Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 4-22-21 E-edition
P. 8
Thursday, April 22, 2021 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes Community CAlENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or call (559) 875-2511 or (559) 638-2244
Last week's answers
Garden Checklist: Protecting plants from herbicides
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local garden- ers who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
When plants grow where we don’t want them to grow, we con- sider them weeds.
When using herbi- cides for weed control, spray on a calm day and protect plants by shield- ing with a large piece of cardboard.
Learn to use the "Season Adjust" feature on your controller to
make irrigation adjust- ments easier.
Apply mulch to plantings for water re- tention. Mulch should be 3 to 4 inches thick. Don’t allow mulch to ac- cumulate against stems or trunks of plants.
Fertilizing Feed veg- etables and lawns, but use care with lawns, as nitrogen encourages lush growth that re- quires more water.
Planting: This is the end of the spring plant- ing season. Many annu- als and vegetables can be planted from seed or transplanted.
Perennials: cone-
flower (Echinacea), beard tongue (Penste- mon), gloriosa daisy (Rudbeckia), plant from seed. Bulbs, corms, tu- bers: fairy lily (Zephy- ranthes).
Enjoy now: Annu- als and perennials: di- anthus, twinspur (Dias- cia), wallflower (Erysi- mum), California poppy (Eschscholzia). Bulbs, corms, tubers: squill (Scilla). Trees, shrubs, vines: Photinia, Spirea. Fruits and vegetables: snap peas, turnips, on- ions.
Thingstoponder: To cover 100 square feet of space with mulch 3 inch-
es deep, you will need 1 cubic yard of trunk space. Use the least toxic chemical – water, insecticidal soap, Bacil- lus thuringiensis (Bt) or horticultural oils – for pest control.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Have a story idea?
Call Juanita Adame (559) 638-2244
High Street Boutique ~Consignment Shop~
Home Decor • Collectibles • Furniture
Vintage • Crafts • Jewelry
Come check us out!
Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10am-5pm & Saturdays 10am-4pm 1965 High Street • Selma • 559.898.0304
1550 E. Manning Ave. Reedley, Ca 93654 (FORMERLY PIRATE PIZZA)
Opening month Special: Large 1 topping $925
Street Fair and Farmer's Markets 2021 - Applications are now being accepted.
There will be fresh fruit and produce, local crafts, music, activi- ties, food vendors and
so much more. Contact the Sanger Chamber of Commerce for vendor information at (559) 875- 4575 or email sanger-
Immanuel Schools - New Student Appli- cations now being ac- cepted, space is limited and spots are filling quickly! Don’t wait, fill out your new student application for the 2021- 22 school year today. Contact our admissions department with any questions (559) 638-
2529. Reedley Senior Center Events
Every Wednesday - Gleaners (drive-thru) program at Reedley Community Center- Every Wednesday 8:30- 9:30 or until supplies are gone
April 21 - Facebook Live Cooking Class with Jodi Botello, starting at 2 p.m. If you are inter- ested in receiving a kit please request kit be- fore Friday, April 16 at noon.
April 23 - Ice Cream (drive-thru) Social from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please RSVP by Wednesday, April 21
Continuedfrompage A7
vestigating see A sec- tion for story.
I often get asked what it's like to be a news reporter.
Well, its like this; one moment we are watch- ing crime scene investi- gators with a mask and blue medical gloves picking up personal items and placing them in a brown paper bag. The next moment we are snapping photos of an awards gala.
And in between all that, having the oppor- tunity to meet a young Orosi native who lived in Korea and is now
April 27 - Senior (parking Lot) Bin- go-starting at 2 p.m. -Please call Reedley Se- nior Center to reserve a spot
May 13 - Barbequed Hot Dog (drive-thru) Lunch starting at 11 a.m. to noon (limited lunches) sign up for this event begins Monday, April 19
Seniors who are 55+ may participate in all scheduled activities. Pleases call Jodi Botel- lo at (559) 637-4207 if you have questions or would like to sign up for an event.
May 13 - Taste of the Valley Online - the KC Kids 7th Annual Auction and Event on Galabid will be held on Thursday, May 13 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. All pro- ceeds support KCKIDS programs for children with special needs and their families. For de- tails contact (559) 305- 7130 or visit KCKIDS.
working as a family nurse practitioner in her hometown of Orosi.
We are there to share the stories of grief. A young man shot and
killed. And the stories of triumph. A young girl earning an award for ju- nior citizen of the year and stories of success. Returning to the health care field to help their community.
As we emerge from the grip of the CO- VID-19 pandemic, I hope we can continue to share the stories that are important to our readers and viewers.
COVID-19 Vaccines
Having trouble find- ing and scheduling a COVID vaccine appoint- ment?
We can help! Simply call the Tulare County COVID Vaccine hotline at (559) 685-2260. Free assistance for elderly without internet and non-English–speaking
residents in finding a vaccination for COV- ID-19.
April 25 - Cinco de Mayo Pageant will be streaming live on You- tube and Twitch starting at 6 p.m.
For more informa- tion, contact the Dinuba Chamber of Commerce at (559) 591-2707.