Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 3-8-18 E-edition
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BIKE RIDE Continued from page A1
tensive workout and see the scenery of the rain-soaked blossoms. In addition to the 45-mile ride, more advanced riders participated in the 60-mile ride into the foothills and back. More casual riders settled for the shorter family fun ride through Reedley and back to the start-finish line at Reedley College.
Before setting out, four fe- male riders from the “Women on Wheels” program out of Fresno and Clovis held hands and shared a short prayer. The group said the club was formed by Patty Thompson in 2006.
“We go everywhere around the state. We go see wildflowers and usually ride in the Tour de Fresno,” one of the riders said.
Ikemiya said that one cou- ple from Los Angeles signed up for the ride the day of the event.
“They travel the state with their bikes and were coming through the area. It worked out for them to ride,” he said.
Another positive was the recent construction of solar panel coverings in the Reed- ley College east parking lot. The coverings enabled ride or- ganizers to move their signup area from the nearby lawn to a covered location from the rain.
“That worked out really great for us,” Ikemiya said.
The 2019 Blossom Bike Ride will be the 30th edition of the annual event, which has become a tradition for cycling enthusiasts and people out to enjoy the early weeks of the Fresno County Blossom Trail. Ikemiya said he isn’t sure if the Lions Club will schedule any special activities sur- rounding the milestone.
“We’ll play it by ear when it approaches,” he said.
This year, Koleen and her father made the most of the wet weather to share time on their bicycles.
“We’ve been riding togeth- er since I was real young,” she said.
SNOWPACK Continued from page A2
“While we’re happy to kick off March with this healthy storm, the variabil- ity of this winter’s weather patterns underscores the im- portance of continued conser- vation and the ongoing need to strengthen California’s wa- ter supply reliability for our people, our economy, and our environment,” she said.
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Open 10am - Midnight
The Reedley Exponent A8 Thursday, March 8, 2018
The lack of rain this win- ter caused the Bureau of Rec- lamation to sharply cut back Central Valley Project water supply allotments to growers and farmers south of the Del- ta. On Feb. 20, reclamation of- ficials said that south-of-Delta contractors would receive just 20 percent of their con- tract total while Friant Divi- sion contractors were notified that they would receive just 30 percent of their allotment.
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TOP: Cyclists pedal along rain- slickened Muscat Avenue near Alta Avenue during the 45-mile ride March 3 at the 29th annual Blossom Bike Ride.
ABOVE: Leos Club members from Reedley High School vol- unteered at the signup booth at Reedley College. From left are club adviser Bibi Azeez, Serena Trejo, Adamaris Padilla, Michael Marin, Alondra Garcia, Jair Silva and Magaly Lopez.
LEFT: Members of the Women on Wheels bike club from Fresno and Clovis prayed in the Reedley College east parking lot before participating in the 45-mile ride.
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
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