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4 | Wednesday, December 6, 2017 | EXPONENT SHOPPING NEWS
ealth &Fitne
ealth &Fitne
Boost Your Flu Shot This Year
I got my flu shot recently with hopes
of averting flu complications this winter. I am hoping
to boost my immunity when it comes to the possibility I may be exposed to seasonal flu viruses this winter. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention recommend we all get immunized. The seasonal flu viruses are no laughing matter. I wish I had read the results of a new study done in England on how to boost the effects of the vaccine before I took the injection.
Scores of people have to be hospitalized or worse they die because the seasonal
By Ro Linscheid
are constantly mutating so it is impossible to get a flu vaccination that is spot on, but there are serious studies going on to determine what the most common viruses out there are and to make a vaccine to fight against them.
We all hope that taking the flu shot will give us the protection we need. A study done in The University of Nottingham, England found evidence that being in a positive mood the day you get your
flu shot increases the positive effect of the shot. They looked at several psychological and behavioral factors to see if these factors have an effect on how well vaccinations work. For six weeks a team of researchers monitored 138 older adults. They looked at negative moods, positive moods, physical activity, diet and sleep three times a week for six weeks. The amount of antibodies in the blood was tested at four weeks and again
at sixteen weeks. The
study deemed that a positive mood when you get your shot yielded the best benefits. The tests showed the people who had a positive mood had a higher impact
of antibodies that defend the body against sickness.
We have known for
a long time that stress, physical activity and diet influence how well our immune system works. Vaccinations
are amazingly effective in reducing the likelihood of catching an infectious disease however; the vaccine must be boosted with one’s own immune system working well. You can control how well the flu shot works for you. Besides taking the shot in a positive attitude, other means of staying healthy include eating a diet with lots of colorful vegetables in it, getting some good sleep, and taking walks or doing something physical every day. By doing this you will have done everything you can to boost the flu shot
and to limit the ability of the flu viruses to take hold in you. Other things you can do to stay healthy is to wash your hands frequently, avoid people who have flu-like symptoms, and drink plenty of water. Flu season is here. It
is time to take care of yourself and your loved ones.
I cannot remember my mood on that day
I got my shot. I would liketothinkIwasina happy mood. I plan to do everything in my power to keep my immune system working well and stay healthy this winter.
If you have not
taken the flu vaccine, I encourage you to do so. All the pharmacies and doctor’s offices offer it. Sierra View offered the flu shot to all residents in Assisted Living, Nursing Care and to the entire staff. May you have a healthy winter with lots of celebration and joy.
flu attacked them and their immunity was not up to fighting these flu bugs. The CDC doesn’t know exactly how many people die because of the flu, but it is known the flu can aggravate an existing chronic illness or it can allow
a secondary bacterial co-infection such as bacterial pneumonia to take hold leading to a serious health problem.
Now What?
The flu vaccine is set up annually to protect us against the current circulation of flu viruses.
The shot will have protection against
three and maybe four different viruses. It is not the absolute cure but it certainly has been shown to help reduce the number of people getting the flu or decrease the severity of the viruses. Flu viruses
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