Page 9 - PARLIER POST 1-17-18 E-edition
P. 9
Published every Wednesday by Mid Valley
Publishing 1130 “G” Street Reedley, CA. 93654 (559) 638-2244 •••••••
Parlier Post Staff Fred Hall
Karina Vargas
Editor / Reporter
Duby Treviño
Graphic Artist
Clinton Antonio
Graphic Artist
Tom Montijo
Graphic Artist
Janie Lucio
Debra Leak
Kate Isaak
Letters to the Editor Policy
The Parlier PosT invites letters from the public on any topic of rel- evance. Typed or legibly hand-written letters should be mailed, e-mailed to parlierpost@midval- or delivered to: letters to the editor, Parlier Post, 1130 G st., reed- ley, Ca 93654.
Continued from FRONT
the informational needs of small communities with the need for sufficient community support to make it economically feasible. The excellent, in-depth coverage by The Post of wide-ranging events — from government to schools and citizens — marked the very epitome of community journalism."
The Post began as a weekly publication in 1983. It has been available at no cost to readers.
Esperanza Moreno
Esperanza Moreno of Parlier died Jan. 10. She was 78.
Mrs. Moreno was a farm laborer.
She is survived by three sons, one brother, one sister, four grand- children and three great- grandchildren.
Visitation will be Wednesday, Jan. 17, from 5 to 8 p.m. with a Rosary at 6 p.m. at Wallin's Parlier Funeral Home.
A funeral Mass will be held Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Parlier.
The Parlier Lions Club earned one of the two highest recognitions given to a Lions Club during the centen- nial celebration years.
The club is officially a Premier Centennial Lions Club.
ABOVE: Some of the Parlier Lions Club members celebrate the recognition.
LEFT: The Lions were recognized with a limited edi- tion banner patch. The club's name will also be added on the LCI Centennial website and will be recognized at the International Convention, area forums and district conventions.
THE PARLIER POST Page 9 WEDNESDAY January 17, 2018
Parlier Lions receive centennial recognition
Continued from FRONT
She is still in the process of getting contracts with universities to provide certification to trainees.
Continued from FRONT
can relieve the city from the two thirds vote to a 50 percent plus one vote.
Council members decided to go with the UUT measure in order to include all residents, not just property owners as before.
"I think that we want to make sure that it's successful and not fail," said Mayor Alma Beltran said.
A property tax, especially after Measure Q, would have a lower chance of passing.
"Voter fatigue is going to be our biggest issue and I think our biggest obstacle to overcome by just passing Measure Q recently," said Council Member Noe Rodriguez, who said that as a resident he would prefer a parcel tax.
Council Member Trinidad Pimentel shared concerns that with a general measure, the funds would directly go to the city's general fund. That would mean the money would not be strictly for fire services. He said that in order for the money to be "earmarked" specifically for fire services, the advisory measure would have to pass.
Perez said having an advisory measure would boost votes in favor of the measure.
"If people say 'this is how we're going to use the money and only use the money,' that does create a lot of trust and a lot of confidence and you do see a jump," Perez said.
However, City Manager
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An estimated 350 people will receive training. The plan is to train candidates according to what companies are asking for so that they are hired as soon as the training is completed.
""All the professionals come
Sam Escobar said that whether the secondary part of the measure passes or not, the city is contractually obligated to make the annual payment to the Fresno County Fire Protection District.
An advisory committee also will be set in place to make sure that the contract is met.
Sales tax
Sales tax was another of the
three options the city could have considered.
Perez provided sample rates of .50, .75 and 1 percent. The .50 percent rate would generate $190,470; .75 would generate $285,705; 1 would generate $380,940.
The sales tax measure would require a 50 percent plus one — or two thirds vote for special purposes — to pass.
However Perez noted that revenues can decrease substantially in economic downturns.
Land-secured financing
Land-secured financing encompasses parcel taxes.
It is recurring annually like property taxes.
The amount needed to get to $300,000 would be $75 for single family residential and $55 for multi family residential.
"It is very reliable in the sense that it is on the property tax bill; it doesn't have the escalation with sale tax and recession; its very flexible and it is the best addressing the escalation issue moving forward," Perez said.
However he noted that voter fatigue would be a problem in
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on board — we are not going to let any of our candidates go away," Bali said. "One of the things that I told the county was that you have many companies coming in. So we will train the workforce according to their request."
getting the measure passed.
Utility User's Tax (UUT)
This is any type of utility bill, the city has the ability to add small increments in that.
The city needs to be between the 6 to 7 percent tax rate to be within the required amount.
"The utility users option (likely 6 or 7 percent) provides the city a way to tax the entire population and not exhaust the land-secured path previously utilized. The UUT is preferred provided the city attorney approves the advisory measure (A-B approach). However, it lacks the escalation and presents difficult messaging."
The next steps are for the city to approve and file a ballot measure by Friday, March 9.
2016 settlement agreement background
Parlier entered into a mutual agreement with the Fresno County Fire Protection District in September 2016.
The key elements of the agreement included placing a special tax measure on the ballot for the June 2017 ballot. That measure will now be on the 2018 ballot.
The city also had to pay the fire district a total of $200,000 in $50,000 installments per the following schedule: Sept. 1, 2016; Jan. 1, 2017; July 1, 2017; and Jan. 1, 2018.
"Beginning July 1, 2018, the city shall pay in full each fiscal year per the formula established in the original agreement in 2004," states the staff report. "This
Bali said there is not a definite answer on what kind of accreditation trainees will receive but that they will be accredited.
"I think this is something great for the community," Beltran said. "Especially the
equates to $100,000 annually. But potentially the city could be liable for $336,612 annually if a property tax measure fails."
Parlier also has an ongoing obligation to place a measure on the ballot if any future measure fails.
The city's ownership in real property and equipment at fire station located at 1300 E. Parlier Ave. was wholly transferred to the fire district as full compensation for all sums due and owing to the fire district as of June 30, 2016. This equaled a past due amount of $685,614.94.
Background of the dispute
On July 1, 2004, the city and the fire protection district entered into an agreement for fire protection services.
In mid 2014, the city was unable to continue paying for fire protection services, pursuant to the terms of their 2004 agreement.
That caused a dispute between the city and the Fresno County Fire Protection District concerning Parlier’s inability to pay under the terms of the 2004 agreement.
Photos Contributed
training that they can get." Beltran said she is relieved to hear that students will not have to pay such high costs
for the program.
Bali said she will bring
plans to the council as soon as a business plan is in place.
Continued from FRONT
want to be a hub where they know they can come and not only stay homeless their rest of their lives but educate them and get them back into society and contribute in a positive way."
Services will be available to all residents. Details are still vein planned out.
The Poverello House has provided assistance every Wednesday.
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