Page 6 - Mid Valley Times 9-24-20 E-edition
P. 6

Thursday, September 24, 2020 | A6 | Mid Valley TiMes
Dinuba’s GAC hears from local representatives
By George M. Villagrana
Mid Valley Times
The city of Dinuba Gov- ernment Affairs Committee Dinuba held their monthly meeting via Zoom on Sept. 16 as Assemblyman Devon Mathis, Adriana Soto Alva- rez, representing state Sen. Melissa Hurtado’s office, and Tulare County Area 4 Super- visor Eddie Valero each pro- vided updates.
Assemblyman Mathis opened the meeting with an up- date from Sacramento. Some of the key bills highlighted were Senate Bill 934 authored by Sen. Patricia Bates that elimi- nated two of the fees collected by the franchise tax board and Assembly Bill 276 by Assem- blywoman Laura Friedman, that conformed state tax to
federal CARES Act regarding loans taken from an employee's retirement account. AB 276 al- so provides financial relief to individuals who borrowed from their retirement savings be- cause of the economic disrup- tion caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mathis also worked on AB 1577 with Assemblywoman Autumn Burk that conformed state law to federal law to ex- clude from income forgive- ness loans from the CARES Act Paycheck Protection Pro- gram and its subsequent act bill. Mathis also highlighted SB 1477 which he worked with Sen. Steven Bradford that provides a tax credit for small businesses that hired new employees and allow it to apply to either income tax or sales and used tax liabili-
ties. Mathis said the district received more than $1 mil- lion for ag housing, helping children and water.
Adriana Soto Alvarez of Sen. Hurtado’s office stated most of Hurtado’s bills were passed; including SB 1341 re- lating to Cal Works Families unification and SB 974, Cali- fornia Environment of Qual- ity Act for small disadvan- taged community water sys- tems. Also SB 559, repairing the Friant Kern Canal, passed both chambers and is on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk.
Sandy Sills, Dinuba Cham- ber of Commerce executive di- rector and CEO, stated some of the personal service businesses are really struggling and asked Mathis and Alvarez to make a pitch for small businesses.
“Maybe look at it, figure
out ways to make them be able to work in a safer envi- ronment instead of just keep telling them no,” Sills stated. “There is no light at the end of the tunnel for these people and they are hurting.”
Sills added, “there are so many restaurants closing throughout Tulare County. We really need to try and work on ways to make people be able to function and allow busi- nesses to open.”
Supervisor Valero updat- ed the committee on the SQF Complex Fire that has been impacting the area more so in District 5. Valero has also shared he participated in the Mask Up Central Valley that is funded by the Central Val- ley Community Foundation, which gave out funds through a specific grant to support
mask wearing.
Valero also touched on
wireless broadband support that has been lacking. Vale- ro stated he met with AT&T Leadership to get an under- standing where they are put- ting towers and other towers in the near future.
“My hope is that AT&T will continue to provide an empha- sis for the Dinuba area so that we can get more people con- nected,” Valero said.
Valero also noted that street sweepers in unincorpo- rated areas started earlier in the week in Cutler and Orosi.
“We have to look at unin- corporated communities, state roads such as 63 and others that run through these com- munities. Tulare County is going to make every effort,” Valero stated.
COVID-19 Continued from page A1
trict and St. La Salle Catholic School in Reed- ley last week applied for waivers with the Fresno County Department of Public Health in an ef- fort to eventually re- turn to on-campus live instruction of students grade TK and kindergar- ten through sixth grade.
Good news quickly came to St. La Salle, which learned from the county on Sept. 22 that the campus could again live teach TK through sixth grade; practicing social/
physical distancing and providing the necessary safety models (wearing masks, consistent clean- ing and disinfecting).
Sister Lucy Cassa- rino, longtime principal at the school, said that those ages of students will be returning to cam- pus in staggered sched- ules beginning Monday, Sept. 28. TK and kinder- garten students will ar- rive at 7:45 a.m. for in- struction.
Kings Canyon Unified schools in Reedley and Orange Cove continue to await the decision from the county on its waiver
request. The district has established a plan start date of Thursday, Oct. 15, for in-class instruction if the waiver is approved by the county.
Immanuel Schools, meanwhile, continued to hold on-campus instruc- tion of students through- out the week after the Sept. 15 ruling that Fres- no County could proceed with a preliminary in- junction against the pri- vate Mennonite school in Reedley. As of Sept. 22, no action had been taken by the county.
Fresno County's num-
ber of active COVID-19 cases dropped by more than 500 in a week's time; to 9,581. But they had risen by nearly 180 in one day on Sept. 22, although hospitalizations continued to drop to 89 (down 29 in a week's time). Nearly 17,500 had recovered, a gain of nearly 1,200 in seven days.
Reedley's under investigation (active or suspected) cases dropped by 11 for the week, to 447. Active cases in Sanger (426) dipped by 18, Parlier fell by 13 and Orange Cove was down by eight ac- tive cases.
Continued from page A1
emotional learning, vir- tual student activities to promote student en- gagement, and connect- edness.
Dr. Hernandez also wants to successfully complete and implement the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan.
His remaining two goals is to prepare plans
COVID-19 update
Website: Facebook: DinubaFirst Baptist Senior Pastor: Rev. Rick Foddrill Youth Pastor: Nick Gomez Director of Children’s Ministry: Natalie Zuniga
O ce hours:
Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. “4-5” by appointment Sunday Service 8:30 a.m. outdoors Youth group Wed 6 p.m. online Children Ministry Wed 6 p.m. online
Welcoming New Patients!
As of 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22, there had been 27,843 confirmed cases (9,581 active) of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) out of 272,795 tests (10.5 percent) in Fresno County, with 362 deaths and 89 currently hospitalized. Among Mid Valley Times cities, Reedley leads the way with the most positive cases at 1,351 while Sanger is at 1,317 cases; Parlier is listed with 1,071 cases and Orange Cove had 645 cases. Del Rey was at 117 cases while Fowler had 231 cases. Squaw Valley and Dunlap had 17 and five positive
for the return DUSD students to in-person instruction and activi- ties and improve dis- trict customer service and develop measures to be able to monitor im- provement on an annual basis.
Dr. Hernandez said it will require teamwork, collaboration, communi- cation and an abundance of innovation during the pandemic in addressing
cases, respectively. The county reported that 17,496 of the positive cases (63.8 percent) had recovered.
In Tulare County, there were 15,782 confirmed cases (482 active) of COVID-19 with 257 deaths and 37 hospitalized as of midday on Tuesday, Sept. 22. Breakdowns by cities/ regions show 1,761 cases in Dinuba, 566 in Orosi, 31 in Cutler, 81 in Traver, 14 in the rural area south of Reedley and four in the rural area southeast of Orange Cove. A total of 15,043 people (95.3 percent) had recovered from the virus in Tulare County.
their goals.
“Our vision to end
generational poverty through education is still our foundation,” he said.
HALLOWEEN Continued from page A1
able to do it and be safe, as long as we follow the restrictions and we keep within the governor’s guidelines. So we are thankful for that leader- ship that we have in our city.”
Council member Es- meralda Hurtado praised Pearson and the Sanger Chamber of Commerce for giving the communi- ty something to look for- ward to.
“We’re going through difficult times right now and I appreciate you guys at least trying to get one event for the children here in Sanger,” said Hurtado.
519 E. 11th Street (at corner of 11th & East Aves.) Reedley, CA 93654
Meets Sunday at 830am Outdoors on the property All are welcome
For more inforamtion call 559-638-2738
We welcome you to join us
For more information: Pastor Ron Robertson • Pastor Frank Pinon
Christ Lutheran Church
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley | 559-638-2112 | Sunday morning Worship begins at 10:00am | All are welcome! Pastor Virgil Miller is Preaching | Musicians: Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey Facebook: Christ Lutheran Church ELCA
First Baptist Church of Dinubba
A church for people on the grow!
600 E. Nebraska Avenue, Dinuba • Phone: 591-0234
New Dentist In Town
Introducing Our New Dentist at our office
Gentle dentistry for all ages,. Patient special, $29 for x-Rays and exam. Specializing in gentle dentistry, crowns, bridges, dentures. We accept ALL Insurance, Dental, PPO AND HMO and payment plans available.
First Baptist Church lives to glorify God by leading people to Christ, helping them grow in Christ, and training them to minister for Christ.
First Lutheran Church an LCMS congregation
961 E. Elizabeth Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 • Phone: (559) 591-0375
9:45 Bible Study • 10:30 Worship
Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit...fruit that lasts” (John 15:16) In response, First Lutheran Church holds values of Bible Centered Preaching and Teaching, Strong Families, and Godly Servant Leadership. A church where God gives and we receive.
1518 Cherry Street (Corner of “P” Street) Sanger, CA 93657
WE OFFER: Ofrecemos:
Ask about our no hassle Rx transfer.
Presunte por nuestra transferencia de RX
sin molestias.
Se Habla Español
SUNDAY - Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday - Bible Study 7 p.m. CLASES EN ESPANOL - 9:30 a.m.c Call 875-8270 / 960-8982 Para Espanol
We Accept All Insurances: Medicare & Medical
Acceptamos Todas Sugaros incluynendo: Medicare y Medical
Free Blood Pressure & Sugar Monitoring
Presion Artierial Libre y Control del Azúcar
OPEN: Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm | Sat: 9am - 2pm
172 N. L Street | Downtown Dinuba | 559.725.4525
You may list your Church Announcement on this page for $15 per week. Including Church name, address, phone and service times with additional 50 words for announcement. Deadline for Church News is 12 p.m. Friday.
For more information call, Reedley 638-2244, Dinuba 591-4632, Sanger 875-2511.
CALL TODAY 559 875-7980
Senior Citizen DiSCountS
Savera Mann, DDS
2514 Jensen Ave. #101 (Next to Sanger Hospital)
(Orange Cove, Cutler, Orosi, Dinuba and Reedley)
(Orange Cove, Cutler, Orosi, Dinuba and Reedley)
Emad Marcos (Marc)
Owner/Pharmacist in Charge

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