Page 3 - Reedley Chamber 2019 EBook E-Edition
P. 3
Welcome .......................................... 5 Reedley Chamber..............................6 City Government...............................7 Reedley History..................................9 Points of Interest .................. 10, 11, 13 Parks / Recreation............................17 Clubs / Organizations .....................19 Cultural Events...........................22-23 Education ..................................25-28 Dining ............................................ 30 Business Directory.......................32-35 Worship..........................................37
Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of information in this publication. Mid Valley Publishing and the Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce assume no responsibility for misinformation. Please contact the Chamber with any additions for correction.
The City of Reedley
Cover Photo: MiChael Miller
Publisher: Mid valley Publishing, inC
advertising: Janie luCio
graPhiC design: duby treviƱo, Clinton antonio, toM MontiJo
editor: eriik valenCia, reedley ChaMber sPeCial thanks to danny JiMenez, Photos
Safe, friendly, and
open fo
r business.
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2019ReedleyChamberDirectory| 3