Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 3-29-18 E-edition
P. 8
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Selma, Corcoran and Kings- burg.
“So proud of my students,” sports medicine coach and teacher Kirby Kauk said of the Reedley High team. An- nie Ayers compiled 130 points to win the individual competi- tion, scoring 90 points on the written exam and an event- best 40 on the practical por- tion.
The remaining top 10 fin- ishers all were from RHS: Cynthia Delgado (123, pre- vailed in a tiebreaker), Jonah Chapa (123), Rosa Herrejon (122), Lorena Orozco (120), Daniel Badilla and Bella Clax- ton (tied at 116), Melissa San- chez (114), and Kiera Henry and Taylor Kanawyer (tied at 111).
Kallie Huebert was the top Immanuel finisher, com- piling 101 points good for 12th place.
Rainy weather did affect outdoor events, but they still were held. The wildland fire- fighting competition didn’t in- clude actual dousing of flames because of the rain, but com- petitors did carry ladders and hose rigs for time and accura-
The Reedley Exponent A8 Thursday, March 29, 2018 EXPO
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
From left, Reedley Middle College High School students Anthony Robledo, Ivan Chavez and Johnny Gomez work on axle suspension of wheels March 22 during robotics competition of the Tiger ROmP event at Reedley College.
Continued from page A1
Michael Keoniyom gave Infante some background information on his job as an officer who works in the lobby at the Fresno County Jail. He said the Experience Expo was his first time ad- vising at a career fair.
“It’s my first rodeo,” Ke- oniyom said with a laugh.
Chris Guerrero also worked the sheriff’s office career booth, A dispatcher with the department and frequent participant in the career fairs, he said the day went well when it came to in- terested students.
“Usually, our best fairs are at the colleges because they have the work expe- rience,” he said. “Most of these positions require a year or two years of expe- rience. If they have an as- sociate [degree] that’s even better.”
Guerrero said the sher- iff’s office has students and applicants fill out an interest card and then assist them through the process.
Jon Earnest / The Exponent
David Keyser with the California Highway Patrol answers questions of Reedley College students March 21 during the Experience Expo career fair in the college cafeteria.
cy. Also, the criminal justice obstacle course competition took place outside in muddy conditions south of the college cafeteria.
Other competitions were in 2D-3D animation, automo- tive, aviation, child develop- ment, certified nursing assis- tant, crime scene investiga- tion, culinary, entrepreneur- ship, engineering, job inter-
view skills, medical termi- nology, MS word formatting, SkillsUSA, video game design, video production, welding and robotics.
After the competition, stu- dents and teachers from the schools were served lunch by event organizers. Students then received their awards in an hour-long ceremony at the Reedley College gym.
“We prepare them for the interviews, testing and the background process,” he said.
The Experience Expo traditionally is Reedley Col- lege’s prominent activity as part of its annual Safari Days. It especially was so with this year’s event be-
cause the rain hindered out- door activities and led to the cancellation of the annual car show on March 22.
Organizers were able to conduct most activities with the Comic-Con on March 20. That same day, they managed to hold outdoor art activities before rain arrived.
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