Page 13 - Reedley Exponent 8-9-18 E-edition
P. 13
'Pirate Days'
Commission youth reps chosen for being community-minded
Fresno County Area
The Reedley Exponent B5 Thursday, August 9, 2018 Youth & Education
The Transition Team at Reedley High School hosted "Pirate Days" July 31 to Aug. 3. The eventwasaimedat givingin- coming freshmen a head start before the first day of school onwednesday,Aug.15. About 300 students participated in Pirate Days. The event kicked off with games in the Reedley High School gymnasium, in- cluding a donut eating contest (left).
BELOwLEFT: Studentsrace against each other, being dragged across the gymna- sium floor on beach towels. BELOw: AstudentwrapsRHS Transition Team Director Felix Perez in toilet paper.
SECOND FROM BOTTOM: Students compete with Kings Canyon Unified School District teachers and administrators in a tug-of-war.
BOTTOM: Studentsposefora picture with Fresno Radio sta- tion B95, which was on hand for the activities.
Photos Contributed
By Jodie Reyna
Mid Valley Publishing
Two high-schoolers with a vision for more youth in- volvement in the community have been selected to serve on the city of Reedley’s Community Services Com- mission.
Estrella Vargas, a senior at Reedley Middle College High School, and Asami Nelson, a junior at Reedley High School, are the 2018-19 youth representatives for the commission. The Com- munity Services Commis- sion provides input to the city about Reedley’s parks, as well as activities offered through the city’s Commu- nity Services Department.
“Since the youth rep po- sition has been available I have been very impressed with the quality of applica- tions we receive,” said Sarah Reid, interim director of the city’s Community Services Department. “This year Estrella and Asami are no different by bringing with them a wealth of volunteer experience and being very involved with clubs on their campuses.”
One of the roles of the youth representatives is to assist with special events and recruit volunteers for events.
Vargas is involved with a number of clubs at Reed- ley High including Skills USA, the Youth Leader- ship Academy and Future Farmers of America. She also has served as a volun- teer for Red Ribbon events that promote drug preven- tion and education.
Vargas said there is a general lack of interest from high-schoolers for community involvement and she would like to see that change.
“Being involved in the community is a great op- portunity and very benefi- cial as well,” she said.
Nelson applied for the youth representative posi- tion because she “wants to do volunteer work and help out in the commu- nity.”
“I want to improve the community in general and help out people in Reed- ley,”shesaid. “Ialsohope to give more ideas for fu- ture youth reps.”
Nelson is involved in sports at RMCHS includ- ing basketball and bad- minton. Shealsoplaysthe flute in the Pirate March- ing Band. On campus, Nelson is a member of Students for Peace and the French Club.
Commission member Jean Clemons said both students are academically strong. After reviewing
Jodie Reyna/The Exponent
Asami Nelson (left), a junior at Reedley High School, and Estrella Vargas, a senior at Reedley Middle College High School, were se- lected to serve as the 2018-19 youth representatives for the city of Reedley's Community Services Commission.
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Jessica Choate 9-11-95
5’ 2, 135 lbs. Stolen Vehicle Wart# F17904914
Diego Hidalgo 3-19-93
5’ 6, 160 lbs. Carrying a Loaded Firearm in Public Wart# F17906456
Janet Martin 5-25-89
5’ 6, 165 lbs. Buyingor ReceivingSto- lenVehicle/Equipment Wart# F18904325
Michael Mendez
7-12-85 5’ 5, 130 lbs.
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Eric Moreno 6-4-86
5’ 6, 160 lbs. Stolen Vehicle Wart# F17900967
Flaviano Perez 12-22-87
5’ 6, 155 lbs. Criminal Threats Wart# F17900104
Ramon Ramirez 7-10-91
5’ 6, 165 lbs. Corporal Injury Spouse/Cohabitant Wart# F15902162
Joseph Rivera 10-4-96
5’ 11, 120 lbs. Criminal Threats Wart# F18903671
Miguel Rojas
5’ 7, 230 lbs. Stalking Wart# F18904563
Anthony Silva Jr. 1-3-78
5’ 6, 240 lbs. Stolen Vehicle Wart# F17900352
applications, Clemons said Vargas and Nelson were se- lected based on their volun- teer work and community involvement.
“They are both interested in representing the voice of youth in the community,” Clemons said.
Steve Penner, commis- sion president, said youth representatives serve a valu- able role on the commission.
“As high school students, they understand the interests and thinking of their peers,” he said. “Various city activi- ties across the year need vol- unteers and the youth reps have proved invaluable in
coaxing fellow students to volunteer at events. Serv- ing on the commission also offers the youth reps an op- portunity to gain leadership experience and nurtures the spirit of cooperation and par- ticipation which are vital for any community’s well-being.”
Vargas and Nelson will attend their first Commu- nity Services Commission meeting on Thursday, Aug. 30, at 4:30 p.m. at the Reed- ley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave.
Meetings are open to the public and are typically held on the fourth Thursday of al- ternating months.
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