J. Street
June 20.
The Tulare County
Coroner's Office identi- fied the victim as John Tarbell.
According to the Cali- fornia Highway Patrol, Tarbell was riding a 2006
He was transported to the Fresno County Jail where he was booked for brandishing a replica firearm, assaulting an officer, making terrorist threats on an officer and pos- session of drug paraphernalia. The weapon was later found to be a toy gun.
• A report of a male subject forcing a female subject into a van was reported in the 800 block of Annadale Avenue. Upon investigation, officers were able to identify both the male and female subject through video surveillance and both were located a short time later. Officers deter- mined that there was no foul play.
Friday, June 19
There were 91 calls for ser- vice and 9 traffic citations were issued.
• A male subject was arrested for possession of drug para- phernalia in the 400 block of Academy Avenue after an officer conducted a subject check and found a glass pipe in his possession.
• Two subjects were report- edly caught shoplifting and taken into custody in the 2700 block of Jensen Avenue.
• Vandalism was reported in the 1000 block of O Street af- ter a vehicle’s tires were re- portedly found slashed.
• Two subjects were arrested after a vehicle stop in the 1800 block of Dewitt Avenue. The driver was found to have an
outstanding warrant and the passenger was found to be in possession of a controlled sub- stance. Both were taken into custody.
• Sanger Police Child Protec- tive Services after a toddler was located unattended in the 1400 block of George Avenue, approximately one block from the child’s residence.
• An officer observed illegal fireworks being set off in the 1200 block of Q Street. After making contact, the resident reportedly admitted to light- ing the firework and was giv- en a citation.
• A DUI arrest as made in the area of Academy and Flor- ence avenues.
• A DUI arrest as made in the area of Bethel and Florence avenues.
• Grand theft auto was re- ported in the 2400 block of 5th street after a gray 1951 Chev- rolet pickup was stolen.
Saturday, June 20
There were 92 calls for ser- vice and 1 traffic citation was issued.
• A stolen vehicle was re- ported in the 1400 block of J Street.
• A two-vehicle traffic colli- sion was reported in the 1800 block of Academy Avenue. A Reedley Ambulance was re- portedly traveling northbound on Academy Avenue when it was struck by another vehicle traveling westbound on North Avenue.
• An attempted homicide was reported in the 1000 block of Faller Avenue. Two male subjects reportedly got into a verbal argument when one subject retrieved a gun and shot the other. Officers say the victim was struck in the shoulder and was transported to Fresno County Jail.
• The suspect in an early shooting was located in the area of Highway 99 and Hern- don Avenue through a joint effort with the Sanger Police Department and the Fresno County Sherriff’s Office. Af- ter being taken into custody and interviewed, the suspect was transported to Fresno County Jail.
• A DUI arrest was made in the area of 5th Street and Har- rison Avenue.
• A report of an assault with a deadly weapon was made in the 1100 block of O Street. Upon an investigation, officers discovered a family distur- bance had taken place involv- ing a large cutting instrument. The suspect also reportedly made criminal threats and minor injuries were reported. The suspect was arrested and transported to Fresno County Jail.
• A red Honda Civic was re- ported stolen in the 1600 block of James Avenue. The vehicle was later located near the 1900 block of Jensen Avenue and when officers activated emergency lights the driver/ suspect reportedly fled the
scene on foot. He was appre- hended in a nearby alley, ar- rested and taken to the Fresno County Jail.
• A flat bed trailer was report- ed stolen in the 1300 block of Sanger Avenue.
Sunday, June 21
There were 32 (day) calls for service and no traffic cita- tions were issued.
• A female subject was sent for a 72-hour mental health evaluation in the 1300 block of Hume Drive after family members reported she was acting erratic and was off her medication.
• A report was made in the 400 block of Academy Av- enue of a subject hitting an- other subject with a bat. Of- ficers contacted the victim at the scene who reportedly refused medical attention for minor injuries. Officers were able to identify the suspect and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
• An elderly female reportedly ran her vehicle into a neigh- bor’s fence and garage after what officers say was an men- tal episode. She was reportedly appeared to be suffering from depression and dementia and was sent for a 72-hour mental health evaluation.
• A deceased person was reported in the 300 block of Bethel Avenue. Upon arrival, it was determined that the person had been deceased for a few days.
of Euclid Avenue at 8:38 p.m.
Saturday, June 20
• A theft was reported in the 700 block of West El Monte Way at 9:23 a.m.
• An unwanted person was reported in the 1200 block of East Sierra Way at 9:44 a.m.
• A reckless driver was reported in the 2100 block of East El Monte Way at 2:30 p.m.
• An unwanted person was reported in the 500 block of West El Monte Way at 4:09 p.m.
• Fireworks were re-
700 block
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176 NORTH ‘L’ STREET • DINUBA • 595-9800