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Section | Thursday, May 30, 2019
RMCHS students will earn two degrees
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
By Juanita Adame
Zenon Garcia-Lopez said he al- ways will remember the words his mother said to him after he brought home his cap and gown.
"My mom looked at me and told me, ‘You see this? This represents something- this represents all your hard work,' ” he said on the afternoon of May 24.
Zenon, along with 11 other stu- dents from Reedley Middle College High School will all be finishing high school and earning, not only a high school diploma, but an associates de- gree as well. All through a dual en- rollment program offered at Reedley College.
“High School classes, I would say this is something we are introduced into it’s kind of easy at first because they help you out with those baby steps,” said Wendy Vargas-Marquina.
Marquina is another dual enroll- ment graduate and said she feels ex- tremely proud of herself for the ac- complishment.
“It is hard, but it can be easy at times because you have more re- sources in college," said Marquina. "The tutoring center, the reading and learning center and that helped out a
Citali Vargas and Antony Serrano
are two other students who will be graduating with both degrees. Vargas said there were times she wondered if she'd be able to take on the extra load of college classes.
"A lot of hard work, stress, tears some times," said Vargas. “We start freshmen year with one college class and then you go to two during sopho- more year, then junior year you’re al- lowed three or four. And then senior year we are allowed to take as many as we want, as long as we stay within the 15 units.”
Antony said he plans to major in business and is excited to begin Fres- no State in the fall.
"Now when I go to Fresno State, I don’t have to do the common core classes,” he said. “So hopefully I can major in business and probably finish faster,”
Vargas is going to major in animal science, Marquina said she wants to also work with animals, Lopez said he wants to major in business.
“It’s like the Spiderman movie, where he says you have to take that leap of faith,” said Lopez. “That’s how you need to be, to have it in yourself to say, I can do this.”
ABOVE: Several of the Reedley Middle College High School students who will be graduating with two degrees next week. Students attended the school and participated in the dual enrollement program. They plan to attend a variety of universi- ties in the fall. The school's graduation ceremony will be held on Wednesday, June 5 at the Reedley High School Performing Arts Center. It will begin at 8 p.m.
St. La Salle Catholic school honors its 2019 graduates
Reedley High School’s student chapter of Family, Careers and Com- munity Leaders of America attended the California FCCLA State Leader- ship Conference held in Riverside, California.
The conference was held from April 27 through April 30 and recog- nized school chapters and members accomplishments for the year. The conference also hosted the state’s STAR events or Students Taking Ac- tion with Recognition.
The STAR event qualified mem- bers for the National Leadership STAR competition in Anaheim, Cali- fornia. Reedley High School’s FC- CLA chapter was recognized as a “State Superior Chapter” for its body ofcommunityservicethisyear. The chapter was also honored for its Chapter Member Development. Chap-
ter members Ashley Lopez, Dayana Michel, Liliahna Bedolla and Zuheidi Del Rio were awarded the Power of One pin for stepping forward, taking the lead and developing leadership qualities.
The four attending members all placed at this year’s state STAR competition. Chapter members were scored by a panel of judges on their oral presentation, question and an- swer session, portfolio, display board and a writing sample.
Dayana Michel, a sophomore, placed first in Promote and Publi- cize. Her event focused on promot- ing a campaign of public awareness through technology and social media. Liliahna Bedolla, a sophmore, placed first in Chapter Service Project. The chapter’s service project focused on the dangers of teen drinking and
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: From left, Reedley High School teacher and chapter advisor, Lisa Bueno, chapter members Ashley Lopez, Dayana Michel, Liliahna Bedolla, Zuheidi Del Rio, and chapter advisor, Richard Bueno.
The 2019 St. La Salle awards and recognitions are as follows.
The presidential awards for out- standing academic excellence were awarded to; Charlotte Burks, Kelly Fernandez, Makenna Gobby, Sofia Hoffman, Adan Vazquez.
The presidential awards for out- standing achievement were awarded to; Fabian Aguilar and Nicholas Todd.
The American Legion award was given to Charlotte Burks, Kelly Fer- nandez. The Kiwanis award was pre- sented to Antony Botros and Chris- tian Sanchez.
Makenna Gobby was recognized with the Crusaders Award.
The Principal’s Award was given
to Adan Vazquez.
The School Spirit award was giv-
en to Charlotte Burks.
Dominic Adame, Fabian Aguilar,
Arieanna Arias, Antony Botros, Char- lotte Burks, Javier Cavazos, Miranda Cavazos, Ethan Dinis, Kelly Fernan- dez, Makenna Gobby, Sofia Hoffman, Emiliano Mendez, Daniel Moncada, Justin Ochoa, Amy Perez, Brisaac Rubalcaba, Christian Sanchez, Ser- gio Sanchez, Kalyssa Sotelo, Nicho- las Todd, Carlo Torres, Adan Vazquez were recognized with the Service Award.
The Usher award was given to Dominic Adame, Fabian Aguilar, Antony Botros, Javier Cavazos, Ethan
See AWARDS page B2
Reedley's FCCLA chapter advances to nationals
A longtime family business is chosen as local favorite
By Juanita Adame
For Jackie and Candy Torres, owners of the El Nopal Bakery in Reedley, family is everything. The business, a local favorite in town specializes in Mexican bread.
"We’ve been really blessed,” said Candy on the afternoon of May 23.
“Our parents were the best, and I’m sure a lot of people say that about their parents, but our par- ents taught us a lot of values, how to work hard, treat our customers good."
The sisters are just two out of 10 siblings. Their parents, Modesto and Margarita Torres, had a total of seven girls and three boys.
See EL NOPAL page B8
PhotobyJuanitaAdame /TheExponent
ABOVE: Candy Torres of El Nopal Bakery in Reedley said the most popular item on their bread menu is the white concha. Torres said she is the in charge of bak- ing the bread.
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: The Torres family said they have been grateful for the community of Reedley for the continual support they've received.