Page 6 - Reedley Exponent 1-11-18 E-edition
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Continued from page A3
mation can potentially help them hack your accounts or steal your identity.
The BBB offices serv- ing Central California & In- land Empire Counties offer the following tips to protect yourself from becoming vic- tim to the next phone scam:
• Don’t trust caller ID — Victims fall for phone scams because they as- sume the number on their caller ID is the correct per- son. Scammers can easily spoof numbers to make it look like a certain person is calling you, when in reality they are not.
• Don’t give out personal information — Any legiti- mate person or business who reaches out to you will al- ready have your information on hand. If they don’t, or if you receive a call out of the blue asking for your personal information, just hang up.
Scammers usually pose as a trusted source to get any information they can out of you. If you hang up immediately on them, they will not be able to phish for that information.
• Don’t press buttons — Many robocallers will prompt you to “press 9” to be taken off their call list. This will only do the opposite and flood your phone with even more calls. Pressing a number on the keypad alerts them that they have reached
THEFTS Continued from page A1
interior of a pickup truck parked in the 100 block of South Haney Avenue was ransacked. Cates said the left window had been left open, and a thief or thieves stole electronics and fishing equipment valued at about $675. The burglary was re- ported at about 5:30 a.m.
The other burglary oc- curred Jan. 4 at around 2:45
an active number.
• Beware of big name
companies calling — Scam- mers impersonate big name companies, charities and le- gitimate businesses hoping that you will be more inclined to give up your personal in- formation to them. If you receive such call hang up im- mediately, find the appropri- ate number on your own, and call the business to verify.
• Sign up for the Do Not Call Registry — To cut down on the amount of calls you receive, you can register your phone number for free through the Federal Trade Commission’s Do Not Call Registry. The Do Not Call Registry prohibits sales calls, so you may still receive po- litical calls, charitable calls, debt collection calls, infor- mational calls, telephone survey calls, and calls from companies you’ve recently done business with.
• Don’t answer — If you receive a phone call from a number you’re unsure of, it’s best to just let it go to voice- mail. Any legitimate person or business will leave a mes- sage, but even if the scam- mer decides to leave you a voicemail, you will have time to think about what is being asked by them, instead of be- ing pressured on the spot to give up personal information.
If you received a scam phone call, report it to BBB Scam Tracker, or the FCC.
For more tips, visit bbb. org.
p.m. in the 900 block of G Street. A 2015 Chevrolet had its passenger window smashed while the vehicle was parked in the Bank of America parking lot. Cates said. A purse and some per- sonal items were stolen in the break-in.
Fresno County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of a vehicle burglary in the 10400 block of South Peder- son Avenue just after 3:30 a.m. Jan. 2. There were no further details about that incident.
ABOVE: A parcel of land between 10th and 11th Streets between the San Joaquin Valley Railroad tracks (in the background) and the Reedley Rails to Trail Parkway would be the site of a new public library in Reedley. At the Jan.
9 City Council meeting, a resolution was ap- proved to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of Reedley and Friends of the Fresno County Library.
LEFT: A view of the same lot from the south on 11th Street. The parcel is situated between the railroad tracks, left, and the Reedley Rails to Trail Parkway, not pictured at right.
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
The Reedley Exponent A6 Thursday, January 11, 2018
LIBRARY Continued from page A1
According to the resolu- tion, the Friends of the Fres- no County Public Library will handle the initial donation because it is an official 501c3 nonprofit organization.
The second resolution that the council approved will provide up to $250,000 to the city’s general fund — fund- ed from a bequeathment to Friends of Reedley Library — to cover anticipated land acquisition and related costs
for the building.
“The agreement between
the Friends [of Reedley Li- brary] and the city is solid,” Zieba said.
Costs with the potential land purchase include ap- praisal, environmental stud- ies, reports and mitigation measures. After the land is bought there will be costs as- sociated with title and escrow documents, certificate of ac- ceptance and related transac- tions.
Zieba said the city will go off of property land appraisal
in the purchase. She said that appraisal should come within two weeks.
Fresno County is provid- ing about $4 million to the cost of the new library. The Friends of Reedley Library and the community must raise the remaining money. There is no official timetable, but offi- cials hope to have a new pub-
lic library for the city com- pleted by 2020.
Meanwhile, Zieba said she hoped that eventual demoli- tion of the Royal Valley build- ing would occur by the end of 2018. The city is planning to have covered parking featur- ing solar panels that would be used by city employees and police department employees.
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Start/End Date
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