Page 6 - Mid Valley Times 1-21-21 E-edition
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BODY CAMS Continued from page A1
the BWCs is $135,856. Reedley PD Sgt. Gary Kincaid – who conduct- ed the workshop along with Operations Cmdr. Marc Ediger — said the contract can be split into five annual payments of $27,171, or less with a larger up-front payment.
Kincaid also said the city could apply for a a Department of Jus- tice BWC federal grant, which would help pay for the system if the grant is approved.
A slide presentation showed how the cam- eras clip right onto an officer's uniform vest, or can go onto the uni- form held in place by a strong magnet. Kincaid said the cameras can be activated manually by officers, but also have triggers that automati- cally activate when the red emergency lights are turned on or an of- ficer unholsters a Taser or firearm.
Previous cost prob- lems in collecting video from the cameras have been eased significant- ly by technology, as all video storage is Cloud- based. Camera footage also can be view live on live stream. Officers would check out indi- vidual cameras from a docking station during their shift, and video information is automati- cally downloaded.
During his remarks, Ediger described the background mode re- cording of the cameras that also can record a scene in the rare event
Fresno Pacific sets
return to in-person
instruction in fall
the individual camera would not operate.
"As long as we know about the incident quick- ly enough and are aware, we can download that video even if the camera is not turned on. They are pretty failsafe," he said.
Ediger said the major asset of the cameras is helping create account- ability with the video evidence. He said that accountability comes
from the officers, de- partment heads and the community in acting ap- propriately during situ- ations.
"Hopefully, the cam- era doesn't bring about fear, but just brings about awareness in your actions. Both on the of- ficers part and the com- munity's part," he said. He talked about how the cameras can be a deter- rent and provide trans- parency.
Photos by Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
Ediger said one of the most important ad- vantages was to "quick- ly verify or quickly discredit citizen-based complaints," and would provide video evidence that in most cases would prevent lawsuits and court action. Us- ing a broad example, he showed that litigation costs for a serious alle- gation against an officer can amount to more than $250,000.
519 E. 11th Street (at corner of 11th & East Aves.) Reedley, CA 93654
Meets Sunday at 830am Outdoors on the property All are welcome
For more inforamtion call 559-638-2738
We welcome you to join us
For more information: Pastor Ron Robertson • Pastor Frank Pinon
Christ Lutheran Church
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley | 559-638-2112 | Sunday morning Worship begins at 10:00am | All are welcome! Pastor Virgil Miller is Preaching | Musicians: Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey Facebook: Christ Lutheran Church ELCA
First Lutheran Church an LCMS congregation
961 E. Elizabeth Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 • Phone: (559) 591-0375
9:45 Bible Study • 10:30 Worship
Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit...fruit that lasts” (John 15:16) In response, First Lutheran Church holds values of Bible Centered Preaching and Teaching, Strong Families, and Godly Servant Leadership. A church where God gives and we receive.
1518 Cherry Street (Corner of “P” Street) Sanger, CA 93657
MVT Staff Report
The Sanger City Council will discuss and vote on a second revision to the city's op- erating budget's finan- cial section for fiscal year 2020-2021 during the council's regularly scheduled meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21.
Because of CO- VID-19, the meeting is physically closed to the public but available online on Zoom using
meeting ID 829 9846 0079.
Scheduled depart- ment reports include a recommendation to approve an additional $100,000 of business and community sup- port in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pan- demic.
Also, a resolution will be introduced urg- ing that Sanger native Tom Flores be inducted into the 2021 Pro Foot- ball Hall of Fame class.
SUNDAY - Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday - Bible Study 7 p.m. CLASES EN ESPANOL - 9:30 a.m.c Call 875-8270 / 960-8982 Para Espanol
Dr. Amu, M.D. Pediatrician
Nicole Gonzalez F.N.P.
Candice Brantley F.N.P.-C
Gadiel Escobedo F.N.P.
You may list your Church Announcement on this page for $15 per week. Including Church name, address, phone and service times with additional 50 words for announcement. Deadline for Church News is 12 p.m. Friday.
For more information call, Reedley 638-2244, Dinuba 591-4632, Sanger 875-2511.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
| A6 |
Mid Valley TiMes
ABOVE: A slide showing the body cameras the Reedley Police Department is consid- ering purchasing is pictured during a workshop at the Reedley City Council meeting on Jan. 12.
LEFT: Marc Ediger, operations commander with the Reedley Police Department, shared information on the potential purchase of the body cameras during the workshop.
Primarily face-to- face instruction will re- turn to all Fresno Pacif- ic University campuses for the fall of 2021.
The university is committed to serving students with confidence, said Joseph Jones, FPU president. “Our campus- es have felt empty since in-person instruction ended in March 2020 and we look forward to meet- ing face-to-face again this fall as much as is safely possible. Progress with vaccines has made us more optimistic than ever about prospects for bringing this community physically back together to provide the education we know is most effec- tive.”
Throughout the CO- VID-19 pandemic, the university has acted in accordance with the lat- est health information as well as shelter-in-place orders from the state of California and city of Fresno and guidelines from the County of Fres- no Department of Public Health. The university will continue to take all necessary precautions to protect students, faculty, administrators and staff, some of whom may not be able to return to cam- pus right away.
While instruction has been online, the uni- versity completed a $2
million plan to improve the online experience and to ensure safety. Social-distancing stan- dards were put in place; spaces in classrooms, residences and other areas were modified for social distancing; class- rooms were equipped with cameras and other equipment for hybrid instruction; plexiglass shields and signage were installed through- out the five campuses; cleaning services were increased; and personal protection equipment, (masks and hand sanitiz- er) was made available.
As details for imple- menting in-person in- struction are worked out in the coming months at FPU’s five campuses—Merced, North Fresno, the main campus in southeast Fresno (also home to Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary), Visalia and Bakersfield—updates will be posted on the university COVID-19 website: coronavirus-covid- 19-news-and-informa- tion. Students and em- ployees will also receive emails with pertinent information.
A decision about in- struction for summer classes in the graduate, degree completion and traditional undergradu- ate programs is expect- ed in March.
APPOINT Continued from page A1
zalez, Alejandro Hinojo- sa, Geof Mickey, Oscar Quiroz, Felix Sepulveda, David Suelta, and Jesse Vasquez.
Dan Spears, now re- tired, served as the city’s community development manager and also was a candidate for the vacancy.
“I will join you in your work for the city, for the next two years,” Spears told the council. “I hope that my motivation, in ap- plying for this important appointment is simply to continue the betterment of Sanger.”
Following a short public comment and re- cess, council member Humberto Garza made a motion to appoint Mon- telongo and received a second from Esmeralda Hurtado. Montelongo was approved by a 3-1 vote, with Daniel Marti- nez voting "yes" and On- tiveros voting "no."
“I will be open to sug- gestions and concerns for District 4 and to the entire community as well,” Montelongo said.
Sanger to address second budget revision Jan. 21
Sunday - Thursday: 11AM-10PM Friday & Saturday: 11AM-11PM
1 Topping w/Fries
Magdalena Ruiz F.N.P.-C
Aurora Florez F.N.P.
520 J. Street
LRG. 2 Topping & Medium 1 Topping
Pizzas $1925
tax included