Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 4-4-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A8 Thursday, April 4, 2019 ‘Spring Fling on the Kings’
event April 13 at Lapp House
The Kings River Conser- vancy will host its 8th Annual Spring Fling on the Kings on Saturday, April 13 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Lapp River House in Sanger.
The public is invited to attend this free event and may purchase lunch for $10 which includes three tacos, rice, beans, and soda or wa- ter. Las Cabañas Taco Truck will be on site serving lunch.
“Everybody loves tacos, and at $10 for a full meal, we hope everyone feels free to partake!” said John Gray, KRC board treasurer.
Beer, wine, and brown- ies will also be available to purchase. All proceeds go to benefit the Kings River Con- servancy’s ongoing projects such as trail maintenance and public safety education.
The event will feature live music by QPOP Radio, kayak demonstrations, and boating safety. Fresno Wild- life will bring raptors and share knowledge about local wildlife.
Heidi Isner, Kings River Water District biologist, will be on hand to answer ques- tions about fish and water
With all this rain, the river is lapping at the bank, the hills are still green, and the wildflowers are going crazy. Bring a lawn chair and relax with friends and family, listen to music, check out the artwork, or play games by the river.
— Deborah Lapp, board president of the Kings River Conservancy
Staff Report
The Reedley High School Theatre Arts Department presents four more perfor- mances of “Seussical” at the Reedley High School Perform- ing Arts Theatre.
Performances will be Thursday through Saturday, April 4-6 at 7 p.m. and a spe- cial matinee show Sunday, April 7, at 2 p.m. Students 18 years of age and under will receive a special discount admission price for the Satur-
day, April 6, presentation. “Seussical” is a musical based on the children’s sto- ries of Dr. Seuss, and most of the production’s plot is based on the Seuss book, “Horton Hears a Who.” It’s become a popular production at schools
throughout the country.
The cast consists of Reed- ley High students. Director is Sarah Wiebe, English and
drama instructor at RHS. Tickets for Seussical are available at the door at the
Performing Arts Theatre.
“With all this rain, the
river is lapping at the bank, the hills are still green, and the wildflowers are going crazy,” said Deborah Lapp, board president of the Kings River Conservancy. “Bring a lawn chair and relax with friends and family, listen to music, check out the artwork, or play games by the river.”
The Kings River Conser- vancy will also hold a raffle to raise money for the river with prizes such as yard art, gift baskets, and more. Tick- ets are $1.00 each and may be purchased at the event or prior to the event by calling the Kings River Conservancy office. Lunch tickets may al- so be purchased prior to the event.
The Spring Fling will be held at the Lapp River House. located at 26210 Elwood Road about 30 minutes east of Fres-
no off Highway 180. Blossom Trail Dental,
Reedley Veterinary Hospital, and Valley Public Radio are sponsors of the event.
The Kings River Conser- vancy is a non-profit organi- zation dedicated to encour- age public safety and sound public conservation practices along the Kings River corri- dor from Pine Flat Dam to Highway 99. They participate in functions such as invasive species removal, a trout incu- bator house to release trout into the river, adding warden patrols and maintaining safe public access points along the river.
For more information about the event, contact the Kings River Conservancy at (559) 787-9500 or visit king-
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Juanita Adame / The Exponent
Multiple police, fire and ambulance units lined the 900 block of East Springfield Avenue on the after- noon of March 29.
SHOOTING Continued from page A1
“We are looking for any- one with information on a vehicle that fits the descrip- tion,” said Aleman. “Please use caution if you see a vehi-
cle matching that description and contact law enforcement immediately.”
A motive for the shooting has not been determined.
“At this point we can’t say if this is gang- related,” Aleman added. “It is possible
that this situation is gang- related, however we are not ready to reveal why we be- lieve this is the case.”
Anyone with information on the case is asked to call Reedley Police at (559) 637- 4250.
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