Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 9-3-20 E-edition
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Thursday, September 03, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: It's time for fall planting
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gar- deners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
Fall planting begins this month but summer heat can persist so you may need to wait until later in the month. Sep- tember and October are great months to do ma- jor lawn renovation or consider replacing lawn with drought-tolerant plants.
Tasks for this time of year include cleaning up around the base of fruit trees, and compost or dispose of all fallen fruit and nuts. Remember to
apply reemergence her- bicide in early Septem- ber to prevent winter weeds. Pruning. While cursing and deadhead- ing roses, prune lightly to shape bushes and en- courage fall bloom.
Always prune to an outward facing bud. Fer- tilizing season also be- gins this month. Watch for cooler days for best results.
Perennials, coneflow- er (Echinacea) rosemary (Rosmarinus), Mexican Blue Sage (Salvia leu- cantha) thyme. Annuals; Iceland poppy. (Papaver nudicaule) Bulbs, corms, tubers: grape hyacinth (Muscari), narcissus, ra- nunculus, squill (Scilla) tulip, Watsonia, purchase now, plant by Thanksgiv-
ing. Fruits and vegeta- bles, Asian greens, rad- ish, spinach, sugar, snap peas, plant from seed.
Trees, shrubs, vines: vibrurnum, xylosma. Enjoy now, Annuals and perennials: petunia, glo- riosa daisy (Rudbeckia) marigold (Tagetes).
Bulbs, corms tu- bers: fairy lily (Zephy- ranthes), dahlia. Trees, shrubs, vines, cape, plumbago, rose, chaste tree (Vitex). Fruits and vegetables: apples, pis- tachio, plum, squash, to- matoes.
Things to ponder, chill tulip and hyacinth bulbs in the refrigera- torfor6to8weeks.Do not store apples in the same area. Plant in ear- ly winter (October - No-
vember) after garden soil has cooled. Dust on leaves reduces the ef- fectiveness of foliar fer- tilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
Before spraying, shake, brush, or rinse dust off the plants. If in- stalling a patio or other hardscape, chose water permeable materials if possible.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Last weeks answers
Community CALENDAR Reedley
To submit an entry, send information to news@midval- or call Sanger Office at (559) 875-2511 Reedley Office at (559) 638-2244
Sept. 19 - Reedley Eagles #2781 will be hosting a Pastrami Din- ner Drive Thru/Pick Up from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Reedley Eagles Lodge located at 1230 11th Street, Reedley.
Dinner will include a loaded pastrami Sand- wich, rice pilaf, cole slaw & cookies for des- sert. Price is $12.00 per
All proceeds to ben-
efit the Reedley Eagles Project Fund.
Please call to re- serve your dinner by Sept. 17th. Contact Pat at (559) 259-8968 or Marty at (559) 408-3616.
To submit an entry, send information to news@midvalleytimes. com.
Have a story idea? Call Juanita Adam e (559) 638-2244

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