Page 4 - Reedley Exponent 9-13-18 E-edition
P. 4
The Reedley Exponent A4 Thursday, September 13, 2018 Editorial & Opinions
Serving “The World’s Fruit Basket” since 1891
A Mid Valley Publishing Newspaper
Founded March 26, 1891, in a two-story building on the corner of 11th and F streets, by A.S. Jones
Fred Hall — Publisher
Democrat politicians, including Califor- nia’s very own Nancy Pelosi, and various left-wing publishers have described MS-13 members as — and I paraphrase here — little children who ride their little bikes to school and hang out in the park.
Jon Earnest — Editor
Chris Aguirre — Sports Editor Juanita Adame — Panorama Editor Budd Brockett — Editor Emeritus
“I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.”
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
Perhaps the time has come for San Fran-
cisco Nancy and her ilk to come to the re-
alization that this is an organized group of
thugs whose motto is rape, control and kill —
and their preferred method is with machetes
and knives to make the process as painful as
possible. “Little kids riding bikes?” Really?
Yes, Pelosi uttered a line similarly inane to that in response to President Donald Trump referring to the gang, correctly we be- lieve, as animals. It seems Democrats’ real war is with Trump and not issues which directly impact the safety and security of the American people!
Little explanation of exactly who these “undocumented immi- grants” are should be necessary after the recent arrest of a MS- 13 gang member for the rape of an 11-year old girl in New York City, or the sweep of Mendota which netted 25 arrests. Mendota is a really small town where there was an attempt by the gang to completely overrun that tiny police force.
Fresno County has been linked to a central MS-13 location emanating from the Los Angeles area. That’s represents a huge expansion of a cancerous group right into the very heart of rural California. I may have missed it in the newspaper stories, but I don’t recall that any of them were arrested on their little bicycles anywhere near a park, playground or as they were on their way to school.
The time has come for all of America to stop opposing every- thing this president says simply as resistance to the election of Donald Trump! Granted, there are many things he says and does which can be irritating to those with an opposing political philoso- phy, yet he has enjoyed a substantial record of accomplishments when one examines his campaign promises and the current posi- tion of this country economically. People need to learn to discern the difference between the two to regain their credibility. That includes the media, as well.
Perhaps if we reported as well on his accomplishments as we attempt to tarnish the man and his presidency, we could regain the trust of millions of Americans. A little of that approach would go a long way toward debunking the narrative that the press is the enemy of the American people.
People of the press, you are doing everything possible to prove the president correct.
Since we’ve covered the gamut of stupid statements, from Democratic political iterations to failure of the press to present both sides, perhaps this would be a good point to pause and make mention of the recent New York Times “anonymous” op-ed piece. The veracity of anyone who is unwilling to accept responsibility for their words must always be questioned. If the conviction is not available on a personal basis anyone who writes or utters anything they feel of portent is to be deeply questioned — and we can’t because we don’t know who they are! I respectfully refuse to accept this person’s opinion on any level and question whether or not it was even penned by a “high placed” aide. The New York Times previously represented the rants of an intern similarly.
I’m frankly stunned by the changes in ethics and approaches to reporting of the news since I first entered this business way back in the early 1960s! There was a time when any story re- quired two or three identified sources. Never was “anonymous” acceptable, especially with an editorial where there could be no rebuttal or even vetting of the credentials of the writer. The once vaunted New York Times, in my opinion, has sunk to a new low with the real loser in this race to the bottom being its readers and the American people. Outside of the editorial page, the political leanings of any newspaper should not be identifiable. Even on that op-ed page certain standards must apply or your entire of- fering isn’t worth the paper on which it is written.
We believe any news organization operating in such an agen- da-driven method is doing a huge disservice to their viewers and readers. They might be sating the appetite of a certain base con- stituency, but a hard wedge is being driven to divide the people of this country. Perhaps that is one of the reasons behind the escalating failure rate with traditional media companies.
Meanwhile, social media has begun to “shoot themselves in the foot” with their censorship and overreaching in an attempt to control the narrative.
So-called social media is actually anti-social when little trolls can rant and rave in complete anonymity. Come up out of your parents’ basement and let us know who you are. We’re experi- encing a coarsening of what was once at least civil discourse. It would seem that the 800-pound gorilla would be those in our newly invented world of mass communications.
We believe they — the resisters who form and control public opinion — will force governmental intervention to control their rampant biases. These are the same people who have recently flaunted the First Amendment. When anything gets as out of control as the nerds and politically correct executives who are the product of the last four decades of liberal education in our public institutions.
Realizing that this column has taken a long, tortuous voyage from questioning inane statements of politicians to the degrada- tion of our society currently being perpetrated by what used to be the “mainstream media” to the trolls of the internet, I stand by my position. Washington and America, we have a problem that desperately must be fixed.
But, as always, that’s only one man’s opinion.
Department per-
sonnel once again
represented the
department and
city on Sept. 11
at the annual 9/11 commemoration
hosted by Pelco at
Schneider Electric
in Clovis. Attending the event were fire captains Marty Rodriguez and Rob Ledington, fire apparatus engi- neers Nelson Alvarado and Daniel Lo- pez and firefighters Marco Solis, Fer- nando Calix, Arturo Lopez Gonzalez, Anthony Ceja, Noah Montes and Jack Hara. Fire officials say the Reedley contingent most of all wishes to best represent the survivors of 9/11.
Once again, the Reedley High School Naval Junior ROTC unit did a standout job in a Sept. 11 ceremony recognizing the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attacks to New York City and Washington, D.C. The color guard unit prepared the American flag and raised it to half-staff. The ceremo- ny closed with a rendition of “Echo Taps” by trumpet players Chris Lo- pez and Reese Kubo. It was an event well-attended by RHS students flank- ing the area around the flagpole in front of the administration building.
Well done, young people. And, al- ways remember.
Fred Hall
Appeals court ruling sidetracks plans to keep homeless from river
The best laid plans...
Reedley’s attempts to rein in a problem with homeless people camp- ing out along the Kings River have hit a wall — a 9th Circuit Court of Ap- peals-sized wall. That federal court ruled on Sept. 4 that any ordinance prohibiting homeless from camping out constitutes “cruel and unusual punishment” — a violation of the te- net of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution.
That means the Reedley Police Department’s plan to prohibit home- less from camping out along the east bank of the river has been indefi- nitely halted. Police Chief Joe Garza said his officers will not enforce local ordinances when it comes to camp- ing on public property. Instead, police will work on limiting trash and waste left by homeless, all while making it possible for people to reclaim any items police have removed.
County Nicole Zieba, Reedley’s city manager, among those unhappy with the federal appeals court rul- ing. She said it only compounds the problem with California laws already protecting the homeless.
“With this ruling and the new laws on homelessness, this state is enabling the problem,” she said. “I wonder how far out of whack our state has to get before someone realizes that the homeless should not have more rights than the people who are working hard
••• Reedley Fire
Jon Earnest
Photo Contributed
On Sept. 11, a contingent of Reedley fire- fighters participated in the annual 9/11 commemoration event at Pelco by Schnei- der Electric in Clovis.
to have a roof over their heads and food for their children.”
Garza said he will continue to do his job “to enforce the rights of people about what the law says. If the law says they have the right or that is potentially a violation of their Eighth Amendment [right], then I have to respect that and respect their rights as citizens.” And Reedley will try to make the best of an extremely diffi- cult situation.
Analyzing the success of globalism on the world stage
By Harold Pease
Guest columnist
Those of us who have taught international issues for decades have something to offer those who have not. Internationalism, new world order, world order, and glo- balism are synonyms for world government. Other terms such as inter-nation- alism, multilateralism, po- liticization, integration, free trade, commonality, conver- gence, unification, harmoni- zation, open borders, are of- ten used in conjunction with these synonyms to make them more fashionable and acceptable.
When these terms be- come known for what they are they become unpopu- lar, because few want the United States to become reduced to a mere state in a world government. The Declaration of Indepen- dence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights would be relegat- ed to historical documents without any real basis in a government above our own, or even in our own, if not supported by the higher government.
Once understood as such, proponents simply change to a new synonym and continue their offense to elevate all significant decision making from local to national to international with, of course, themselves ultimately at the helm. For them Individualism and nationalism must be de- stroyed. Free enterprise and limited government are also likely fatalities. Those who wish to retain these trea- sured beliefs become the enemy.
Globalists operate on the theory that man is eas- ily manipulated and can be
managed to believe what- ever he is fed, even to the point of calling slavery freedom and freedom slav- ery — even good is bad and bad good. Remember com- munist forces were called liberation armies. Few re- ally think for themselves and those who do can be re- moved in other ways begin- ning with peer pressure and progressing to more violent ways if need be. Man will even choose to give up his liberty for the mere prom- ise of a better future.
Lenin, Hitler, and Mao Tse Tung each preferred force to accomplish their form of world government. Globalists today, notably David Rockefeller (recent- ly deceased) and Henry Kissinger, know that these ends can be accomplished more slowly without force through the control of me- dia and education. The rule is to always provide the ap- pearance of opposing sides and free thought but control what people think about by access to information. Ob- serve that the establishment news sources say nothing about regional government as it conquers nations with- out restraint or notice.
As words are used to de- ceive the masses in the tran- sition to world government so are they also valuable weapons in the transition to regional government the preliminary step to world government. They begin with economic commonal- ity and progress to political unity as was done in Europe. From the European Coal and Steel Community 1951, to the European Economic Community (Common Mar- ket) 1958, to the European Community 1993, to the Eu- ropean Union shortly there-
after until the original pur- pose, regional government, was fait accompli complete with a European Parliament 1979 and common currency, the Euro, in 1992.
The unification of Eu- rope as a single govern- ment, with each of 27 na- tions (Great Britain has recently voted to exit) los- ing their sovereignty as a separate independent na- tion, once so highly prized by each, something un- obtainable by sword, or bombs whether by Napo- leon, Hitler or Stalin, has been accomplished without a single shot being fired while the vast majority of citizens were lulled to sleep by mere words. Formerly millions lost their lives to defend their nation’s sov- ereignty. The globalist con- quered Europe establish- ing regional government (the European Union) in less than 50 years and un- less thwarted will conquer all nations in half that time again.
Other regional govern- ments followed the Europe- an Union. The USSR, after the fall of communism in 1989, transformed itself into the Commonwealth of Inde- pendent States Free Trade Area (CISFTA) — a regional government of nations still under the control of Russia. The world has since been di- vided into 22 other regional governments each following the European Union model and each at a different stage in the “politicization” of the countries in their regions and most still saddled by the necessity of using the deceptive “free trade” ter- minology. In time the plan is to reduce 206 countries to less than 20 regional governments turning these
countries into mere states of regional countries — a much more manageable world for globalists.
Some of these perspec- tive regional governments have progressed beyond the need to keep the “free trade” terminology, as for example, the African Eco- nomic Community (ANC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), both uniting large sections of Africa. The Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU) uniting norther Islamic Af- rica and the Middle East is another. South America is to be united by the South- ern Cone Common Market, frequently referred to as Mercosur. It has progressed to the point that it now has a Joint Parliamentary Com- mittee, which is a final step toward political unification.
But the described “word manipulation” giving the planet first regional gov- ernments then the eventual merging of these govern- ments into world govern- ment under the United Nations, following the Eu- ropean model, continues mostly unabeted. The North American Union essentially began with the North Amer- ican Free Trade Agree- ment (NAFTA) negotiated by George H.W. Bush and signed into law in 1993 by Bill Clinton. Notice neither major political party op- posed globalism; globalism is deeply embedded in both. Others call it the establish- ment, or the deep state.
Harold Pease is a syn- dicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He taught his- tory and political science for more than 30 years at Taft College in Kern County.