Page 12 - Mid Valley Times 6-3-21 E-edition
P. 12

business under the
fictitious business name
or names listed above
on 1/1/2014
I declare that all
information in this
statement is true and
correct. ( A registrant
who declares as true
any material matter
pursuant to Section FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 17913 of Business and NAME STATEMENT
File No. 2202110002299 The Following Person is Conducting Business as New Filing
real estate professional immediately for advice States of America, A LAWYER. NOTICE address for information regarding this potential
Professions Code that
the registrant knows
to be false if guilty of a
misdemeanor punishable
by a fine not to exceed
one thousand dollars Name:
business under the and authorized to do fictitious business name business in this state, or names listed above at the entrance to the
does not automatically or on the internet 05/12/2021 MID
entitle you to free and website http://www. VALLEY TITLE AND
clear ownership of the nationwideposting. ESCROW COMPANY FICTITIOUS
BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2202110002318 The following person(s) is(are) conducting
business as:
The Secret Garden Candle Co., 672 S 6th Street, Kerman, CA 93630, County of Fresno
Kimberly Gail Van Engen, 672 S 6th Street, Kerman, CA 93630
Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: N/A This business is conducted by: an individual
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Kimberly Gail Van Engen, Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on May 04, 2021
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and
Registrant’s Name JAIME LUIS ARCE, OWNER
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: March 4, 2021
James A. Kus County Clerk
By: Cyan Edmisten, Deputy County Clerk May 13, 20, 27 & June 3, 2021
The Following Person is Conducting Business as New Filing
Fictitious Business Name: TOOTH GEMS BY MONICA
7528 S. LAC JAC AVE. PARLIER, CA 93648 County of Fresno
Full Name of Registrant MONICA ANN ESPARZA
7528 S. LAC JAC AVE. PARLIER, CA 93648 This business conducted by: INDIVIDUAL
com. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. NOTICE TO TENANT:
Address: 601 Main Street Chico, California 95928 Phone: (530) 893-5644 BY: Greg Wood, Foreclosure
County Clerk on: MaY 11, 2021
James A. Kus County Clerk
auction for cash, lawful money of the United
before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). New (First Filing)
5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10/21
By: Elizabeth Felipe, Deputy County Clerk May 13, 20, 27 & June 3, 2021
a cashier’s check TO POTENTIAL regarding the sale of right to purchase.
Fictitious Business
Ink Strokes Beauty LLC
City Hall at 411 East Kern Avenue, Tulare, CA 93274, all that right, title and interest conveyed to and now
property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the
Thursday, June 3, 2021 | A12 | Mid Valley TiMes PUBLIC NOTICES
  Para español por favor comuníquese con Marlen Pimentel al (559) 637-4200 x 289
Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2021-3 & Environmental Assessment No. 2021-7
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Sections 65090 and 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) of the Government Code; and, pursuant to the procedures of Title 10 of the Reedley Municipal Code, the Reedley Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider the following:
1. Environmental Assessment No. 2021-7: pertains to the determination that Conditional Use Permit No. 2021-3 is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32/Infill Development Projects) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.
2. Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2021-3: pertains to the installation of a new Verizon Wireless unmanned telecommunication wireless facility on the northwestern portion of a 1.497- acre parcel located at 1714 9th Street. Verizon is relocating their equipment from an existing tower at Reedley High School and is proposing an 80-foot tall monopine stealth tower (a monopole tower that looks like a pine tree) with 12 antennas, a standby 30KW AC generator, and equipment cabinets within a 625 square foot leasing area surrounded by 8-foot tall chain link fencing.
Date: Thursday, June 17, 2021 Time: 5:00 p.m., or thereafter Place: City Hall Council Chamber 845 “G” Street, Reedley, CA 93654
The Planning Commission Meeting Agenda will be available for review on the City of Reedley’s website at by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 14, 2021.
Any interested person may appear at the public hearing and present written testimony, or speak in favor or against the project proposal. If you challenge the above applications in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues, you, or someone else, raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Reedley Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing.
NOTE: Government Code Section 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) requires that this notice be sent to owners of property within 300 feet of the subject property. The City of Reedley, Community Development Department has mailed this notice to the property owners within 350 feet of the project.
Additional information on the proposed application, including the environmental assessment, is available for public review and may be obtained from the Community Development Department, 1733 Ninth Street, Reedley, California 93654. Please contact Ellen Moore, Senior Planner at (559) 637- 4200, ext. 222, or by email at for more information.
In recognition of the guidance from the California Department of Public Health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, those who choose to attend the City Council meeting physically must wear a mask or face covering and practice social distancing by remaining at least 6 feet apart from other attendees. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance to the Council Chambers for use upon entering and exiting the room. If you are sick, please do not attend the meeting in person.
The meeting will be webcast and accessed at: stream/
Zoom Participation:
The Planning Commission is encouraging members of the public to observe and participate in the Planning Commission meeting virtually, to maximize the safety of all meeting participants. Reasonable efforts will be made to allow written and verbal comments from participants communicating with the host of the virtual meeting. To do so, participants may “raise their hand” during public comment portions of the meeting using the electronic feature on the zoom program, and the clerk will inform the Chair of the participant’s desire to provide public comment. Due to the new, untested format of these meetings, the City cannot guarantee that participants who wish to provide public comment, either in writing or verbally, will occur as expected. The “chat” feature on Zoom will not be monitored or used during the meeting.
Members of the public who wish to provide written comments are encouraged to submit their comments to the clerk at at least two (2) hours prior to the start of the meeting to ensure that the comments will be available to the Planning Commission. Please indicate the agenda item number to which the comment pertains. Written comments that do not specify a particular agenda item will be marked for the general public comment portion of the meeting. A copy of any written comment will be provided to the Planning Commission at the meeting. Please note that written comments received will not be read aloud during the meeting, but will be included with the meeting minutes.
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 368-010-27 June 3, 2021
        Para español por favor comuníquese con Marlen Pimentel al (559) 637-4200 x 289
Sign Permit 2020-12
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Sections 65090 and 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) of the Government Code; and, pursuant to the procedures of Title 10 of the Reedley Municipal Code, the Reedley Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider the following:
1. Environmental Assessment No. 2020-14: Recommend that the City Council finds the project is exempt under Section 15002(k)(1), Section 15378(a) and Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.
2. Sign Permit 2020-12: Recommend that the City Council approve the amended design of a community mural proposed to be on the west-facing wall of the Cortezia Styling Salon building, located at 1452 11th Street Reedley, CA 93654.
Date: Thursday, June 17, 2021 Time: 5:00 p.m., or thereafter Place: City Hall Council Chambers 845 “G” Street, Reedley, CA 93654
The Planning Commission Meeting Agenda will be available for review on the City of Reedley’s website at by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 14, 2021.
Any interested person may appear at the public hearing and present written testimony, or speak in favor or against the project proposal. If you challenge the above applications in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues, you, or someone else, raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Reedley Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing.
NOTE: Government Code Section 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) requires that this notice be sent to owners of property within 300 feet of the subject property. The City of Reedley, Community Development Department has mailed this notice to the property owners within 350 feet of the project.
Additional information on the proposed application, including the environmental assessment, is available for public review and may be obtained from the Community Development Department, 1733 Ninth Street, Reedley, California 93654. Please contact Ellen Moore, Senior Planner at (559) 637- 4200, ext. 222, or by email at for more information.
In recognition of the guidance from the California Department of Public Health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, those who choose to attend the Planning Commission meeting physically must wear a mask or face covering and practice social distancing by remaining at least 6 feet apart from other attendees. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance to the Council Chambers for use upon entering and exiting the room. If you are sick, please do not attend the meeting in person.
The meeting will be webcast and accessed at:
Zoom Participation:
Members of the public are encouraged to observe and participate in the Planning Commission meeting virtually, to maximize the safety of all meeting participants. Reasonable efforts will be made to allow verbal comments from participants communicating with the host of the virtual meeting. To do so, participants may utlilize the “raise your hand” option during public comment portions of the meeting using the electronic feature on the Zoom program, and the Clerk will inform the Chair of the participant’s desire to provide public comment. The Clerk will not be monitoring the in-meeting chat window, and any such comments placed within the chat will not be considered as part of the public record for any item.
Members of the public who wish to provide written comments are encouraged to submit their comments to the Clerk via e-mail at at least two (2) hours prior to the start of the meeting to ensure that the comments will be available to the Planning Commission. Please indicate the agenda item number to which the comment pertains. Written comments that do not specify a particular agenda item will be marked for the general public comment portion of the meeting. A copy of any written comment will be provided to the Planning Commission at the meeting. Please note that written comments received will not be read aloud during the meeting, but will be included with the meeting minutes, and filed as record.
   Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 368-213-14
June 3, 2021
1440 7th St.
Sanger, CA 93657
County of Fresno
(559) 578-3787
Full Name of Registrant
Ink Strokes Beauty LLC
1440 7th St.
Sanger, CA 93657
( If corporation or LLC,
print number listed on
Articles of Incorporation)
This business conducted
by: limited liability
The registrant
commenced to transact
business under the
fictitious business name
or names listed above
on n/a
I declare that all
information in this
statement is true and
correct. ( A registrant
who declares as true
any material matter
pursuant to Section
17913 of Business and
Professions Code that TRUSTEE’S SALE be made without deed of trust on the or visit this internet the registrant knows Foreclosure No. covenant or warranty, property. NOTICE TO website http://www. to be false if guilty of a 6100419 APN# 050- express or implied, PROPERTY OWNER: nationwideposting. misdemeanor punishable 230-012 On June 10, as to title, possession The sale date shown com, using the file by a fine not to exceed 2021 at 2:00 p.m., or encumbrances to on this notice of sale number assigned to one thousand dollars Mid Valley Title and satisfy the unpaid may be postponed this case 6100419 to ($1,000).) Escrow Company, balance due on the one or more times find the date on which Registrant’s Name Trustee, or Successor note or notes secured by the mortgagee, the trustee’s sale was
The registrant
commenced to transact
business under the
fictitious business name
or names listed above
on 5/11/2021
I declare that all
information in this
statement is true and
correct. ( A registrant
who declares as true
any material matter
pursuant to Section
17913 of Business and
Professions Code that
the registrant knows
to be false if guilty of a
misdemeanor punishable
by a fine not to exceed NAME STATEMENT recorded December TO PROTECT YOUR has been postponed, trustee’s sale. If you
Christina Soulisack, CEO
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on: May 4, 2021
Trustee or Substituted Trustee of that certain Deed of Trust executed by Roberto
by said Deed of Trust, plus estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time
beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil
held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you
website: http://www.
Professions Code). New (First Filing)
5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10/21
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2202110002320 The following person(s) is(are) conducting
business as:
HobbyBaseGundam, 280 E. Myrtle Ave., Reddley, CA 93654, County of Fresno Registrant:
Anthony Cervantez, 280 E. Myrtle Ave., Reddley, CA 93654 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: 04/09/2021
This business is conducted by: an individual
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Anthony Cervantez, Owner
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on May 04, 2021
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration.
The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). New (First Filing)
5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10/21
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2202110002257 The following person(s)
is(are) conducting business as:
BPM Logistics, 5676 W Wathen Ave., Fresno, CA 93722, County of Fresno Registrant:
Martin and Martin Enterprise, LLC, 5676 W Wathen Ave., Fresno, CA 93722 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: N/A This business is conducted by: Limited Liability Company Articles of Incorporation: 202104210053
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Blane Martin, Managing Member Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on April 30, 2021
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). New (First Filing)
5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10/21
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2202110002314 The following person(s) is(are) conducting
business as:
Sierra Canine Supply, 19610 Auberry Rd., Clovis, CA 93619, County of Fresno Registrant:
Jessica Ashley Brown, 19610 Auberry Rd.,
Seven Leaf Wellness
1740 E. Shepherd Ave.,
Fresno, CA 93720
County of Fresno payable to said Trustee BIDDERS: If you are this property, using the The undersigned (559) 786-3650 drawn on a state or considering bidding on file number assigned mortgagee, beneficiary Full Name of Registrant national bank, a check this property lien, you to this case 6100419. or authorized agent Edgar Torres-Zarate drawn by a state or should understand that Information about for the mortgagee or 1740 E. Shepherd Ave., federal credit union, there are risks involved postponements that are beneficiary declares #216 or a check drawn by a in bidding at a trustee very short in duration or that the mortgagee Fresno, CA 93720 state or federal savings auction. You will be that occur close in time or beneficiary
This business conducted and loan association, or bidding on a lien, not to the scheduled sale has satisfied the by: an individual savings bank specified on the property itself. may not immediately requirements of The registrant in Section 5102 of Placing the highest bid be reflected in the California Civil Code commenced to transact the Financial Code at a trustee auction telephone information 2923.5. DATED:
on n/a
I declare that all
information in this
statement is true and
correct. ( A registrant
who declares as true held by it under said highest bidder at the You may have a right to Officer NPP0373990 any material matter Deed of Trust in the auction, you are or purchase this property To: MID VALLEY pursuant to Section property situated in may be responsible after the trustee TIMES - TULARE 17913 of Business and said County and State for paying off all liens auction pursuant to 05/20/2021, Professions Code that described as: shown senior to the lien being Section 2924m of the 05/27/2021, 06/03/2021 the registrant knows on said deed of trust auctioned off, before California Civil Code.
to be false if guilty of a (X)The street address you can receive clear If you are an “eligible
misdemeanor punishable or other common title to the property. tenant buyer,” you can
by a fine not to exceed designation of said You are encouraged purchase the property FICTITIOUS
one thousand dollars property: 13989 Avenue to investigate the if you match the last BUSINESS
384, Yettem, CA 93670 existence, priority, and and highest bid placed NAME STATEMENT
Registrant’s Name Edgar
Torres-Zarate, Sole-
Filed with the Fresno is being conducted: contacting the county able to purchase County Clerk on: April Morris & Hawley, PO recorder’s office the property if you 14, 2021 Box 3044, Monterey, or a title insurance exceed the last and James A. Kus County CA 93942 Directions company, either of highest bid placed at Clerk to the above property which may charge the trustee auction. By: Carlos Aguirre, may be obtained you a fee for this There are three steps Deputy County Clerk by requesting same information. If you to exercising this right May 13, 20, 27 & June in writing from the consult either of these of purchase. First,
3, 2021
(X)Name and address size of outstanding at the trustee auction. of the beneficiary at liens that may exist If you are an “eligible whose request the sale on this property by bidder,” you may be
File No. 2202110002139 The following person(s) is(are) conducting
business as:
AT Designs, 2461 Sophia Lane, Kingsburg, CA 93631, County of Fresno Registrant:
Annie Trevino, 2461 Sophia Lane, Kingsburg, CA 93631 Registrant commenced to transact business under the Fictitious Business Name(s) listed above on: 10/01/2020
This business is conducted by: an individual
This Statement has been executed pursuant to section 17919 of the Business and Professionals code. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, false declarations are a misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $1,000).
S/ Annie Trevino
Filed with the Fresno County Clerk on April 26, 2021
A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed
beneficiary within 10 resources, you should 48 hours after the days from the first be aware that the same date of the trustee publication of this lender may hold more sale, you can call
notice. Said sale will than one mortgage or 1-916-939-0772,
Soria, an unmarried of the initial publication Code. The law requires must send a written James A. Kus County man, and recorded of this Notice of Sale: that information notice of intent to place Clerk October 2, 2015 as $81,750.75 NOTICE about trustee sale a bid so that the trustee By: Carlos Aguirre, Instrument No. 2015- TO PROPERTY postponements be receives it no more Deputy County Clerk 0059109, of Official OWNER YOU ARE made available to you than 15 days after the
May 13, 20, 27 & June 3, 2021
Records of Tulare IN DEFAULT UNDER and to the public, as a trustee’s sale. Third, County, California, A DEED OF TRUST, courtesy to those not you must submit a
and pursuant to that DATED SEPTEMBER present at the sale. bid so that the trustee certain Notice of 25, 2015 UNLESS If you wish to learn receives it no more Default thereunder YOU TAKE ACTION whether your sale date than 45 days after the
File No. 2202110001930 4, 2019 as Instrument PROPERTY, IT MAY and, if applicable, the think you may qualify The Following Person is No. 2019-0070983, of BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC rescheduled time and as an “eligible tenant Conducting Business as Official Records of said SALE. IF YOU NEED date for the sale of buyer” or “eligible New (First Filing) County, will under and AN EXPLANATION this property, you may bidder,” you should
one thousand dollars
Registrant’s Name
ESPARZA, OWNER Fictitious Business pursuant to said Deed OF THE NATURE OF call 1-916-939-0772 consider contacting an Filed with the Fresno Name: of Trust sell at public THE PROCEEDING or visit this internet attorney or appropriate
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