Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 10-21-21 E-edition
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Thursday, October 21, 2021 | A6 | Mid Valley TiMes Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to juanita@midvalleypublish- or call (559) 875-2511 or (559) 638-2244
 Oct. 28- Trunk or Treat event will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in downtown Sanger at 7th and N. Streets. Come out and have a safe and fun time! And don't forget to wear your best costume!
For information contact the Sanger Chamber of Commerce at (559) 875-4575 or email sangerchamber@
Oct. 21 - Prophecies of Hope Come and En- joy Pastor David Pikop. He has been a local pas- tor, and enjoys sharing bible prophecies, event will be taking place at 325 N. Eaton Ave. in Dinuba. For more in- formation contact (559) 591-0758.
Dinuba Senior Cen- ter - The Coffee & Con- versation group have been crafting fall deco- rated painted jars. We welcome anyone who is interested in doing this
Oct. 24 - Musica Viva Free Concert will return for their 18th season with a free con- cert starting at 7 p.m. at the Frist Memmonite Church on the corner of 12 and L Streets.
The concert is titled “Pandemic I: Solitude” the program will fea-
Nov. 13 Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7168 Community Breakfast will be having their monthly breakfast on at the American Legion Hall located at 1502 “O” Street in Sanger, from 8 - 10 a.m. Donations ac- cepted. For information contact Clint Vance at
(559) 960-2337.
Nov. 19 - 20 Dickens
of a Christmas Holiday Boutique - The Sanger Woman's Club will hold its second annual holi- day boutique from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hudson Farms Fruit Stand, 4300 S. Academy, Sanger.
Boutique will fea- ture beautiful hand- made crafts, such as Christmas cards, gift bags, decorations, or-
naments, wreaths, gifts and more.
Please note, there will be COVID-19 pro- tocols in place and ex- pected to be followed
For information con- tact Liz Hudson at (559) 779-1569.
Proceeds benefit the SWC's scholarship and charitable giving pro- grams to support the
Sanger community.
each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. Con- tact Cece Bobst at (559) 591-2450 for an applica- tion.
Nov. 13 - Palm Chuch Annual Asian inspired cuisine take out event will be taking place on the corner of Tulare and "P" Streets in Dinuba from3-5p.m.
Tickets available for purchase from church members or pay at the- door $15 each or two for $ 25, door prize drawing.
For info contact (559) 591-0746.
ga Monthly Class 6 p.m - 7 p.m. For more infor- mation (559) 637-4203
Every Wednesday - Men’s Hobby Time 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Join us in the Senior Center for a game of poker and pool.
Pre-K & Preschool Combo Class Space still available! Classes meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon. For info contact (559) 637-4203
 Last week's answers
project, just bring your own jars. Paint is pro- vided along with various decoration accents.
We meet on Mondays in the Social Hall from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m., For in- formation contact (559) 591-2450.
Oct. 28 - Hallow- een Party at the Senior Center Social Hall 437 N. Eaton Ave. Regular lunch $1.50 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Contact Cece Bobst for info (559) 591- 2450.
Oct. 31 - Trunk or Treat event at Palm
Methodist Church of Dinuba.
The walk-by event from will be held from 4-6p.m.onthenorth side of the church (Tu- lare Street). The church is located at the corner of Tulare and South "P" Streets ( .438 West Tu- lare Street ).
For info, contact Jan- ice Serios (559) 644-5462 Church phone number (559) 591-0746.
The Dinuba Senior Citizen's Inc. Board meetings are conducted on the third Monday of
    ture Dieter Wulfhorst performing music for unaccompanied cello, with composers ranging from Bach to contempo- rary artists.
It is kindly requested that attendees be vacci- nated and that masks be worn.
Reedley Senior Center
Reedley Senior Cen- ter is open Monday- Friday 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Enjoy the morning with friends. The pool table is available for those who wish to play pool. Cof- fee and pastries will be served.
Gleaners (drive thru) Every Wednesday 8:30 - 9:30am. Available from 9 - 9:30am for those who do not have a vehicle.
Every Monday - Yo-
      Dr. Amu, M.D. Candice Brantley Pediatrician F.N.P.-C
Magdalena Ruiz F.N.P.-C
  Nicole Gonzalez F.N.P.
Gadiel Escobedo F.N.P.
Aurora Florez F.N.P.
Mobile Notary Service
Mon-Thurs 11Am-7Pm Fri 10Am-2Pm Sat Noon-3Pm
 Doreen J. Montoya
Notary Public
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