Page 17 - Mid Valley Times 2-4-21 E-edition
P. 17

 Dr. Amu, M.D. Pediatrician
Nicole Gonzalez F.N.P.
Candice Brantley F.N.P.-C
Gadiel Escobedo F.N.P.
Magdalena Ruiz F.N.P.-C
Aurora Florez F.N.P.
Welcoming New Patients!
Ask about our no hassle Rx transfer.
Presunte por nuestra transferencia de RX
sin molestias.
Se Habla Español
WE OFFER: Ofrecemos:
(Orange Cove, Cutler, Orosi, Dinuba and Reedley)
(Orange Cove, Cutler, Orosi, Dinuba and Reedley)
Emad Marcos (Marc)
Owner/Pharmacist in Charge
We Accept All Insurances: Medicare & Medical
Acceptamos Todas Sugaros incluynendo: Medicare y Medical
Free Blood Pressure & Sugar Monitoring
Presion Artierial Libre y Control del Azúcar
OPEN: Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm | Sat: 9am - 2pm
172N.LStreet | DowntownDinuba | 559.725.4525
Thursday, February 4, 2021 | A17 | Mid Valley TiMes
Health &Fitness
Health &Fitness
Valentine’s Day gifts for seniors
By Jim Dueck
February is the month when we celebrate Valen- tine’s Day. This is when the young and old ex- press their love through hearts, candy, flowers, cards and gifts. A phrase typical to this holiday is, “will you be my valen- tine?” This special day is a time to express love and appreciation.
Since Valentine’s Day comes around only once a year, this might be a good time to give one of the more meaning- ful gifts to the seniors in your family. It can be helpful to have an annual review of health and care needs of the seniors in your family and come up with a contingency plan for the time when un- expected and unplanned changes occur. Many
of us in the senior care industry know the vast majority of seniors, over 90%, do not have a plan in place to take care of their needs when health changes. These changes can affect a senior’s abil- ity to perform daily tasks or the changes can affect cognition.
Since the majority of seniors do not have a plan, family can take the initiative to prepare for the unexpected by com- piling a list of important information such as: a list of medications, pharma- cy phone numbers, utility providers, bank account information, and having all legal documents in place to include power of attorney, advance health care directive, copies of insurance cards, copies of a trust or will and have all this easily accessible.
Many seniors are hesi- tant to give out this in- formation for a variety of reasons. However, we all need a back-up per- son and a back-up plan should something unex- pected happen. The per- son to back us up doesn’t have to be a family mem- ber but we all need some- one. If there is a senior
in your family that does not have a back-up plan in place, you may want to consider creating one as it could be the best Valen- tine’s gift you could give them. Everything is fine until it isn’t and when it isn’t, that is the time you will be glad you have a back-up plan.
Health&Fitnessruns the first week of each month Call Janie Lucio to advertise

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