Page 9 - Parlier Post 12-6-17
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9 | Wednesday, December 6, 2017 | EXPONENT SHOPPING NEWS
Reedley Yard Sales
Old Kingsburg Estate Sale
2420 10th Ave
Friday and Saturday 9-3 3 Generations of antiques, collectibles and household. Furniture includes exceptional Danish Modern Cado Wall Unit, tile top table, Eastlake dresser, kitchen tables and chairs, sofas, desk, bookcases, cabinets, Stan Bitters pot, Swedish crystal and art glass, Orrefors, Kosta Boda, Rorstrand, Bing & Grondahl, Limoge china, cup and saucer collection, Christmas dishes and glassware, Kingsburg calendar plates, childrens’ toys, old  shing lures, antique Chinese Foo Dog and other Oriental items, trunks, signed art, lamps, books, dragon  gure collection, old boxes, quilts, linens, vintage clothing, sewing machines including a Singer Feather Weight, vintage kitchenware, and more.
Yard Sale
172 S. Lingo Circle, Reedley
Sat Dec 9th 7am-2pm Clothes, dishes, tools, plants, DVDs, Christmas items, and more.
Yard Sale
1523 N. Hemlock Avenue, Reedley
Sat Dec 9th 7am New and used clothes for baby boy and girl, shoes, toys, pants, sweaters, and shoes for women and men. Pants, sweaters, and shoes for boys and girls, things for the home, pictures, and other things. All in very good condition, and maternity clothes.
1122 C Street, Reedley
Sat Dec 9th, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Adult, teen and toddler shoes and clothes, soccer/baseball/ softball/football kids/teens Nike cleats, sports equipment, winter coats, electronics, home décor, queen size bed frames, and more Canceled if it
rains.81 Estate Sale 235 Village Drive, Sanger Sat Dec 9th 8am-? Sun Dec 10th 9am-? Furniture, glassware, antiques, collectibles, kitchen items, garage full. All must go! More info/ pics
Moving Sale
19024 E. Lincoln Ave., Reedley
Sat Dec 9th 8am-5pm. Final Moving Sale! Everything must go! No reasonable offer refused Furniture, tools, household items, and misc.
Estate Sale
235 Village Drive, Sanger
Sat Dec 9th 8am-? Sun Dec 10th 9am-? Furniture, glassware, antiques, collectibles, kitchen items, garage full. All must go! More info/ pics
Dinuba Yard Sales
Friday 8th & Sat 9th
1295 E. Whittaker Way Dinuba Baby crib, baby clothes, & a little bit of everything!
1491 E. Academy Way Dinuba A lot of everything & winter clothing.
41257 Rd. 112 Dinuba Clothes, furniture, jewelry, home decor & Knick knacks
412 S. L St. Dinuba Lots of misc! All proceeds will go to help families at Christmas time.
Sat 9 1452 S. College #107
Ugg boots, furniture, Barbies, Legos, monster high toys, large picture frames, Coach purses, all size winter clothing, dishes, blankets, curtains, D.S. games, Christmas lights & decor, glass shelf, home decor & more!
MONDAY 10:00 AM Advertise in both Dinuba & Reedley More coverage = More $$$ BIGGER, BOLDER Yard Sales!
Add a description
up to 20 words!!!
130•Professional Services
MARIA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free estimates, 20 years experience. Lic# 201515 and insured. Call 283- 5760 or 875-6351
CHAIN LINK FENCING, Red- wood, Cedar. Free Estimates (559) 977-5158
130•Professional Services
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
Sanger Unified
School District 1905 7th St. • Sanger
HVAC Specialist, Energy Mgmnt. Emphasis - Sal Rg. $3,704 - $4,728 / mo. FT Req. a HS dip. or equiv. and 4 yrs. exp. in the HVAC field and/or AS degree in Energy Mgmnt., Industrial Tech or related field. Dealine 12/15/17.
Apply at or Sanger Unified District Office (559) 524-6521 EOE
Manufacturing Inventory / Receiving/Billing assistant.
Seeking experienced individuals with a strong manufacturing inventory/receiving/billing back- ground. Position is responsible for executing duties and work requirements, relating to  ow of materials & Inventory throughout the receiving, storing, production, and shipping and billing of  nal product. Key attributes for these positions are good computer skills, heavy data entry, good mathematical skills, detail oriented, multitask- ing, follow-through and good communication. Must have experience in a manufacturing inven- tory receiving/storing/billing environment. Pay dependent upon experience. Must be able to pass pre employment testing. Apply in person. 9-3 M-F Maxco Supply, Inc 605 S Zediker Ave,
Parlier email resume:
Operated by Peer Services Inc.
Of ce Support: Quali ed applicant should have 1 year experience and have knowledge with Microsoft of ce programs.
Maintenance/ Grounds: 1 year experienced preferred. Must have the ability to lift over 50lbs and operate heavy machinery.
Resident Assistant: C.N.A. preferred. F/T P/T all shifts available. Some cooking experience recommended.
Wellness Coordinator: LVN, Shift varies. License must be current/active.
To Apply please send resume
to paul@ peerservicesinc. com and/ or call 559-825-1735
Fred’s PLUMBING Residential Plumbing Service 591-3398
Cleaning lady
Move outs, deep cleaning. De- tailed house or of ce cleaning, vacation rentals, maintenance cleaning, etc. Complete detailed top to bottom. Supplies provided, 13+ yrs exp. References avail. English speaking. For quote call or
text Melissa 559-704-6030
Payroll Clerk Location : Parlier CA
Job Description:
The Payroll Clerk is responsible for post- ing and maintaining payroll. Full time po- sition with bene ts. Job Duties
•Work closely with of ce and  eld man- agement
•Import payroll data from time clocks •Input and review payroll data. •Review payroll de- ductions.
•Hiring process of seasonal employees •Print checks
•File all payroll pa- perwork
•Process employ- ment veri cations No walk-ins. Send resume to admin@
Words Of Truth And Soberness...
“Be Ye Kind One To Another, Tender Hearted Forgiving One Another, Even As God For Christ’s Sake Hath Forgiven You.” Ephesians 4:32
Rachel Caldera
cell: 908-1619
• Mini Track Bobcats • Tractor W/Disc
• Skid Steers
• Track Bobcats
• Trenchers, Tillers • Back Hoes
small engine repair
We have replacement engines... Briggs: Authorized Warantee & Service Honda: Authorized Warantee & Service Echo: Authorized Warantee & Service
130•Professional Services
Repair & Restoration RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Interior & Exterior
591-5221 or 259-2954 St. Lic. # 598327
799-0670 Tim delivery 528-3103 Ed at the pit
concrete NEW 1.75 Yard Trailers, 3 Yard
Concrete Delivery Truck To Serve You.
Hablo Espanol
“Come join our team at Palm Village Retirement Community. We are accepting applications for the following positions:
Resident Driver
PT, variable shift, variable day, position as a resident driver for appointments. This person would
be responsible
for basic vehicle maintenance, taking residents to medical appointments in the Fresno/Visalia area. Quali ed candidate must have the ability to work one on one with elderly residents, including ill residents. Must have a clean driving record and be 25 years of age (for insurance purposes).
F/T and P/T all shifts available
Dietary Aids and Cooks; all shifts. Must be avail- able to work weekends and holidays
Laundry Aide
“Immediate Opening for a p/t laundry aide. Quali ed applicant should be a dependable team player. Must be willing to work variable shift, weekends,
and holidays”
Quali ed applicants apply in person, email resume,
to the following: kristinarocha@ 703 W. Herbert Ave Reedley, CA 93654 559-638-8463
I have access to several thousand
yards of carpet!
I will carpet your living room & hall in 100% nylon high- low earthtone carpet for $594! based on 40 yrds. Price includes carpet, pad & installation! Do your whole house, living room, hall & 3 bedrooms for $1188. Based on 80 yrd. Savings in other price ranges in other styles.
732-0126 or 582-4155
83•Miscellaneous For Sale
Royal Oak laminate  ooring approx. 800 sq. ft. Asking $325.00 or OBO. Call (559) 287-5092 or (559) 696-0844.
DRIVERS NEEDED. Class- es, A, B, & C. Must have 2yrs commercial driving experi- ence. Seasonal. Call from 2pm-4pm only 559-859-0949
SPECIALTY TRANSFER truck driver wanted. 2 years experience minimum. Fax re- sume to (559) 638-3599
TRUCK DRIVER/MAINTE- NANCE SHOP ASSISTANT- SANGER Class A Truck driver to transport bins to speci ed destinations. At least 3 year’s experience, doubles endorse- ment. Fresh fruit agricultural environment, O.T. as needed, off time to assist with Mainte- nance shop department. Fax resume & DMV print out to 266-0988 Attn: Nick or pick up application at 2730 S. DeWolf Ave., Sanger, CA
JOHNSON CONTROLS, Inc. is hiring for 2nd and 3rd shift machine operator positions. If you are interested in apply- ing, you can  ll out an appli- cation at 1121 Annadale Ave., Sanger, CA 93657 between thehoursof9am-11amand 1pm-3pmMonday-Friday. We are an equal opportunity employer.
WORKING HEAD Grounds Foreman: The Reedley Cem- etery is looking for a quali-  ed Working Head Grounds Foreman to work with and alongside the Reedley Cem- etery District groundsmen. The quali ed applicant must have at least 5 years’ experi- ence in landscaping and in a supervisorial position, knowl- edge of cemetery operation a plus. Applicant must have prior knowledge in grounds keeping, sprinkler installation and maintenance, and use of grounds keeping equipment. Must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diplo- ma or the equivalence, a col- lege degree is desirable. Must have a valid California driver’s license. Must have a pesticide applicators license, or the willingness to obtain a license within a year. Applicant must be willing and able to lift heavy objects up to 100 pounds. Ex- cellent bene t package and salary based on experience. Applications are available at the District Of ce, 2185 S. Reed Ave., Reedley, and will be accepted til December 27, 2017. NO PHONE CALLS ACCEPTED. Resumes may be e-mailed to reedcem@
FURNITURE FOR SALE - Tan leather couch and over- sized chair, in good condition. $175. for both. Call 559-528- 1941.
IT’S THE end of the year and it’s almost time to prepare for tax season. If you have a car, boat, motorcycle, mo- tor home, or trailer, you can donate this to Central Val- ley Teen Challenge if it is in proper working order. Central Valley Teen Challenge is a 501(c)(3) faith-based organi- zation. Your donation helps give someone New Life. Call Jerry Ramos today at (559) 540-2782 to donate your ve- hicle, trailer, or boat.
SPECIAL MIXED Hardwood $180 per cord. Call 559-643- 5647
to your mailbox!
APARTMENT MANAGER wanted for small complex in Reedley. Drop off resume at Reedley Exponent, 1130 G Street, Reedley.
WASTEWATER TREAT- MENT Plant Operator or Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent (DQT): Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor $5413-$6581/mo., Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent $5919-$7197/ mo. Apply: City of Dinuba, Human Resources, 405 E. El Monte Way, Dinuba, CA 93618; (559) 591-5903; by 5:00p.m. on 12/20/17. EOE
TRIP: Trip to San Francisco Sat Dec 9th. For more info please call 638-5295 for more info
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