Page 13 - Reedley Exponent 1-18-18 E-editon
P. 13

130•Professional Services
EDDIE’S HEATING & COOLING “It’s time” get your heaters checked! Winter around the cor- ner. 10% discount on any repair for all Military and 1st responders. Habla Espanol. (559) 394-7014
$5 Flat Rate Embroidery
130•Professional Services
I have access to several thousand
yards of carpet!
I will carpet your living room & hall in 100% nylon high- low earthtone carpet for $594! based on 40 yrds. Price includes carpet, pad & installation! Do your whole house, living room, hall & 3 bedrooms for $1188. Based on 80 yrd. Savings in other price ranges in other styles.
732-0126 or 582-4155
151•Help Wanted
SPECIALTY TRANSFER truck driver wanted. 2 years experience minimum. Fax re- sume to (559) 638-3599
151•Help Wanted
POLICE OFFICER, Selma P.D.-Salary $3,618 - $4,397/ mo. plus bene ts. POST CA Basic Cert or completed POST approved Basic acad- emy by time of hire required. Complete job  yer & applica- tions available at Selma City Hall, 1710 Tucker, Selma, CA or at 559/891-2200. Continuous Recruitment. EOE
151•Help Wanted
SALES COORDINATOR – Immediate opening for a full time seasonal position. Must have computer experience, Excel and Famous preferred. QUALITY CONTROL- Imme- diate opening for a full time seasonal position. Previous experience preferred.Please call Mulholland Citrus 559- 626-2525 for consideration.
SEEKING UNIQUE, creative, outgoing, friendly individual for our “Director of Fun” in the bus tour division. He/she will have the ability to connect with the senior tour market. Will be the tour guide, will lead, create & participate in recreation activities. Call 559- 787-2551
HELP WANTED: Cooks for restaurant in Dinuba w/ experience. Call Robert @ 323-547-1791 Se necesita cocineros para restaurante en Dinuba con experencia. 323-547-1791
M-F, 8AM-4PM
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
Sanger Unified
School District
1905 7th St. • Sanger
Child Development Asst. - Substitutes Needed - Salary $13.83 per hr. - On call positions for early childhood classes. Req. HS dip. or equiv. & some exp. in class- room setting, Child First Aid & Infant/Child CPR certs. & flu, DPT & measles shots. Open until filled.
Apply at or Sanger Unified School District Office (559) 524-6521 EOE
• Mini Track Bobcats • Tractor W/Disc
• Skid Steers
• Track Bobcats
• Trenchers, Tillers • Back Hoes
small engine repair
We have replacement engines... Briggs: Authorized Warantee & Service Honda: Authorized Warantee & Service Echo: Authorized Warantee & Service
Trailers, 3 Yard Concrete Delivery Truck To
Serve You.
FEMALE HUSKY mix puppy, 4 months old. Asking $100. Call 559- 356-6253 if interested.
WALNUT dry 16”-18” long $170/cord. Peach or Plum $160/cord. Free Del. Call (559) 246-2621
You're ReadingThis One
2321 19th St. Friday & Saturday 9am. Rain or shine. Living room furniture, cast iron day bed, dressers, washer & dryer, crystal, china, collectibles, old toys, linens, kitchenware and household, oak upright piano, tools and more.
1710 InBsitdallaNtoio.n01o1f8-P17la1y0- Installation of
Amending Title 10, ChAapmtenr d2i,nSgeTcitiloen130,PCehrtaapinteinr g2,TSoeZcotinoing3 Pertaining To Zoning Play- be a junior lien. If you are
e sectionde1r7L2a5b.5ortoCopdeerfosremction 1725.5
NEW 1.75 Yard
740 W. North Ave., Reedley Sat Feb 10th 7am-2pm. Vendors needed $25.00 per spot. Se Necesita venderores $25 por lugar. Call or text 353-4616
Early Bird Specials Split Wood $180 Peach $160 Delivered. 643-5647
130•Professional Services
MARIA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free estimates, 20 years experience. Lic# 201515 and insured. Call 283- 5760 or 875-6351
yaRd Sale
as a tshuebcboidn-
in good standing througishntaPgnordoijndegcsttachonromduinpgglhettiPhornoujegcht cPoromjepcletticoonmapnledtioanll
City Clerk City Clerk
call 916-939-0772 or
call 916-939-0772 or
to a Condterracwtililf eanwteardiendtothaeContract if awarded the
tractor shall not be quaanldi eadll taopepnlictearbilnetow,aorraanntdy paellriaopdpsl.icaOblwenwerarranty periods. Owner
visit this Internet Web site January 18, 2018 January 18, 2018
e declarWedorfkorafenidtedw,illpabied dtoe,clared forfeited, paid to,
engage in the performraensceervoef,satnhye criognhttratoctroefjerectsearnvyesbitdheasrignhotntroe-reject any bid as nonre-
he Owneorr arestaliqinueidabteydthdeamO-wner as liquidated dam- state the California contractor license number CASH (payable at time of
cations Following the Adoption of Senate Bilclo5m, using the file number COAFSHTH(pEayTaOblWe Nat t(imNOe Wof ODFeeTdHoEf TOruWstN, t(oN-OwWit: Deed of Trust, to-wit:
comur,t,upsiunrgsuthaentfitleo nSuemctbioenr
for all
of your advertising needs
1130 G Street
publicwork(asde nesdpboynsDiviveisifiobnid2d,ePraorta7n,yspsounbsciovnetriafcbtiodrdeisrnoortanysubcontractorisnot errefuseasgoersniefgthlecbtsidtdoeernrtefrusesorneglectstoenterontheDesignationofSubcontractorsformfor
erwise amdgeruersetL,dautbnoolebrsysCOowtdhneerrsweiinscetioangre1e7d25to.5bytoOpwenreforrimn
are very short in duration or aSTsAtaTtEeOorFnCaAtioLnIFaOlRbaNnIAk, SwTillAinTcEreOasFeCthAisLfIiFgOurReNprIiAor, willincreasethisfigureprior
me of iswspuriabtinlnicge,waotfrkth. e tibmoendo,f issuance of the bond,
s.Ownerrarteinsgercvoemspthaenireigsh.tOtownresrerrevseesrvtehsethrieghritghtottorerjecsteravneysbthidearisghntotno-rejeaccthaecnkydbraidwnabsynaosnta-te at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of bid nonresponsive if the bidder submits the
nhot npe
ctthesuarpeptyroinvesuorerrresjelcetctehderseusrpeotynsinivseuriefraselisletecdtedsurbecsopnotnrascivteor’isfalicleisntesdesubocrofnetdraecratolrs’savlincgesnsaend the base bid to cover all sections bidder is corrected contractor’s license number to the
AYES: Soleno, Beck, Fast, Piñon, Betancourthe telephone information oPrLAfeTdSe,rIaNlTsHavEinOgFsFaICnEd PbeLAnTeSfic,iIaNryTHuEndOeFrFsICaiEd beneficiaryundersaid
nd to reqbuyireCConotnratrcatcotroarntodotob-reisqunioretiCnognotoradcstotarntdoinogb-toispneorftoirnmgothoedwsotarnkdfoinrg tolpoaenrfoarsmsocthiaetiowno,rskavfoinrgs bidding and made payable to the Owner. If Owner within 24 hours after the bid opening,
or on the Internet Web NOES: None Deed of Trust heretofore Deed of Trust heretofore
osraleo.nIfthyeouInwteisrhnetot lWeaerbn
masuretyaiinsaurbeornsdaftrisofmacatorsyuretyinsurersatisfactory whichitislistedfromthwehticmheitoifssluisbtmedisfsriomntheastismoeciaotfiosnu,bomrisasvioings
site. The best way to verify
custom logos $25 setup fee No Hidden fees. No Minimums
OFFICE MANAGER/ Specialist. Consolidated Irri- gation. Call for more informa- tion (559) 896-1661 (Salary DOQ)
DRIVERS NEEDED. Class- es, A, B, & C. Must have 2yrs commercial driving experi- ence. Seasonal. Call from 2pm-4pm only 559-859-0949
MIRAMONTE SANITATION has an immediate opening for full-time truck driver. Class A required, clean DMV printout and resume. Call 595-1313.
M-F, 8AM-4PM
Fred’s PLUMBING Residential Plumbing Service 591-3398
Cleaning lady
Moveouts, deepcleaning. De- tailed house or of ce cleaning, vacation rentals, maintenance cleaning, etc. Complete detailedtoptobottom. Supplies provided, 13+ yrs exp. References avail. English speaking. For quote call or
text Melissa559-704-6030
“Come join our team at Palm Village Retirement Community. We are accepting applications for the following positions:
F/T and P/T all shifts available
Dietary Aids and Cooks; all shifts. Must be avail- able to work weekends and holidays
Laundry Aide
Immediate Opening for a p/t laundry aide. Quali ed applicant should be a dependable team player. Must be willing to work variable shift, weekends, and holidays.
Quali ed applicants apply in person, email resume,
to the following: kristinarocha@ 703 W. Herbert Ave Reedley, CA 93654 559-638-8463
a trustee auction does not
Reedley yaRd SaleS
ROCK and
yaRd Sale 351 N. Crawford ave.
1905 7th St. • Sanger
HVAC Specialist - Energy Mgmnt. Emphasis - Sal Rg. $3,704 - $4,728/mo. FT. Req. a HS dip. or equiv. and 4 yrs. exp. in the HVAC field and/or AS degree in Energy Mgmnt., Industrial Tech. or related field. Deadline 1/29/18.
Apply at or Sanger Unified School District Office (559) 524-6521 EOE
Sat Jan 20th 8am Sofa set, clothing, comic books, video games, and misc items.
MONDAY 10:00
AM Advertise in both Dinuba & Reedley More coverage = More $$$ BIGGER, BOLDER Yard Sales! Add a description up to 20 words!!!
799-0670 Tim delivery 528-3103 Ed at the pit
Support Your Community Shop Locally
ing Ordinance. ing Ordinance. insuranceorganizationainustuhroarnizceedobrygatnhiezaIntio-nauthorizedbytheIn-
of insurance in the StateofoifnsCuarlaifnocrneiaindtuhreinSgtate of California during
this calendar year). Thetshuisrectayleinsduarreyrseamr)u.stT,he surety insurers must,
Best Company, Inc. or oBtheesrtiCndoemppeanndye, other independent rat- SUBMITTPILNAGCEBIDFOS:RSSeUalBeMdITTING BIDS: Sealed
you can receive clear title
you can receive clear title a trustee auction does not
ing companies. Ownerinregsecrovmespatnhiesr.ighOtwtoner reserves the right to ceived obnidsJamnuastrybe30r,e2ce0i1v8ed on January 30, 2018
forth in the Contract Docfuomrthenintst.he Contract Documents.
surance Commissioner to transact business
Amending Title 10, Chapter 2, Section 3 Pertaining To Zoning
applicable warranty periods. Bidder shall
and Smoking Prohibition, Providing Text and De nition Clari -
beneficiary, trustee, or a www.nationwideposting.
sale in lawful money of the Chapter 1 (§§1720 et sliecqe.n)soefdthienLgaobodr Csotadned)inlicgefnrsoemd tihnegtoimode sthtaending from the time the
ThisordinanceamendsSections4-3-1and4-3-2asosfigthnedRetoedtlheiysMcuas-e sCaIlTeYin) lOawFfuRl EmEonDeLyEoYf,thINe C$8IT2Y,4)8O2.F93RE(EsDtiLmEaYte, dIN). $82,482.93 (Estimated).
i hf oi sr
t provideindtobythteheCOonwtnraecrtapfrteorvided by the Owner after
all subcontractors doing more than one-half of United States, by cash, a
129841-5. Information UTHniEitceidCpIaSTltYaCtOeosFd, RebyEpEceaDrstLhaE,inYa,ingTAHtcoEcrtChueIeTdYdeOin FnteiRtriEeoEsntDoLafEn“Ysd,moAkcincrgu”,edproinvtideirnegstteaxntd
129841-5. Information Code. The law requires that
unless currently registered and quali ed un- to do sob.eiTngheresquuretsyteindstuoredro so. The surety insurer
one percent (0.5%) of the bidder’s total bid. cashier's check drawn by
about postponements that
bid is submitted to Ownebriduips tsoubamwaitrteddotfothOewner up to award of the
Contract, whether or notCtohnetrbaicdtd,ewrhliestheedrtohrenot the bidder listed the
AninadvertenterrorinlistainsgtaateCoarlinfaotrinonialcboann-k, subcontractor inadvertenstulyb,cornitfracltiosrteindasduvbe-rtently, or if a listed sub-
which was signed into law by Governor Brown on May 4, 2016.
that occur close in time to
sale postponements be that occur close in time to
ot lower hthaavne “aA-r”atainsgrantoetdlobwyecrotnhtaranc“toAr-’”salsicerantseed ibsyscturosanpctetroanrcd’steodlric’soernlisceexnpnsiuremsibsesrusashpcahelelncndkoedtdrabowerngebrxyopuainrsedtsaste Bids must be accompanied by a bidder’s
aA COchCredOciknRadDnraIcNweGnNbToyO.a2s0Tt1Ha7tEe-00At8oCwsCaOlseR.aDTdhIoNepGtBeedTnObeyficTtihHaerEyCityo Csaolue.ncTihl eatBitesnreefigcuia-ry the scheduled sale may not oMrAfePdeRraEl cCreOdRitDunEioDn,IoNr MmaAyPeleRcEt tCoObiRdDleEssDthIaNn may elect to bid less than lar meeting of January 9, 2018, by the followingimvomted:iately be reflected in aBOchOecKkd5raPwAnGbEya6stOateF BthOeOfuKll5crePdAiGtbEid6.TOhFe thefullcreditbid.The
any,Inc.Ao.rMo.tBhersitnCdoempepnadneyn,tInpcr.iorotothearwianrddepoefntdhenCtpofornirotrr alcitnot.gaaOwawbrinderopfraotltsheoestCooronrftorfaerdccet.oranlsOcirdweednriteinurgnaiotlsnh,oeor bond, cashier’s check, or certi ed check for
tao bthide Obownnderis. used, it must be issued by an or any continuation thereof, so long as the of the bidder’s bid to awaorfdthoef tbhieddCeor’ awarbdanokf sthpecCifioedntirnacset.ction
postponement information bCaAOnBkUSNspETeNYciTfi:eRdNEoiCnnOseeRcDtioSn. CthOe UunNdTerYsigRneEdCaOwRrDitteSn. the undersigned a written
postponement information been postponed, and, if
PRE-BMAIDdAmNiDtCteAOdTNOSFRuEYrRetEyNP(CaREnE-iBnsIDuranCceONorFgEaRniEzNatCioEn corrected contractor’s license number corre- The Owner reserves theTrihgehtOtownwearivresaenrvyeirs- the 5ri1g0h2t tofwtahieveFainaynicr-ial
is to attend the scheduled 5T1h0e2profpethrtey hFeinreatonfcoirael TDheeclaprraotipoenrotyf Dhefraeutoltfaonred Declaration of Default and
is to attend the scheduled applicable, the rescheduled sale. Date: 01/03/2018 time and date for the sale MORTGAGE LENDER
T: The prAe-NbDidScIoTnEfeVreISnIcTe: aTnhde pre-bid conference and
authorized by the Insurance Commissioner sponds to the submitted name and location for
A full copy of Ordinance No. 2017-008 is on  le in the of ce of the City sale. Date: 01/03/2018 Cdeosdceribaenddisabuetihnogrsizoeld"atos dDesmcraibned fisorbeSinagles, oaldnd"asa Demand for Sale, and a Clerk of the City of Reedley. MORTGAGE LENDER iws"r.itTtehne sNtroeteicteadodfreDsesfanudlt written Notice of Default
gin at GsreitaetvWiseitstewrinll bSecghionoal,t Great Western School, to transact surety insurance in the State of
regularity and to reject anreygourlaarliltybiadnsd. tUonrlejsesct anCyodreaallnbdidasu.thUornizlesdsto
otherwise required by lawoth,thnaeot rsbwuiidbsdceeorrnemtqrauaciyrteowdr.itbhy- law,dnoobubsidindeessr minathyiswsittha-te) ood Ave5I0S5t1reSe.t,FRreaendkwleoyoCdAAve I Street, Reedley CA
is". The street address and do business in this state)
/s/ Sylvia B. PlataSERVICES, INC. 11707 oatnhderEcloemctmioonntdoeSsigenll.atTiohne, andElectiontoSell.The
of this property, you may SERVICES, INC. 11707
Californiaduringthisdcrawlenitdsabridyefoar)a,pwehriicohddorfaswixitys(b6id0)fodrayaspaefr-iodofsixty(60)daysaf- othercommondesignation,
nning at91306:5040 anmd obengJinanninug- at 10:00 am on Janu- Subcontractors shall maainlltariginht,thtietleir alnicdeinsteeresst shall be given as a gteuratrhaentdeaetethsaett tfhoer thbeid-opteerntihneg dthaeteresoeftofroranthye opceonninvgeytehderetofaonrdanyow
all right, title and interest
City Clerk
iuf nandye,rosfitghneeredalcparoupseertdy
paunrdpEorletecdtiotno tboeS: e1l2l 0to7bKe
Fair Oaks Blvd., Ste 202 undersigned caused
call 916-939-0772 or Fair Oaks Blvd., Ste 202
tendancaeryis1m9,an20d1a8to.rAyt,tebnid-ance is mandatory, bid- in good standing through Project completion derwillenterintoaCaounthtroarcizteifdapwosatrpdoendemthenatuththeoreriozef.dTphoestOpwonemrenthtehledreboyf.iTthuendOewrnsearid
Dpuerepdorotef dTrtuostb, ed:e1sc2r0ib7eKd
Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) saidJaNnoutaicrey1o8f,D2e0f1a8ult
F v a i s i r i t O t h a i s k s I , n C t e A r n 9 e 5 t 6 W2 8 e b ( 9 s 1 i 6 t e )
ng the codnefersrennocteasttwenilldbinegdtihse- conferences will be dis- and all applicable warranty periods. Owner Work and will be decrlaersedrvfeosrftehitedri,ghptatiod ttaok,eremseorveetshathnesrixigtyht(6to0)take DmeoerdeotfhTarnusst,ixdteys(c6ri0b)ed
962-3453 Sale Information and Election to Sell to be
962-1314530SaGle InSfotrrmeaetiotn www.nationwideposting.
dding onqaunayli sedctfironm. bidding on any section.
days to make a decisiondareygsatrodimngaktheearedjeci-sionaresgfaorldloinwgs:thTerursetjoerc(s-):
e ContrPaocrutrseDutaoinctuemdtoebnythsteh,etChOeownntrearctasDloiqcuimdaetnetds,dathme-
er will bseaugrcecsqeuisfisrtefhudel btoiddfuerrnriwsehfiullstibeoesn orerfqbnuiedigrseledocrtstohteofuaerwniatserhrdtoiofnthoef bCiodnstorarctth.e award oRfOthBeECRoTntSraEcBtA. STIAN
aSsT, fRoEllEoDwLsE:YT, rCuAst9o3r6(5s4):.
SreTc, oRrEdEeDd LiEnY,thCeA c9o3u6n54ty. OF THE TOWN (NOW
for all of your advertising needs
licensed in good standing from the time the orandMaaPtearyimal)enBto(nLdabinorthaendJoMhanteGr.iaCl)amBopnbdelli,nStuhpeeJroinhtennGd.eCntampbell,SuperRinOteDnRdIGeUntEZANDKARLA
sale in lawful money of the
into the Contract provided by the Owner after
undred paemrcoeuntt (o1f0o0n%e)houfntdhreed percent (100%) of the bJaidnuisasryub1m1,it1te8d, 2t0o1O8wneJranuupatroy a11w,a1rd8,o2f0t1h8e
VA cI Cc r Eu e d P Ri n Et e Sr e I sD t E a N n Td three months have elapsed
129841-5. Information
6 8 6 2
on is ss as
FIC5T2IT6I5OSU.SCBraUwSfIoNrEdSS Clerk5265 S. Crawford writing, at the time of issuance of the bond,
CAlerDkEED OF TRUST A DEED OF TRUST subcontractor inadvertent0l2y,/1o3r/2i0f0a8 laisteDdocsuumbe-nt BD y A : ST a E o D Y a n 0 g 2 , / D 0 e 6 p / u 2 t y 0 0 8 . D A T E D 0 2 / 0 6 / 2 0 0 8 .
0cao2ms/1tma3t/oe2n0o0dre8snaiagsntiaoDtnioacnlu,bimfaennkyt, Nsahoco.h2we0nc0k8h-d0er0rae2wi1n8n.4bS9yaoifadosfsfitcaialtel
SERVICES, INC. MAY BE twhiell inTcrruesatseethisisufignuarbelepritor
are very short in duration or SERVICES, INC. MAY BE
being requested to do so. The surety insurer must, unless otherwise agreed to by Owner in
United States, by cash, a any incorrectness of the IVONNE RODRIGUEZ
NAMEASvTeAnTuEe,MENT By: Sao YAavnegn,uDee,puty have a rating not lower than “A-” as rated by
No. 2008-0021849 of official contractor’s license is suspended or expires
scAhoCnovCwenOy RthitelDerIefNoinrG.anSTyaOrideaTsaHolnEe,
wtMhielAl sbPueccRmeEsasdCfeuO,l bRiduDdt eEwr'DisthsoIulNet
A DEBT COLLECTOR ctonsvaeylet.itlTehfoer Baneynerefaicsioanry,
At h a Dt Eo c B c Tu r Cc l oO s L e L i En Ct i mT eO Rt o
F i l e R e N e o d . l 2 e 2 y , 0 C1 7 A 1 0 9 0 3 0 6 6 5 8 4 6 2 N o t R i c e e e : d l T e y h , i s C A S 9 t a 3 t 6 e 5 m 4 e n t A.M. Best Company, Inc. or other independent
records in the Office of the
ATTEMPTING TO t mh e a y s u e c l c e e c s t s t f o u l b b i d i d d l e e s r s ' s t s h o a l e n
AthTe sTcEheMduPleTd sI aNleGmayTnOot
TRheegisFtorallnotwcionmg mPenrscoend tios RExepgiirsetsraOntn:coDmecmeemnbcerd1t8o,
prior to award of the Contract. Owner also EAxCpTireIOsNOnT:ODePceRmObTeEr 1C8T, ACTION TO PROTECT Recorder of FRESNO
Rcoevceonrdaenrt orf FwRarErSanNtOy, a check drawn by a state
c a o n d v e e n x c a l u n s t i v o e r r e wm a e r d r y a s n h t a y l , l BOOK5PAGE6OF
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY and exclusive remedy shall the full credit bid. The INFORMATION OBTAINED be the return of monies Wb e I L n L e B f i E c i U a S r y E D u n F d O e R r T s H a A i T d
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY immediately be reflected in
rating companies. Owner reserves the right to Ctraonsdaucct tbiunsginBesusiunnedsesr tahes t2ra0n2s2act business under the
reserves the right to reject any bid as non- 2Y0O22UR PROPERTY, IT YOUR PROPERTY, IT County, California, Date of
Cexoupnretys, sCeadlifoornriai,mDpaltiedof, or federal savings and Tr er ug sa t r ed ei n' sg St i at l el e , : p0 o1 s/ 3s e1 s/ 2s 0i o1 n8 , loan association, savings aotr 1e0n:c0u0mAbMraTnrcuesste, etoSpaaley
eb xe p t r h e e s s r e e t d u r no r o f i m m p o l ni e i ed s ,
INFORMATION OBTAINED the telephone information
approve or reject the surety insurer selected
NFiecwtitiFoiulinsgBusiness Name FAicnteitiwousstaBteumsiennetsms uNsatmbe AMnAeYw BstEateSmOenLtDmuAsTt beA MAY BE SOLD AT A
by Contractor and to require Contractor to ob-
ame: FlisictetitdioaubsoBvuesoinnesDseNceambee:r lfiisleteddpariboorvteoothneDeexcpeirmatbioenr isfPileUndoBptLriIinCorgStoAotLhdeEs.etxIaFpnirdYaitOniogUntoPpUeBrfLoIrCmSthAeLEw.oIFrkYfoOrU
les 19tV,aa2iln0le1ya7.BbaoknedEfrdoibmlesasur1ed9aty,te2.i0n1s7u.rersatisfactory wdNahEtieEc.hD AitNisEXlisPtLeAdNAfrToImONtheNEtiEmDeAoNf EsXuPbLmAiNsAsTioIOnN Location: At the Van Ness
association, or savings Lthoecartieomn:aAint itnhge VparninNciepsasl
T e o x : e R c u E t E e Dd L a E n Y d E d X e Pl i v O e Nr e E d N t T o have no further recourse.
d Thtois5t2bh6ue5siOSne.wsCnsraecwro.fnodrudcted This bDuseicnemssbecro2n8d,u2c0t1e7d, OF TDHeEceNmAbeTrU2R8,E20O17F, OF THE NATURE OF
thaeverenmo afuinrtihnegr rpercinocuirpsae.l
the undersigne0d1/a11w/2r0it1te8n, NOTICE TO POTENTIAL
postponement information 01/11/2018,
byM: IAndNivDidAuAvaeTlnOuRe,Y PRE-bByI:DJInadnivuiaCdruyOa4lN, 1F1E, 1R8E, 2N0C18E 54 TyApReNeoDerdPSlreiInyT,t ESCiAgVn9IaS3tu6ITr5e:4aTndhe pTyrepe-boirdPcriontnSfeigrneantucre andd TitsleiteFrveisnitos Cwoiullnbtyegin at GTitrleat NWOeTsICteErnOFSchool, MSoa5fii0lain5gA1lAeSdjad.nrdeFrsasraCnekrvwaontoeds,AvSeofIiaTSRAtUrleSjaeTntE,dErRa'SeCeSedArvlLeaEnyteCs,A
of the bidder’s bid to award of the Contract. Avenue exit from the
sbuamnkofspthecnifoieted(sin) seeccutrieodn Avenue exit from the
01/18/2018, BD I e Dc l Da r Ea t Ri o Sn : o f I f D ey f oa u u l t a a nr ed
is to attend the01s/c1h8e/2d0u1le8d, sale. Date: 0011/0/235//2018 MORTGAGE LENDER SERVICES, INC. 11707 Fair Oaks Blvd., Ste 202 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 962-3453 Sale Information Line: 916-939-0772 or www.nationwideposting. com LAUREN MEYER, VICE PRESIDENT MORTGAGE LENDER
nue, O6w51neNr. Ventura Avenue, OTrwusntere Sale No. 129841-5 93654 and beginning at 10:00 am on Janu-
draw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days af- TLrEusNteDeESRaleSNEo.R1V29I C84E1S-5, L E N D E R S E R V I C E S , said County, California
all right, title and interest
trhiseksteinrmvoslveodf tihnebiDddeiendg if any, of the real property oaft Tarutrsuts,teestiamuacteiodn.feYeosu,
risks involved in bidding undersigned caused at a trustee auction. You said Notice of Default will be bidding on a lien,
3223 FFilaerdmewrsitvhillet,hCeAF9r3e2s2n3o FLoilaend Nwoi.t1h73th8e974F-r1eTsintloe ary 19, 2018. Attendance is mandatory, bid-
conveyed to and now
nt FCuolul NntaymCelerokf oRne:gDisetcraenmtber COorduentryNCole.r9k5o3n1:1D6e7c3emAbPeNr ders not attending the conferences will be dis-
aOTurtudhesotrerNiezoe.Wd9I5pL3oL1s1St6pE7o3LnLAePAmNTentTtrhuesrteeofW. TILhLeSOEwLnLeArT held by it under said described above is
19, 20S1o7fia Alejandra 1396,82-203137-02 TRA No. YOU quali ed from bidding on any section.
r3Pe6Us8eB-2rLv3ICe3-As0U2thCTeTRIOrAiNgNhTotO. tYoTOHtUaEkePmUBoLreICtAhUaCnTsIOixNtyTO(6T0H)E HALF OF LOTS 1, 2, 3
Deed of Trust, described HofAtLhFe TOrFustLeOeTaSnd1,of2t,h3e
purported to be: 1207 K not on the property itself. of the Trustee and of the
and Election to Sell to be not on the property itself.
Brandi CLe.rvOarntthe,sCounty BARraEnIdNi DLE. FOArUthLT, UCNouDnEtRy Pursuant to the Contract Documents, the
A t a r Ns u s D f t o s l 4 l c o r w I e N s a : t B e T d L r Ou b s C y t o K s r ( a 9 s i 6 ) d : ROBERT SEBASTIAN RODRIGUEZ AND KARLA IVONNE RODRIGUEZ
tPSr luTa,scRtinsEgEctDrheLaEhtYeig,dhCeAbsyt9b3si6da5ia4dt. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other
Prelaccoinrdgetdheinhigthestcobiudnatyt where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. If
successful bidder will be required to furnish a Payment (Labor and Material) Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the
tion of bids or the award of the Contract. John G. Campbell, Superintendent
reserves the right to reject any bid as nonre-
Line: 916-939-0772 or recorded in the county Deed of Trust, to-wit: www.nationwideposting. where the real property c$o8m2,4L8A2U.9R3E(NEsMtimEaYtEedR),. is located and more than
Line: 916-939-0772 or com, us6in3g8th-e2fi2le4n4umber
sponsive if bidder or any subcontractor is not
CASH (payable at time of
TwheruendtheersirgenaeldpTrorupsetertey CITY) OF REEDLEY, IN disislcolcaaimtesd anyd lmiaobrileitythfaonr THE CITY OF REEDLEY, athnreyeinmconrtrhescthnaevseseloafpstheed
Contract, whether or not DtheedboifdTdreusrt:lirsetceodrdethdeon
cashier's check drawn by Ds t e r e e e d t o a f d T d r u r s e t s : s r e a c o n r d d e o d t h o e n r
COUNTY OF FRESNO, stinrecet saudcdhrersescoardnadtiotnh.eIrf
MadOdiRtioTnGalAaGdvEancLeEsN, iDf aEnRy, since such recordation. If
about postponements that MORTGAGE LENDER
responsive if a listed subcontractor’s license Trustee's Sale: 01/31/2018
r p e a g i ad r d t oi n g t h t ei t l e T , r p u o s s t se e e s , s ai o n n d ,
paid to the Trustee, and PDUeeRdPOofSTEr.uNstPhPe0r3e2to3f2o8r7e the successful bidder shall
WILL BE USED FOR THAT or on the Internet Web PURPOSE. NPP0323287 site. The best way to verify To: REEDLEY EXPONENT
PROCEEDINGS The Owner reserves theCrioguhntttyo wCoauivrethaonuyseir-at
THJEanuPaRryO4C, 1E1E, 1D8I,N20G1S8 THE
Cb 5 y 1 o 0 u s 2 n a t i y d o f CD t o e h u e e r d t h F o o i f n u a T s n e r u c s i a a t t , l 1wC1iot0hd0einVataenrdeNsateutsthsheorAreivzoennd,uaetos,
b BT y h I D e s D a p Ei r d o R p D S e e r : t e y I d f h o e y f r o e u T t o r u f a o s r r t e e , wc d o e i t n s h s c i r i d i n b e t e r e i d n r e g i s s b t b i d e t h d i n e i n g r g e s o o o n l n d , t " h a a i s s s
01/25/2018 c D o e n ms i d a e n r d i n g f o b r i d S d a i n l e g , o a n n t d h i s a
AGAINST YOU, YOU AGAINST YOU, YOU regularity and to reject an1y10o0r aVlal nbiNdse.ssUAnvlensuse, SHOUNLODTICOENOTFACT A SHOULD CONTACT A
Fproevsindoe,d CinAs9a3id72n4oteT(hs)e, do business in this state)
provpiedretyd linens,ayidounsohteo(usl)d, is". The street address and
property lien, you should written Notice of Default
Fresno, CA 93724 The otherwise required by law, no bidder may with-
padrovapnecretys, sifitaunay,teudndienr
audndvaernsctaensd, itfhatntyh,eurendaerer other common designation,
understand that there are and Election to Sell. The
ter the date set for the opening thereof or any LINoCan. aNsoth. e17d3u8ly97ap4p-1oiTntiteled INC. as the duly appointed describing the land therein:
the terms of the Deed said County, California
The Reedley Exponent B37 Thursday, January 18, 2018
Public NPoutibcleics Notices
FOR SALE Pace Arrow Mo- tor Home excellent condi- tion, new tires, 28,000 miles $19,500. 1994 Ford Ranger, runs great $3,600, 1974 Gregor House Boat 10x27 at Pine Lake Space B-9 $15,000 OBO, and 2002 P.T. Cruiser runs good, $3,000 OBO Call 559-908-7852
ICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TOCoBnItDraDcEt RSSum, and a FCaointhtrfualctPSerufmor,mandcea Faithful Performance CITY OF REEDLEY CITY OF REEDLEY
said bonds to free and clear ownership On January 9, 2018, theORneeJadnleuyaCryit9y,C2o0u1n8c,itlhinetrRoedeudcledytCheityfoCllouwn-cil introduced the follow-
a trustee auction does not
automatically entitle you to
free and clear ownership
of the property. You should
also be aware that the lien
being auctioned off may
be a junior lien. If you are
the highest bidder at the
auction, you are or may be
responsible for paying off
all liens senior to the lien
being auctioned off, before
automatically entitle you to REBY GINVOENTICthEatISKiHngEsRCEaBnY- GBoIVnEdNinththaet KainmgosuCntano-f oBnoendhuindthredapmeorcuennttof one hundred pSeUrcMeMntARY OF ORDINASNUCMEMNAOR.Y20O1F7-O00R7DINANCE NO. 2017-007
ool Distriycotn Uni ed School Dis(t1ri0c0t%) of the Contract(1S0u0m%,)saoifdthbeonCdosntoract Sum,
ds prior ctoeivtheesdeatledanbdidstimperior to the date and time
of the property. You should also be aware that the lien
erred to(ahsere“Oinwafnter”)rewfeilrlrered-to as “Owner”) will re-
be secured from AdmittebdeSsuerceutyreindsfuroremrsA(damnitted Surety insurers (an
cusd.comsa. ncFheazc-smimoi@le k(cFuAsXd.)com. Facsimile (FAX) by the City Council at its breygtuhlearCmityeeCtionugnocnil aJat intsuarerygu2l3a,r2m0e1e8t,inbgegoin-Janureacroyrd2e3r,'s2o0f1fic8e, boer gaintit-le Bid No. 0118-1710 TIhnestsaullcacteiosnsfuol fbidPdleary-wTilhl ebesuacllcoewsesdfutlobsidudbe-r will be allowed to sub-
will notcboepaiecsceopf will not be accepted. of insurance in the State of California during De nitions, Repealing And Replacing In ItisnsuEranntcireectoymTpaitnlye, e1it0he,r ground Equipment atstSithueteridsaencuSrictiheosool ranedstsatbitluisteh saencuersitcierosworinestabnlisinhg ant 7e:0s0crpo.wm.inA full cnoipnyg oaft O7:r0d0inpa.nmce. ANfou.ll2c0o1p7y-0o0f7Oirsdoinnan cleeinNo. 2017-007 is on  le in
insurance company, either the highest bidder at the
shallbeTdheeterlomwineesdt:bidOsnhathllebedetermined: Onthethiscalendaryear).Thesuretyinsurersmust, ShadeStructureatGlrieuatoWfrestateinrangSec,hpouorslualinetutofPruebtaliicnaCgoen,trpaucrtsuantthtoePouf bcleicoCfothnetraCcityClertkCh.hePaolpef atecsere6oc,fotAnhtreatciCctlitehyeDCC,leiPtryke.CrPtlaeleirnakisnaegtc6To3on7t-aS4c2et0ct0ohendCoiUtfynwCihtlsiec,hrkAmanatdy6c3Ah7ma-r4ge2en0dy0o-u
oafucwtihoinc,hymouayarechoarrmgeayobue a fee for this information. If responsible for paying off you consult either of these
a fee for this information. If Code Section 22300, anCdoadsedSeesctriobned22in30th0e, and axs2d1e2sicfryiboeudhianvteheany quxiens2gt1ioT2nitisfleyoo1ru0w,hoCauhvldeaplaiktneyrtoq2u5re,eSsvtieiocwntisaoonfur3lwl,coPouepldrytaloikifneintogrTeoviTewheaRfuelslicdoepnytioafl
as per drawings and speci cations which
hall be bfyorMthaiys 1P5ro, j2e0c1t 8s.hall be by May 15, 2018. ing, at the time of issuance of the bonds, have you consult either of these
Agreement Between OwAngerereamnedntCBonetrwaecetonr OwntehrisaOndrdiCnaonctrea.ctor this Ordinance. are available on our website at Use Matrix
ojectsshPalulbleicswuobrjekcstptorocjeocmts-shallbesubjecttocom- allliensseniortothelien
and General Conditions.anrdatGinegnenroatllCowonedritihoanns.“A-” as rated by A.M. ng and pael8inaj9fnoOcrecMe.moenittobriyngthaend enforcement by the
/s/ Sylvia Plata /s/ SylvrieasoPulracteas, you should be This ordinance repeals and replaces Title 10, Chapter 6, Article D,
resources, you should be
The Owner will ndustrialDPReLepAlaCtrioEtmnseF.nOtAoRcfoInSdtUruaBsctM-riaITlTRIeNlGatioBnIsD.SA:coSnetaralecd-
pertaining to second units, in order to be consistent with SB 1069, may hold more than one
my o a u y c h a o n l d r e m c e o i r v e e t c h l a e n a r o t i n t l e e mtoortthgeagperopredretye.dYofutraurset
not conTBsheidesetrOCwormneaprcacnweyipl,ltInacon.tyocroontshiedrerinodrepaecncdeepnttaranty-
aware that the same lender City Clerk City Clerk
being auctioned off, before aware that the same lender
bids from contractors whboidasrefronmotcliocnetnrasectdortos who are not licensed to ctor shatlolrnort sbuebqcounatlir aecdtortoshall not be quali ed to ing companies. Owner reserves the right to
January 18, 2018 January 18, 2018 AB 2299, and AB 2406 that relate to the placemmeonrttgaangde roergdueleadtiofntroufst
bids must be received on January 30, 2018
do business in the StatedofbCusailnifeosrnsiain, itnheacS-tate of California, in ac- to be lissteudbminitaabbididporroptosbael listed in a bid proposal approve or reject the surety insurers selected
prior to 10 a.m., at the Kings Canyon Uni ed
CITY OF REEDLEY CITY OF REEDLEY on the property. NOTICE accessory dwelling units. This ordinance also amends the De nitions
cordance with the CalifocronridaanPcuebliwcitChotnhteraCctalifornia Public Contract quiremensutsbojefcPtutobltihceCroenqturaircetmentsofPublicContract
on the property. NOTICE encouraged to investigate
School District, District Operations Center by the successful bidder and to require the
4104 unCleosdse cuserrcetniotlny 4re1g0i4s- uCnoledses, pcruorvriednintlgy froergtihse- Clicoednes, inpgrovoifdicnogntfroarc-the licensing of cSonUtMraMc-ARY OF ORDINASNUCMEMNAOR. Y20O1F7-O00R8DINANCE NO. 2T0O17P-R0O08PERTY OWNER:
TO PROPERTY OWNER: the existence, priority, and
Conference Room located at 1500 I Street, successful bidder to obtain bonds from surety
ed undetreLreadboarnCd oqduealsi eecdtioundtoersL. aIbnoarcCcorddeansecectiwointhtoSresc. tiIonna3c3c0o0rdoafnscaeidwith SeOcntioJnan3u3a0r0y 9o,f s2a0i1d8, theORneeJadnleuyaCryit9y ,C2o0u1n8c,ilthaedoRpetedlethyeCfiotylloCwoinugncil aTdhoeptseadlethdeatefosllhoowwingon
The sale date shown on
to replace the term “second dwelling units” with “accessory dwelling m public17w2o5r.k5 atos pder fnoermd bpyubCliocdwe,ortkheasbided enresdhablyl hCaovdee,athCelabsisdd“eBr”shli-all havOerdainCanlacses. “B” li- Ordinance. this notice of sale may be
size of outstanding liens that
Reedley CA, 93654. For information, con- insurers satisfactory to the Owner. The bid- tact Monica Sanchez at KCUSD Purchasing der will be required to furnish insurance as set
this notice of sale may be
7, ChaptDeriv1is(io§n§127,2P0aertt7s,eCq.h)acpetenrse1 a(§n§d1s7h2a0llemt saeinqt.a)incethnaset liacnednsehainll gmoaoidntain thOartdlinceansce iNn og.o2o0d17-00O8,rdAinaOnrcdeinNaon.c2e0O17f-T00h8e, CAintyOCroduinnacnilceOfOf TphoestCpoitnyedConuencoirl mOofre
may exist on this property
de. A coDofnetphraercttLmoarebnotr, spCuhobodcneoe.n-(A55c9o)n3tr0a5c-t7o0r3o7r osurbecmoani-l Ordinance No. 2017-007 is scheduled to be considered for adoption standing through ProjecsftotarctnohdminpgtlehteihorCnoouangnthrdacPatrloDl joecut mcToehmnetpsCl.eitiyonOfanRdeeadlley PeTrhtaeinCiintyg OTof RtheedDley nPiteiortnainoifn“gSTmootkhinegD”e ntiitmioens boyf t“hSemokrtignag”ee,
postponed one or more
bequaltsir aencdtcohtroeszeh-mnatloel@rnoinktctobu,esodqr.cuoamli .edFtoacesnimteirlein(tFoA,Xor) recorder'sofficeoratitle
applicable warranty pearTipohpdelsics.aubcclBeeidswsdfeaurlrabsnihdtadylelrpewriiloladbnsed. aSlloBmwiodedkdeinrtogsPhurabol-lhibitioabnyd,thPSermoCvoitikydiCngoguPTnercoxilhtaiatbniittsdiorDeng,eu PlnaroritvmioideneinCtignlagTreoi xn-tJandubeaDnryef2i c3nia,irt2yi,o0t1nru8sC,tbelaer,gi oinr--a
beneficiary, trustee, or a
copies of the bid will nsotabte tahceceCpatleifdo.rnia contrsatcatoertlhiceeCnsaelifnournmiabecrontractor license number
cations Following the Acndainotigpotnaiotsn7F:o0of0llSopwe.mnina.gtAetfhBueilllAc5odpoyptoifoOnrodfinSaenncaeteNoB.il2clo05u1r7t,-p0u0r7suiasntotno S lectinon de nedpbuybDliciviwsiornk2(a,sPadret 7n,edbyDivision2,Part7,stitutesecuritiesorestablishanescrowin
insurance company, either court, pursuant to Section
The lowest bid shall boendtehterDmeisniegdn:atioOnnotfhSeuobncothnetraDcetsoirgsnfaotrimonforf SubcTohnitsraocrtdoinrsanfocremafmorends STehcistionrdsin4a-3n-c1eaanmde4n-d3s-2SoefctthioenRse4e-d3l-e1yaMndu-4-3-29o2f4tghoef tRheCedaliefoyrnMiauC-ivil 20 et seqC.)hoafptheer 1La(§b§o1r7C2o0det)seq.) of the Labor Code) lieu of retainage, pursuant to Public Contract the of ce of the City Clerk. Please contact the City Clerk at 637-4200
2924g of the California Civil of which may charge you
amountofthebasebaidll.suTbimcoenotrfacotomrspldeotionngamllosruebthcoantroanceto-hrsaldfoifngmonriecipthaalnConde-hpaelrftoafiningtnoictihpealdCeo ndietiopnerotafi“nsimngoktoingth”e,pdreo vniditiinogntoefxt“smoCkoindeg.”T,hperolavwidreinqugiretesxthtat registeruendleasnsdcuqruraelni tleydreugni-stered and quali ed un- Code Section 22300, and as described in the x 212 if you have any questions or would like to review a full copy of
Code.Thelawrequiresthat a fee for this information. If
for this Project shall beonbey Mpearyce1n5t, 2(0.158%.) of tohneebpidedrecre’nstto(0ta.5l%bi)d.of theabnidder ’snitiotnalcblaidri. catioannsdfodlelo wnintigonthcelaarid coaptionsoffoSlloewniantge tBhiell a5d, optionfnoromfatSioennabteouBt tilrlus5t,ee
information about trustee you consult either of these
to perform Agreement Between Owner and Contractor this Ordinance. An inadvertent error in lisAtinginadCvaelriftoernntiearcrorni-n listing a California con-
Public works projects shall be subject to com-
sale postponements be which was signed into lawhbicyhGwoavsersniogrneBdroiwntno olanwMbayyG4o, v2e0r1n6o.r Brown on May 4, 2016.
sale postponements be resources, you should be made available to you and aware that the same lender to the public, as a courtesy
public work.
accompaBpnliidiaesndcmebuymstoanbibetoidriadncegcro’samnpdaenniefdorcbeymeantbibdydetrh’se Ordinance No. 2017-008OwradsinadnocpetNedo.b2y0t1h7e-C00it8y wCaosunacdiloapteitds breygtuh-e Citmy aCdoeuanvcailaablteittso ryeoguua-nd
and General Conditions.
tractor’s license numbertrsahcatlolrn’sotlicbengsreounnudmsber shall not be grounds
/s/ Sylvia Plata
bid protest ofTrohrfoe rliOcnogwnaseidrbeiwdriinlplgrnotothetesctoonrsfidoerrconrsaidcecreinpgt athney City Clerk
for  ling a
check, obDroencpdea,rttcim aesdnhticeohrf’esIcnckdhufeosctrrkia, loRreclaetritoi nesd. Achceocnktrafocr- lar meeting of January 9,la2r0m18e,ebtiyngthoef fJoallnouwainryg9v,o2te0:18, by the following tvootthe:public, as a courtesy
may hold more than one to those not present at the
bid nonresponsive if thebidbsidndforeonrmrescupobonmntrsiatisvcettohriefs twhheobaidredenrotsulicbemnistsedthteo
cent (10a%t )leoafsthtenampeorucnetnot f(10%) of the amount of AYES: Soleno, Beck, AFYaEstS, :PiñoSno, lBeentoa,nBceocukrt, Fast, Piñon, Betancourto thJosaenunoatrpyre1s8e,n2t 0at1t8he
tor or subcontractor shall not be quali ed to
corrected contractor’s liceonrrseectneudmcboenrtratocttohre’s license number to the cover athllesebcatsioensbidbidtodecroviser all sections bidder is do business in the State of California, in ac-
sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has
mortgage or deed of trust sale. If you wish to learn
submit a bid or to be listed in a bid proposal NOES: None NOES: None de payabildedtinogthaendOwmnaedre. pIfayOawbnleertowtithheinO2w4nheor.ursIf aOftwernethrewbitihdinop2e4nhinogu,rs after the bid opening,
subject to the requirements of Public Contract cordance with the CalifornAiaBSPTuAbIlNic:NCoonnetr.act ABSTAIN:None. sed,itmausbtidbeboinssduiesdubsyeda,nitomruasntybceoinstsinuueadtiboynathneoreroaf,nysocolonntignuastiotnhethereof,solongasthe
wonhettherpyroupresratyle. NdaOteTIhCaEs bTeOenPRpOoPstEpRoTnYedO, WanNdE,Rif: applicable, the rescheduled
Code section 4104 unless currently regis- Code, providing for the licAeBnSsiEngNTo:fNconetrac- ABSENT: NoSnUeMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2b0e1e7n-0p0o8stponed, and, if
y (an insAudrmanitctedoSrguarneitzyat(iaon cinosrureracntecde corngtaranciztoarti’osnliceonrrseectneudmcboenrtracoctrorer’-s license number corre-
A full copy of Ordinance NAOofn.u2lJl0ac1no7up-ay0r0oy8f9Oi,sr2do0in1a 8nl,ectiehneNthRoe.e2oe0fd 1lce7ey-0oC0fi8thyiesCConiutyn cleilinadthoeptoefd ctheeofothlloewCinityg
tered and quali ed under Labor Code section tors. In accordance with Section 3300 of said he InsuaraunthcoerizCeodmmbyissthioeneInrsuproandcsetoCtohmemsuisbsmioitntedr nspaomnedasntodtlhoecastuiobnmfoittrednameandlocationfor
applicable, the rescheduled
e sale
ty insurta1on7c2tre5a.n5insatotchtepesSurfrtoeartmye iponufsbulricanwcoerkinatshedeS ntaetde boyf Code, the bidder shall have a Class “B” li- that subcontractor. that subcontractor.
this notice of sale may be
g this caCDlaeivlnifsdoiaornrniay2e,daPura)r,irntwg7h,tiChcihsapctaelern1d(a§r§1y7e2a0r),etwsheiqch.) cense and shall maintain that license in good Subcontractors shall maSiunbtacionntrhaecirtolriscesnhsaelsl maintain their licenses
/s/ Sylvia B. Plata /s/ Sylvia B. Plataof this property, you may
of this property, you may
at 10:00AM Trustee Sale
othreesnuccucmesbsrfaunlcbeidsd,etor sphayll
Tc hHaEr gNeOsRaTnHdWeExSpTeEnRsLeYs
cwhilal rbgeesbidadnindgeoxnpeanlsiens,
1130 G Street
January 11, 18, 2018
r w e i c l l o b r d e s mi n a t d h e e , O b f u f i t c e w o i t f h t o h u e t or federal credit union, or
Sanger Unified
School District
799 W. Ponderosa Fri-Sat Jan 19th-20th 8am Furniture, queen sized bed frame, clothes, toys, household, jewelry, TV, and misc.
dINUBa yaRd Sale
An Ordinance Of TheACnitOyrdCionuanciel Of The City OCofuRneceildlOeyf The City Of Reedley
d Openinsgtaftoerd: for the Bid Opening for: being auctioned off may suranceCommissionerstouratrnacnesaCcotmbumsiisnseiossnertotransactbusiness
De nitions, RepealingDAen dnitRioenpsla,cRinegpeIanlinItgs AEndtireRteypTlaitclieng10I,n Its Entirety Title 10, ment at SghreoruidnadnESqcuhipomoleanntdat Sheridan School and the highest bidder at the
Chapter 6, Article D, PCerhtapinteinrg6,ToArStieccleonDd, PUenritasi,nAingdTAomSeencdo-nd Units, And Amend- e at GreSaht aWdesStetrnucStuchreooatl Great Western School auction, you are or may be
unless otherwise agreeduntolebsys Ootwhenrewrisinewargitr-eed to by Owner in writ-
gsandasspepcei rcadtiroanwsingwshicahndspeci cationswhich ingTitle10,Chapter25i,nSgeTcittiloen130,,PCehratapitneirn2g5T,oSeTchteioRne3s,idPenrtaiainlingToTheResidential
ing,atthe time ofissuancinego,fathtehebotimndeso,fhiasvseuance ofthe bonds,have
responsible for paying off
n our weabrseiteavatilahbttlpe://ognoo.ugrl/website at Use Matrix a8j9OM. aratingnotlowerthan“aA-r”atainsgrantoetdlobwyeAr.tMha.n“A-”asratedbyA.M.
lic N
all liens senior to the lien This ordinance repeals aTnhdis roerpdlaincaensceTitrlep1e0a,lsCahnadptreerp6la,cAersticTlietleD1, 0, Chapter 6, Article D,
being auctioned off, before pertaining to second uniptse,rtianinoinrdgertotosebceoncdonusnisitse,nitnwoitrhdeSrBto1b0e69c,onsistent with SB 1069,
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Contract Sum, and a FaAithBfu2l29P9e,rfaonrmd AanBc2e406 thAaBt r2e2la9t9e, taontdhAe Bpl2a4ce0m6 ethCnatItTarYnedlOartFegRtouElatEhtieDonLplEoaYfcemteonthaenpdrorpeegrutyla. tYionu oafre approve or reject the suraeptyprionvseuroersresjecletcttheedsurety insurers selected
to the property. You are
attheKpirniogrstCoa1n0yoan.mU.,nai tetdheKingsCanyonUni ed
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Kings Can- Bond in the amount of onaechceusnsdoreryddpweercllienngtunits.aTccheisssoordryindawSnceUelMlinaMglsAouRnaiYmts.eOTnFdhsiOstRohDredIDiNneaA nNncCietiEoanlNsoOa.m2e0ne1cno7du-sr0at0gh7edDtoei nnveitsiotignaste
automatically entitle you to
DistrictScOhpoeorlatDioinstsricCt,enDtiesrtrbicyt tOhepesruacticoenssfuClebnitdedrebryatnhde tsoucrecqeusisrfeulthbeidder and to require the
encouraged to investigate
yon Uni ed School District (100%) of the Contract Suamnd, Rsaeisdidbeonntidasl Utose MatarnixdsRecetsioidnesnotiaf lthUeseReMeadtlreixy sMeucntiiocnipsaol fCtohdeeReetdhleeyxMistuencice,ipparilorCityo,daend om locatCeodnafetre1n5c0e0 RI oSotrmeelto,csauteccdesastfu1l5b0i0ddIeSr toreoebt,tasiuncbcoensdsfsulfrboimddseurrteotyobtain bonds from surety On January 9, 2018, the Reedley City Council introduced the follow-
free and clear ownership
(hereinafter referred to as “Owner”) will re- to replace the term “secotondredpwlaeclelintgheunteitrsm” w“sitehco“ancdcedswseolrliyngdwuenliltisn”gwithsi“zaecocfeouststoarnydindgwlienllsinthgat
of the property. You should size of outstanding liens that
3654. FRoereidnlfeoyrmCaAti,on9,36co5n4-.inFsoureirnsfosramtiastfiaocnt,orcyotno-tibhnesusOrewcrusnresrad.tifsrTofhamectAobrdiydm-tiottethdeSOurwetnyeirn.suTrheersb(iadn- nchezattcaKeciCtveUMSsoDenaiclPeaudSrcbahindacshinpegrziodarettroKwCtihlUlebSedDaretPequaricrnehdastioimnfgeurdneisrhwiinllsbuerarnecqeuiaresdsteotfurnisuhnitnss”u.ranceasset units”. mayexistonthisproperty
insurance organization authorized by the In-
ing Ordinance.
also be aware that the lien mayexistonthisproperty
one (559Ds)tea3pt0ea5drt-mf7o0er3nt7ht,eopBrhioednmOeapi(le5n5i9n)g3fo0r5:-7037 or email Ordinance No. 2017-007OisrdsincahnecdeulNedo.to20b1e7c-0o0n7siidsesrecdhefdour laedotpotiboen conbsyidceornetadctfionrgathdeopctoiounty
An Ordinance Of The City Council Of The City Of Reedley
byeicnognataucttiniognethdeocffoumnaty rbeecoardjuenri'osrolifefinc.eIfoyr oautaitlre
and Residential Use Matrix sections of the Reedley Municipal Code
Clerk of the City of ReedClelye.rk of the City of Reedley.
time and date for the sale
Ordinance No. 2017-008, An Ordinance Of The City Council Of
postponed one or more
The City Of Reedley Pertaining To the De nition of “Smoking”
times by the mortgagee, visit this Internet Web site
COUNTY OF FRESNO, CadOdUitioNnTaYl aOdvFanFcResE,SifNanOy, additional advances, if any, caasnhider'dsec hneictikodnracwlanrib ycations following the adoption of Senate Bill 5,
lOoaFn aTssHocEiatioCnO, sUavNinTgYs OF THE COUNTY
REACBOSRTADIENR:N,oFnReE.SNO RexEeCcuOteRdDaEnRd,deFlRiveErSedNOto executedanddeliveredto
site. The best way to verify
RT hO e B u E n Rd eT r s Si g En eB d A TS r Tu sI At e Ne
assigned to this case
of Trust, estimated fees, describing the land therein:
time and date for the sale
RUMMaGe aNd CRaFT FaIR at Reedley High School Parking lot
the existence, priority, and
by contacting the county times by the mortgagee,
Great Idea! Idea!
a2 s9 2s 4i g g noef dt h
about postponements that
et oC
i ac aCsi vei l n
are very short in duration or
the scheduled sale may not
te sh
i t mo mt h e e d p i a u t b e l l i y c , b a e s r e a f l c e o c u t e r t d e s i n y
mt a a t t i t o h n e

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