Page 11 - Reedley Exponent 3-8-18 E-edition
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St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Important March Dates
Immanuel Schools will be closed for the Easter break, Monday, March 26, to Friday, March 30. We also will have a Staff Development Day (no school) on Monday, April 2.
School will resume on Tuesday, April 3, with offices opening at 7:30 a.m.
High School Updates
Thursday, March 8, will be Senior Night for boys golf at the Ridge Creek Golf Course in Dinuba against Liberty High School. Rounds begin at 2 p.m.
Also on March 8, girls softball will play at Fresno Christian High School at 3:30 p.m., and boys baseball will compete against Firebaugh High School at the Immanuel Sports Complex. JV will play at 4 p.m. and varsity will play at 6:30 p.m.
On Friday, March 9, girls softball will play Golden West High School at the Im- manuel Sports Complex; JV and varsity will play at 4 p.m.
Also on March 9, the co- ed track and field team will compete in the Clovis East Carnival Meet at Clovis East High School, withe events starting at 1 p.m.
For a complete list of high school sports, please go to immanuelsports.bigteams.
Continued from page B1
any activity that excites chil- dren to read, including “Read Across America.”
“I think it builds that love for reading and just shows them that it [reading] is ev- erywhere in the world, in ev- erything that we do.”
“Read Across America” was established by the Na- tional Education Associa- tion, with the idea to tie it to the birthday of Dr. Seuss, one of the most popular au- thors in children’s literature. The first celebration was launched in 1998.
“Motivating children to read is an important factor in student achievement and creating lifelong successful readers,” according to the NEA website about the read- ing program.
“Research has shown that children who are moti- vated and spend more time reading do better in school.”
Seuss’ real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel. His many other books included “Green Eggs and Ham,” “How the Grinch Stole
Registration Now Open
Let your child grow with us. We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift you will ever give your child.
We still have spots open in preschool and are accepting registration for all students.
We foster knowledge, faith and service. We prepare stu- dents to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life. Students explore many life paths that will enable them to serve the church and our community to make the world a better place.
Call us at (559) 638-2621 to schedule a visit. You also can go online to stlasallereedley. org for more information.
Reasons to Choose
a Catholic Education Weareproudtobea
Catholic school. Here are 12 reasons to send your children to a Catholic school:
1, We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence; 2, We partner with parents in the faith formation of their children; 3, We set
Continued from page B1
penalty kicks, but the Califor- nia Interscholastic Federation ruled the five-minute peri- ods had to be played. So, the teams returned to the Dinuba High field on Feb. 16. That session also went to penalty kicks, and the Pirates defeat- ed Dinuba 11-10 in kicks to advance.
The tension only intensi- fied in the battle for the Val- ley title – RHS had to again fight through penalty kicks to nail the victory, with a 5-4 kick win over Redwood High.
The team members wore their championship baseball caps to the Feb. 27 meeting, where they were applauded for their achievement.
For Eric Velarde, the team’s head coach, it’s a dou- bly satisfying moment. He is a member of Reedley High’s last boys soccer team to win a Valley title, in 2011.
(Sports Editor Chris Agu- irre will have a story about Velarde in The Exponent’s March 15 edition. RHS’ first game in the state playoffs was March 6 at Sotomayor High School in Los Angeles. A score was not available by The Exponent’s deadline.)
Velarde is a 2011 Reed- ley High graduate. He then attended Fresno Pacific Uni- versity, where he played soc-
Lost Male Chihuahua, last seen on F & 13th Street, Reedley. Answers to Taco, wearing black collar with tag.
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Chicken Parmesan
Accepting enrollment Scholarship
com or visit our website at and click “athletics.”
• FFA members will par- ticipate in the EFM Parli Pro speaking contest at Sierra High School on Wednesday, March 14.
• The High School Sadie Hawkins Movie Night – “Sa- dies Goes 80s” – will be on Friday, March 9 at the Sports Complex on the football field in the County Line Stadium. Gates will open from 5 to 5:30 p.m. The movie – “Back to the Future” will start at 6:15 p.m. For more details, contact the high school.
Junior High Updates
The junior high drama, “A Snake in the Grass” will open on Friday, March 9, with a 7 p.m. show. On Satur- day, March 10, there will be shows at 3 and 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the door.
It is one week until the eighth grade class will depart for their East Coast trip to enjoy “History on the Road.”
In junior high sports, the coed track team is train- ing for the first meet of the year – the Rotary Track Meet at Reedley High School on Thursday, March 15. with events starting at 5 p.m. Meanwhile, the junior high baseball and softball teams will compete in their first
Christmas,” “Horton Hears a Who!,” “Oh, the Places You’ll Go,” and “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.” Seuss died in 1991 at the age of 87.
At Great Western, which has 357 students in grades kindergarten to fifth, the school celebrated “Read Across America” for a week, with different activities. They included Crazy Hat Day, Crazy Socks Day and dressing up as favorite book characters. The daily bulle- tins included Dr. Seuss trivia.
At the March 1 event, the books that Tyler read includ- ed Dr. Seuss’ “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.” It’s filled with tongue twist- ers, such as the one about a Yink that likes to wink and drink and drink.
“The thing he likes to drink
is ink.
The ink he likes to drink is pink.
He likes to wink and drink pink ink.
if you have a lot of ink, then you should get
a Yink, I think.”
games on Tuesday, March 13, at Conejo. Games times to be announced.
Elementary Updates
This week, our Student Council sold “Kids Day” newspapers to help raise money for Valley Children’s Hospital. The students teamed up with the high school FFA group.
Our kindergarten class took a field trip to Imagine U in Visalia.
On Friday, March 9, the second grade will present Chapel.
On Saturday, March 10, our chess club will partici- pate in a tournament at Dry Creek Elementary School in Clovis, and our high school cheerleaders will host a cheer camp from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Have a great week!
Enroll Your Student
Considering a change in your child’s education? Con- sider Immanuel Schools.
Enrollment packets can be picked up in the district office at 1128 S. Reed Ave. in Reedley (zip code 93654). Or, visit our website at immanu- to download the information or , schedule a campus tour.
Call us at (559) 638-2529, ext. 7101, for more informa- tion on Immanuel Schools, where the difference is life changing.
Some students and teach- ers dressed as characters from Dr. Seuss books or oth- er books.
For example, fourth- grader Hailey Sandoval dressed up as “Fancy Nan- cy,” the main character for a popular series of chil- dren’s books by writer Jane O’Connor and illustrator Robin Preiss Glasser. Her classmate Emma Romero dressed as Dr. Seuss’ famous “The Cat in the Hat,”
Hailey and Emma after the event said the “Read Across America” activities help inspire them to read even more than they already enjoy reading.
Hailey, for example, said she was reading Baby-Sitters Club books and had read Dr. Seuss books. She and Emma said they enjoyed all the “Read Across America” events at their school.
Emma said these activi- ties helped get her “excited about reading because Dr. Seuss has been making books for a long time. It’s interest- ing because his books are so long, and they’re interesting to read. That’s why I like reading.”
high standards for student achievement and help them succeed.
4, We provide a balanced academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life; 5, We use technology ef- fectively to enhance educa- tion; 6, We instill in students the value of service to others; 7, We teach children respect of self and others; 8, We em- phasize moral development and self-discipline.
9, We prepare students to be productive citizens and future leaders; 10, We have a 99 percent high school gradu- ation rate, and 85 percent of our graduates go to college; 11, We cultivate a faculty and staff who are dedicated, car- ing and effective; and 12, We provide a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Scholarship Applications
Scholarship applications now are open. We won’t have paper application forms in the office, so applications must be done online.
To do so, go to https://on-, or you also can access this informa- tion through our web page at
cer for four years and gradu- ated in 2015. He’s been the RHS boys soccer coach since 2014-15.
He told the trustees and meeting attendees that the team wanted to get over the hump the past several years of being stopped in postseason play in the semifinals. Velarde said he knew the team was tal- ented.
“When were we finally go- ing to make that push to get to a final? Luckily, these guys were able to push through and get there,” Velarde said. “I want to thank them for put-
Lenten Season
The next Stations of the Cross will be on Thursday, March 8, at 11 a.m. And, we hope that every family will ob- serve Lent by attending Mass every Sunday.
During Lent, the Knights of Columbus put on a Fish Fry every Friday in St. La Salle’s School Hall, 5-8 p.m.
Support St. La Salle School when you make a purchase at Save Mart. At the checkout stand, enter the numbers (559) 638-1916 on the keypad. This automatically will give St. La Salle the credit.
Spring Open House
We will host our Open House at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13. Classroom visits will be 5-6:45 p.m. Our pro- gram will be 7-7:30 p.m.
There will be a chance to win a free registration for your student. Enjoy the eve- ning with your children at St. La Salle!
Dates to Remember
• March 8 – Stations of the
Cross, 11 a.m.
• March 13 – Open House,
5-7:30 p.m.
ting up with me and really allowing me to really mold them and make sure they knew what it meant to play for Reedley High School.”
He also said that, no mat- ter how the season was go- ing, “they always believed we were going to have the capa- bility of winning the title since the moment we lost last year.”
“I’m very, very proud of them,” Velarde said. “They truly, truly deserved it.”
Felicia Cousart Matlosz is Panorama Editor and can be reached at felicia@midvalley-
With french fries 95 Soup or salad 95
French Toast Combo
3 Slices of  ick French Toast with 2 Large Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage.
Hot Cake Combo
2 Big Hot Cakes, 2 Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage.
Any 1 $85 5
& cup of salad
$ & cheese toast $ 89
Tuesday, March 13th 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
You will have an opportunity to:
• Tour the campus
• Classroom visits 5:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
• Meet S.L.S. sta  & families
• Review class curriculums
• Enjoy school band and choir performance
Accepting enrollment for Pre-K through 8th Grades for 2018-2019, T-K class available, Scholarship information will be available.
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95 $6
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• Turkey Melt
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Award Winning ICE CREAM with Chocolate Cake
The Reedley Exponent B3 Thursday, March 8, 2018 Youth & Education
Farm Fresh County Breakfast
Fresh Baked Biscuit and Gravy with 2 Large Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage.
Bacon or Sausage & Eggs
2 Large Eggs with your choice of Bacon or Sausage, Served with Hash Browns and Toast.
For mo
Riverview School Book Fair will be March 12 to 16
The community is in- vited to Riverview School’s Book Fair, from Monday to Friday, March 12-16.
In addition, the event
hours will be 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day. On Wednes- day, March 14, there will be additional hours of 5-8 p.m. The school is at 8662 S. Lac Jac Ave.
book fair; add new books to a school library; help teach- ers add to their classroom libraries; or be donated to another school or commu- nity organization that needs
dergarten t
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school’s librarian, said the students to participate in a
Susan Chak
the c
an be u
ooks are
for children in grades kin- For more information
Many o
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Proceeds will go to the school at (559) 305-7290.
willcollectloosechangeand dollar bills for donations to Scholastic Books’ “All for Books” effort. These funds
“Prime Time”
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7th & 8th grade s
Review class curr
Enjoy school ban
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