Page 10 - Reedley Exponent 3-1-18 E-edition
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Senior Center NEwS
TheReedleyExponent B2Thursday,March1,2018
Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or fax to 638-5021.
By Christina Ontiveros
Reedley Senior Citizen Coordinator
Time Change
Just a reminder: it’s that time of year to again “spring” forward. Before you go to sleep on Saturday, March 11, set your clocks ahead one hour for daylight savings time.
Healthy Corner
Dr. Luis Guzman next will be at the Reedley Senior Center on Wednesday, March 14, at 11 a.m. His topics will be high blood pressure and terrible muscle cramps. Dr. Guzman always provides great information and takes time for questions and an- swers. The senior center and Reedley Community Center are at 100 N. East Ave.
Chukchansi Getaway
Our next getaway to Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino will be on Thursday, March 29. The cost is $17, which includes $15 free play with photo ID.
Only a few seats remain for this trip. Come to the Phil Hudson Senior Room at the senior center weekdays, 9 a.m. to noon, to pay and sign a waiver form. Make check or money order pay- able to The City of Reedley. The trip is sponsored by the Reedley Community Servic- es Department.
Senior Center Lunches
Meals taste so much bet- ter when you can enjoy them with others! Join us in the Phil Hudson Senior Room weekdays at 11 a.m. (except holidays) for a nutritious lunch and good time. This program is partially funded by the Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging.
If you are 60 or older, a suggested donation of $1.50 is appreciated but not re- quired. Reservations must be made by 11 a.m. the weekday before you plan to attend. Call (559) 637-4207 to
Continued from page B1
No. 2 ranking in its list of top community colleges in Cali- fornia.
The online site – which describes itself as the “de- finitive” source of education information – determined rankings through data from the National Center for Edu- cation Statistics, the Cali- fornia Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, the Uni- versity of California system, and the California State Uni- versity system.
Reedley College scored at the top in the number of transfer students per 1,000 students and in student-fac- ulty ration. The college was praised for its involvement with the Extended Opportu- nity Programs and Services (EOPS) and Cooperating Agencies Resources for Edu- cation (CARE).
The statistics used by came from the 2014-15 school year, when Clovis Community College was part of the Reedley Col- lege system.
Here are the Top 10 rankings, out of 114 Califor- nia community colleges:
make your reservation. La Ciudad de Reedley les invita a visitar y participar en los pro- gramas de
Christina Ontiveros
Mondays, 11 a.m. Preschool Storytime. At the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. Stories, songs and crafts for 3- to 5-year-olds. With Linda Rotan, a library assistant. Through April 29. Details: (559) 638-2818.
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery. Re- deemer's Church. Details: (559) 859-8942.
First Monday of the month. 6:45 p.m. St. An- thony of Padua Catholic Daughters Court: Our Lady of Grace #2637.
At St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 1018 N. Frankwood Ave. Rosary is at 6:45 p.m.; the meetings begin at 7 p.m. For more details, please check the church's regular bulletin.
First Tuesday of the month. 10:30 a.m. Reedley Library Book Group. At the library, 1027 E St. The March book is “The Late- homecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir” by Kao Kalia Yang.
Second Tuesday of the month, 2 p.m. Caregiver Support Group. In the Community Room at
the Palm Village Retire- ment Community, 703 W. Herbert Ave. This meet- ing gives caregivers of a family member or friend with memory loss a time to meet for mutual emo- tional, educational and social support. Details: call (559) 638-6933.
Second Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m. The Blos- som Trail A's meets at Bristol Ranch (formerly Brooks Ranch), 1620 E. Manning Ave. for din- ner and meeting. New members are welcome. You don't have to own a Model A to join. For more details, call Jerry Eitzen at (559) 638-8222.
Wednesdays, 11 a.m.
“Come Play With Me”
(for children from infants to 3 years old). At the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. Details: call (559) 638- 2818.
Second Friday of the month, 9:30 a.m. Par- kinson's Support Group. Palm Village Community Room, 703 W. Herbert Ave. Open to anyone with Parkinson's disease and/ or their caregivers. For more details, call (559) 638-6933 and ask for Norma Froese.
Third Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. The Friends of the Library. At
Continued from page B1
books shows they’ll have their work cut out for them. The list includes classics, award- winners and popular young
the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. New members are welcome. For more de- tails, call (559) 638-6476.
The city of Reedley is accepting students for
its 2017-18 preschool
and pre-kindergarten programs. Preschoolers should be 3 years old, pre-kindergarten students 4 years old. Details: go to the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave., or call (559) 637-4203.
Adult basketball registra- tion accepted through Feb. 23 for the city of Reedley program, at the Reedley Community Cen- ter, 100 N. East Ave. Sea- son runs March to May. Games will be played
at Grant Middle School Tuesdays and Thursdays. A mandatory managers meeting is March 8 at 6 p.m. at the community center. Details: call the Reedley Community Ser- vices Department at (559) 637-4203.
New sessions of Tumbling Classes will offered at
the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave., starting in March. In fact, this is a new option to at- tend classes Tuesday or Thursday. The Tuesday classes begin March 20; the Thursday sessions start March 11. Register now at or in person at the com- munity center. For more details, call (559) 637- 4203.
Registration underway for new Cheer Classes at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave. Classes start Wednesday, March 14. Beginner and intermediate levels avail- able. Register online at or in person at the community center. For more details, call (559) 637-4203.
Tai Chi classes are avail- able at the Reedley Com- munity Center, 100 N. East Ave. The class meets at 12:30 p.m. on Mondays. It's a year-round program. For adults of all ages. De- tails: call (559) 637-4203.
Lap Swim is available at the Reedley High School Aquatics Complex. Hours are 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mon- days, Wednesdays, Thurs- days (through May 31). Swim cards can be bought at the Reedley Communi- ty Center, 100 N. East Ave. You must pre-purchase
a swim card. For details, call (559) 637-4203.
adult titles, such as these:
• “All Quiet on the West- ern Front” (1929) by Erich Maria Remarque. The classic novel described the physical and mentally stressful experi- ences of German soldiers dur- ing World War I and what hap- pened when they went home.
Water Aerobics offered by the city of Reedley at the Reedley High School Aquatics Complex. Stu- dents must pre-register at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave. Bobbi Monk is the instruc- tor. For details, call (559) 637-4203.
March 2, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Speaker Joanna Shenk. Pre- sented by the Reedley Peace Center. Shenk is the associ- ate pastor of the First Men- nonite Church in San Fran- cisco. She will talk about her book, “Vincent Harding: The Movement Makes Us Human.” In Fellowship Hall, First Mennonite Church in Reedley. Details: dfriesen0@
March 3, 6-9 p.m. Annual Crab Feed hosted by the Reedley Sunrise Kiwanis Club. At the Sierra View Homes Retirement Commu- nity main dining hall, 1155 E. Springfield Ave. This is an all-you-can-eat event. (Steak available upon request.) Pro- ceeds will benefit the club’s Reedley Community Ser- vices Events, Kings Canyon Unified School District cam- puses, St. La Salle Catholic School, and the Carlton Truhett Scholarships. For tickets or more information, contact any Sunrise Kiwanis member or Vito Genna at (559) 638-9226.
March 6, 6:30 p.m. “Optimal Living” series presentation. At the Palm Village Retire- ment Community, 703 W. Herbert Ave. This pro-
gram is called “Stress and Seniors.” Presenter Heidi Hokanson will discuss loneli- ness, feeling a lack of pur- pose and other issues that can affect seniors. Details: go online to or call (559) 638-6933.
March 6-7, Annual California Music Educators Associa- tion Large Group Festival. Hosted by the Reedley Highi School music program. At the RHS Performing Arts Theatre. Featuring bands from sixth to 12th grades
in the region. Schedule is 8 a.m.-3 p.m. March 6; 8 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. on March 7. Admis- sion is free.
March 7, Noon to 7 p.m. St. La Salle School Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser. The meal includes spaghetti with meatballs, salad, dinner roll and dessert. Takeout avail- able. Tickets $10 adults; $4 children. At the school, 404 E. Manning Ave. Details: call (559) 638-2621.
March 9, 6:30-9 p.m. Screen- ing of the documentary “Capitalism.” Presented by
It was adapted into a film and won the Academy Award for Best Picture for 1929/30.
• “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” (2003) by Mark Haddon. This popular mystery novel by British writer Haddon is an award-winner that was adapt- ed into a hit Broadway play that won the 2015 Tony Award for Best Play.
• “The Sun is Also a Star” (2016) by Nicola Yoon. It’s a love story involving immigra-
the Reedley Peace Center. The session will show the first two segments of the Ilan Ziv documentary – “Adam Smith, the Birth of the Free Market” and “The Wealth of Nations: A New Gospel?” In Fellowship Hall, First Mennonite Church in Reedley. Details: dfriesen0@
March 13, 2-8 p.m. “Sel- vedge Sisters” quilt class. Featuring Judi and Marci, the “Selvedge Sisters.” They are Judi Ratzlaff and Marci VanderGriend. The term in quilting typically refers to selvage, which is a tightly woven edge that runs along each side of a piece of fab- ric’s lengthwise grain. The cost is $35. For more infor- mation, go online to men- or call (559) 638-3560.
March 16, 7:30 p.m. Fresno Pacific University Sym- phonic Band. Performing with bands from Firebaugh High School and Fresno City College. At Butler Church, 4884 E. Butler Ave. in Fresno. Admission is $5 pay- able at the door; free to the FPU community. Details: go online to or call (559) 453-2267.
March 16-17, the 15th An- nual Reedley Peace Center Retreat. At St. Nicholas Ranch. Andrew Fiala, Fresno State philosophy profes-
sor, will be the presenter, resource person and discus- sion leader. The sessions also will include viewing the third to sixth segments of the Ilan Ziv documentary “Capitalism.” For more de- tails:
March 17, 5 p.m. Rotary Club of Reedley 36th Annual Auction and Dinner. at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave. Proceeds support community proj- ects, scholarships and chari- ties. Doors open at 5 p.m., followed by dinner at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $30 per person. Tickets available at Rabo- bank, Lee's Service, Reedley Lumber or The Reedley Exponent.
March 19, 6:30 p.m. The
Soli Deo Gloria women’s choral group. In the chapel at the Palm Village Retire- ment Community, 703 W. Herbert Ave. This is a free event. Details: go online to or call (559) 638-6933.
tion and family. The best-sell- ing novel was a National Book Finalist for young people’s lit- erature.
• “The Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba’s Struggle for Freedom” (2008) by Margarita Engle. The award-winning au- thor lives in the Central Val- ley. This book earned numer- ous honors and was a New- bery Honor book.
Adults, of course, also
See COLUMN page B3
En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ustedes. Si tienen preguntas y necesitan informacion y asistencia les podremos ayudar de 9:30- 11:30 a.m. los dias de Lunes a Viernes.
Please note: if you know a Spanish-speaking person, please pass along this infor- mation and encourage him or her to join us for lunch daily at 11 a.m. We are a Spanish-speaking, friendly center. They always can call the center at (559) 637-4207 and ask for Christina. Thank you!
Reedley residents 55 and up can come to the Reed- ley Community Center on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. for free fresh fruit, vegetables and bread.
Resource Fair
Our fourth annual Re- source Fair – sponsored by the California Telephone Ac- cess Program (CTAP) – will be held on Friday, April 6, in the Senior Center patio. It will be from 10 a.m. to noon.
A variety of representa- tives from different organi- zations will offer informa- tion on resources available to you.
In addition, CTAP has specialized phones that can be tried out. You can pick up a CTAP application at the senior center and then bring it with you to the Re- source Fair – you can take your phone home with you that same day.
1, Las Positas College in Livermore; 2, Reedley College; 3, Santa Monica College; 4, Citrus College in Glendora; 5, Pasadena City College; 6, San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton; 7, Glendale Community Col- lege; 8, MiraCosta College in Oceanside; 9, Ventura Col- lege; and 10, Palomar College in San Marcos.
• Opening Day and Flex Day – As part of Opening Day activities on Jan. 4, Reedley College faculty, administrators and staff of the State Center Commu- nity College District office participated in an exercise to map the student experience.
They developed a Stu- dent Education Plan (SEP). Teams were assigned an ADT program (not of their own) to map an optimal SEP for students to complete a degree with recommended GE courses, graduation re- quirements, major prepara- tion and electives.
Teams also were told to assume the student had placed in college level math and English.
Each team had 40 min-
See RC REPORT page B3
Thanks, Reedley.
I love being here to help
life go rightTM in a community where people are making a difference every day.
Thank you for all you do.
I love
this town.
I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to each and every person who has made my 65th birthday all the more memorable. Your kind words and investment of time towards this milestone celebration, has touched my heart and greatly appreciated.
Price: Adults - $12.00
Children under 12 & Senior Citizens - $11.00
Thank you so much, Emma Caballero