Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 3-21-19 E-edition
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this guy is swerving all over the road,’ or gives other drivers the impression that they’re driving under the influence,” Garza said. “We still see the same amount of drunk drivers, however it’s really hard to say because we do a lot of community policing, meaning we do go out into the community to express our concerns with alcohol related incidents and how they can affect the community or how they can affect a family.”
The California Highway Patrol, as well as the Reed- ley Police Department, urges those who want to drink to do so responsibly and not to drive.
Garza said things were improving for a while, but they started seeing the spike in DUI arrests again in re- cent weeks.
“I do know that in the past, around New Year’s Eve, with the help of AAA and Uber and Lyft we did see a lot of our DUIs on the decline because people were actually getting smarter,” said Garza.
“However, we tend to still see a lot of the people who don’t have licenses or they just have no regard for our laws and still continue to go out and drink and drive.”
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The Reedley Exponent A8 Thursday, March 21, 2019
Our community is really good at assisting us with calling 911 if they see any- thing remotely close to a DUI driver. So a lot of our arrests are self initiated ar- rests where officers are ac- tually out seeing the DUIs.
— Reedley police Sgt. Guillermo Garza, one of eight local law enforcement working a St. Patrick’s Day weekend detail
ST. PATRICK’S Continued from page A1
involved in DUI collisions. In addition, 285 DUI arrests were recorded for 2018.
Statewide numbers for 2019 were not available at press time.
“St. Patrick’s Day around here can be festive,” said Garza. “We do see an influx of people coming from vari- ous cities such as Dinuba, Kingsburg, Orange Cove and Sanger for the festivities, so it usually tends to get a little busy around that time.”
Reedley police made a total of seven arrests during the St. Patrick’s Day enforce- ment period.
Two of the arrests were for driving under the influ- ence, two were for restrain- ing order violations. One per- son was arrested for public intoxication, and two people were arrested for outstand- ing warrants. One of those subjects was in possession of a firearm.
The National Highway Traffic Administration de- scribes March 17 as one of the deadliest holidays on the country’s roads. During the 2017 St. Patrick’s Day period, 37 percent of the fatalities in traffic accidents involved drunken drivers.
Garza said that locally, community members play a big role in pointing out and calling in impaired drivers.
“We have community calls where they say ‘Hey,
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
A pair of Reedley police officers stopped at one of the local gas stations on March 16 to speak to a subject, whose face is blurred out. During the St. Patrick’s Day weekend enforcement March 16-17, officers made seven arrests in addition to several stops.
GATES Continued from page A2
said the decision to leave was tough, and only the spe- cial bond with Reedley High lured him away. He’ll contin- ue teaching at OCHS through the end of the school year be- fore relocating to RHS.
“When I left [as Titans coach], I told [the players] I didn’t catch one pass for Orange Cove High. I didn’t make a tackle,” he said. “I didn’t do anything at Orange Cove High, you guys did, and I said you will continue to do that...They’re on the map now. They’ve got fan- tastic facilities, and to win 10 games people are talking about Orange Cove now.”
Gates said a key to the Titans’ immediate improve- ment was a solid weight training program. And that’s an immediate priority for him at Reedley High.
“At Orange Cove, we got pushed around my first year. They didn’t have much of a weight program,” he said. “We just made a decision in the offseason that we’re not
going to let that happen. So they just committed to lifting weights, and it made all the difference in the world. We pushed people around in the fourth quarter quite a bit.”
Gates said he liked what he saw when he arrived on campus.
“I have been pleasantly surprised with what the coaches have done with the weights. We’re stronger than what I thought we would be, and we have great numbers in the morning,” he said. “These kids are getting here at 6:30 [a.m.]. Which tells me this: they’re ready to win here.”
Longterm, Gates said he wants to develop the lower level programs all the way down to the youth program to build continuity with the high school’s offensive and defensive philosophies.
In addition to his coach- ing duties Gates will be a freshman math teacher at the high school.
“I’m just as excited to be a math teacher as I am to be a coach,” he said. “I’m excited to help out the math department.”
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