Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 2-17-22 E-Edition
P. 7

                  Thursday, February 17, 2022
      The View From Here
 It was during my sophomore year of highschool when I no-
ticed them. Walking home from
school, a friend of mine point- ed them out.
Juanita Adame
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
Music could be heard com- ing from inside the Sanger Methodist Church on the morn- ing of Feb. 12 as Barbara Scha- fer, the church's pianist, played the piano during the 100th an- niversary celebration.
“The start of the construc- tion for this church was in 1921,” said Betty Schafer Pry- or, daughter of Barbara, during the morning.
Betty, along with her hus- band Ted as well as other mem- bers of the congregation were welcoming guests, answering questions and giving tours of the 4 story building during the event.
“It was completed and opened on Feb. 12, 1922, so to- day is the actual birthday of the construction and the open- ing of the sanctuary area for the Sanger Methodist Church,”
Schafer Pryor said that at one time, the church had more than one hundred mem- bers, but that number has gone down.
“The church is diminishing, you’ll see photos of when there were 200 people in a Sunday School class at the very begin- ning."
On display at the back of the church were photos dating all the way back to 1928.
"My mother was married in this church," said Schafer Pryor.
The church has a total of four stories. The main sanctu- ary has been upgraded a few times but most of the building is still original.
“Alot of the interior work is still original, the only thing they’ve changed are the pews, they’ve changed some of the things up front,” said Schafer Pryor.
“The actual sanctuary part has been changed to a certain degree.”
 “Look up there do you see the gargoyles?” I looked up and saw what appeared to be four to five gargoyles made from stone poking their heads out of the church tower.
I had no idea they were there and if my classmate hadn’t pointed them out I doubt I would have ever noticed them.
That was something that always stuck with me when I would drive by the Sanger United Method- ist Church on the corner of 9th and P Streets in Sanger. The church is in- triguing and impressive.
So, when we received an invitation to attend the church's 100th anniversa- ry and open house event, I jumped at the chance. I never had a reason to go inside the church before this, now was my chance to see the church from the inside.
The sign in front of the church said “Open House today, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m." I walked up the stairs and was met by several smil- ing faces.
One of those smiling faces was Betty Schafer Pryor and her husband Ted. They welcomed us to the church and were kind enough to show us around. I was most amazed by what use to be the Youth Room. It was a large room with a pew on the inside.
Outside that room in the hallway was another staircase. “Secret Room” the sign in front read. Betty guided us up to the third floor. The staircase that led up to the third floor had the original ban- ister.
On the third floor was a small window that, when opened, revealed P Street below and the Wallin and Son Funeral Home across the street.
Betty told us that the church has four stories and in each room she finds some piece of his- tory.
In all, I enjoyed tour- ing the Sanger Meth- odist Church. It was a great experience to see how much history the city of Sanger has hid- den in its buildings.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
The Sanger Methodist Church, located on the corner of P and 9th Streets in Sanger celebrated its 100 year anniversary on Feb. 12 with an open house tour for the public.
Sanger church celebrates 100 years
 Photo Contributed
Jefferson students got into the Super Bowl spirit on Feb. 11. dur- ing their P.E classes students participated in a variety of football themed challenges. Those included a punt, pass and kick challenge. Students also applied math skills as they kept track of their points. Principal Patty Ledesma said, "The students are ready for the big game!"
This photo of Lakai Novak, 5, riding a camel named "Shocktop" in Quartzsite, Arizona on Jan. 17 was sent in by Dennis Salwasser. Lakai is the great grandson of Linda and Dennis Salwasser. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email juanita@midvalleypublishing. com
Schafer Pryor said they wanted to do something spe- cial for the anniversary of the church and wanted to welcome the community to join in the celebration.
She said many of the long time members cherish the memories they've created there and hope more people can stop by to visit.
“This is the balcony, it is currently closed, but we used to sit here,” said Schafer Pry- or as she provided informa- tion for the various rooms and buildings inside the church.
"I'm still finding so many historic photos and memorabil- ia from years past," she said. "I am glad we can share this with the community of Sanger."
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
From left, Donna Rowell, Barbara Schafer (on piano) and John Arebalo of the church sang a few inspirational songs during the anniversary event.
More Photos on page A8
  Reedley's Jefferson School students enjoy outdoor activity challenge
Photo of the Week

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