Page 6 - Mid Valley Times 4-9-20 E-edition
P. 6
Thursday, April 9, 2020 | A6 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: Which insects help your garden
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gar- deners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
There is much beauty in the late spring gar- dens of the central San Joaquin Valley.
Tasks for this time of year include accept- ing the small amount of pest damage to plants.
Instead of trying to kill insects, learn which ones are beneficial and protect them by avoid- ing use of synthetic in- secticides.
Water and mow lawn. Set mower blades higher to shade out weeds and
keep roots cool.
When pruning, pinch
new growth on flowers and shrubs to encourage a compact shape.
Prune azaleas, lilac, camellias, deciduous magnolia, dogwood, In- dian hawthorn, spirea- forsythia and flowering quince as they finish blooming.
Fertilize, fall planted shrubs and ground cov- er, remembering that a little used more often is better than a lot at one time.
Do not over fertilize. Excessive fertilization leads to contamination of waterways and exces- sive plant growth that requires more water.
Plant annuals and pe- rennials for spots of sea-
sonal color.
Perennials: yarrow
(Achillea), dianthus, plant from seed.
Bulbs, corms, tubers: gladiolus. Fruits and vegetables: beans, snap beans, potatoes, corn.
Tree, shrubs, vines: Toyon (Heteromeles).
Annuals: floss flower (Ageratum), Artemisia, strawflower (Helichry- sum).
Enjoy now, annuals and perennials: yarrow (Achillea), alstroemeria, snapdragon (Antirrhi- num), dianthus, fringe flower (Loropetalum).
Bulbs, corms, tu- bers: brodiaea, amaryllis (Hippeastrum).
Trees, shrubs, vines: violet trumpet vine (Cly- tostoma), Indian haw-
thorn (Rhaphiolepis). Fruits and vegeta-
bles: artichokes, beans. Things to ponder, do a special container planting of red, white and blue flowers to cele- brate Independence Day
on July 4.
Thin vegetable seed-
lings started outside last month.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534.
Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Last weeks answers
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