Page 6 - Reedley Exponent 1-4-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A26 Thursday, January 4, 2018
ealth &Fitne
Medicare Is Changing the Rules
Medicare is working to push all nursing care centers to improve their “person-centered care.” Seven hundred pages
of new regulations
left by the provision administrators give guidance to the nursing care centers. These regulations are required to be followed to be eligible for Medicare funds.
There is a requirement to do a Facility Assessment. We are must look
at ourselves and
fully understand the residents we are taking care of. We the goal
is to ascertain if staff has been sufficiently trained, and there are enough supplies to do the job properly.
The most important part of the 700 pages of new regulations is the emphasis on “person- centered care.” As we age, we have more
The Dinuba Sentinel
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By Ro Linscheid
and multi-disciplinary personnel being at the center of the discussion.
care is not just about giving people whatever they want. It is an effort to work with people’s desires, family situations, social circumstances and lifestyles. It is looking at the person as an individual and creating a team of staff, family and the resident to plan for the best outcome for his/her stay in the Nursing Care Center. This requires respect of values, preferences and needs. It also
takes education of the resident, the family
and the staff. Care conferences with Nursing, Dietary, Social Services, Activities and
CAN personnel sit down with the resident and the family to discuss how things are going and to plan how to move forward.
Research has found that person-centered care has a big impact on the quality of care. Residents feel more satisfied if they feel they are respected and heard and will have a better recovery. There is a benefit from the residents to be more involved in their own heath care decisions.
If the resident feels in control, blood pressure comes down and overall health improves.
Studies done on staff attitude about offering person centered
care show that this
approach improves job satisfaction, reduced emotional exhaustion and increased the sense of accomplishment among the professional staff. It is interesting
to get to know the residents and learn their history. There is abundant satisfaction when someone achieves his or her goals and
you were a part of that experience.
Medicare is looking for a Facility Assessment to see that we have verified the in-house ability to provide care for the people we have agreed to take care of. In-house quality improvement studies improve systems so
RULES... Continued on Next H&F Page
physical and sometimes mental limitations. In the person-centered concept, all nursing care centers, are charged to look for
each person’s strengths, interests, and lifestyle routine. We must look for the individual’s personal needs, wants, desires and goals and make them the priority of every care plan. It is important to know the resident as an individual to provide care that is meaningful, fostering trust, emphasizing freedom of choice
and respecting the resident’s decisions.
Sierra View Homes has increased our
Now What?
efforts to get to know each resident. Our Social Services section jumps into action upon admission. There is
a life history to be learned so the activity staff can provide activities that interest the person. Nursing establishes care plans based on each resident’s story and preferences. Gone are the days when the medical diagnosis was the basis for the plan of care and the nursing staff directed care not on resident choices, but by what the nurse thought was in the best interest of the resident. Now we look at care as a team effort with the physician
is now on
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