Page 9 - Reedley Exponent 12-6-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent PB anorama
Senior Center updates and events taking place in town
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Section | Thursday, December 6, 2018
A night of Christmas music at RC
The View From Here
Nov. 30.
If there's one thing I learned
about Reedley police during that entire experience it's that they are always watching, always ready to help anyone in need. And of course, always ready to stop crime.
I rode along with Sgt. Jesus Rivera and Officer Eric Freeden- burg.
During the first part of the night,IrodewithRivera.After he introduced himself to me he also mentioned one extra detail.
"I just wanted to inform you, we have a K9 and I'm his handler, so he's also riding with us today."
As I opened the door to the patrol vehicle and sat in the front seat, I turned around to see a pair of eyes peering at me through the bars that line the back seat. The police K9 whose name I learned is Leo then let out a sniff. His ears perked up as he pressed his nose closer to me in an attempt to figure out why I just sat in the front seat of his car.
"Leo is a Belgian Malinois," said Rivera. "He is trained to look for drugs, and he's a good dog. He loves coming to work."
As we began our ridealong, I noticed that Rivera kept constant watch on cars in front of him, be- hind him, as well as the streets, and people. We went to a few do- mestic disturbances first, then he drove me through the more seedy parts of town.
"I'm going to take you through and show you a few of the drug houses here," he said. "It's sad how some people just can't seem to get away from certain drugs. Addic- tions are hard to kick, but we are always watching them because we want those drugs off the street."
Rivera showed me a boarded- up home, that he said belonged to a prominent local businessman who became hooked on drugs and even- tually lost everything.
"Every officer has their spe- cialty, what they like, what they do best in," he said. "I like to cap- ture people with drugs, there's just something about finding it, having
SeeCOLUMN pageB8
By Juanita Adame
It was just after 6 p.m. on the evening of Dec. 3 as the Norman Zech Reedley College Community College Orchestra practiced in the Forum Hall on campus for their an- nual Christmas concert which was set to begin at 7 p.m.
"Play it in the key of A for me," said vocalist Amanda Fritz as she stood front and center near a large grand piano and tuned her voice to be in harmony with the musicians instruments.
"Let's start with 58, ready, two, three, four, same thing, fifty-eight," said orchestra conductor, Tom Fritz. "Two, three, and go..."
And then all at once, everyone assembled their instruments, from violins, cello's, flutes and began to seamlessly play the song "Let it Go" from the Disney movie Frozen.
“We've been practicing during the semester every other week, I love all the songs we will perform"
– Norma Froese Flutist
"Great rehearsal everyone, now lets get ready we've got a few min- utes before the concert begins," said
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
ABOVE: Orchestra members each practice during the evening rehearsal on Dec. 3, moments before the Christ- mas concert was set to begin.
RIGHT: Conductor Tom Fritz addresses the crowd after one of the selections was played. Fritz said the concert is special for everyone involved, and they enjoy putting on the show for locals every year.
Tom Fritz.
The group relaxed and dis-
The Norman Zech Reedely Col-
lege Orchestra is named after its founder, Norman Zech. Zech came to Reedley in 1939 and taught instru- mental music at the college.
The concert has been a favorite of locals for many years.
"I've always liked music," said Jacob Points. "But it's nice to actu- ally start to dive into classical music. There are many of these classical instruments I'm drawn to; the cello, the violin, the french horn, they all produce such great sounds."
Points was sitting in the audience and made it a point to arrive early to find good seating.
"Iamheretoseetwoofmyin- structors that are playing tonight, Dr. Heathcote and Dr. Snyder," he said. "I've been taking Dr. Snyder's online music appreciation class and
I really like it."
Both Colleen Snyder and John
Heathcote teach at Reedley College. Norma Froese has played the flute since the sixth grade, she has been with the orchestra for 25 years, she said she enjoys performing at
the concert every year.
"We've been practicing, during
the semester every other week, every other Monday starting with the beginning of the semester," said
See CONCERT page B2
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
I would like to thank Reedley Po- lice Lt. Marc Ediger for al- lowing us ac- cess to ride along with several of their law en- forcement of- ficers on the evening of
Juanita Adame
Standing room only at annual Norman Zech Orchestra performance
Reader helps explain how Campbell Mountain's 'R' was made
A 68-year-old Porcupine article showcases the early efforts of original artists
Photos Contributed
ABOVE: As names appeared in Porcupine, Back row, B. Kaine, S. Balucas, T. Robinson, J. Stewart, S. Komoto, E. Balucas, R. Watari,R.Jadwin,J.Lee,R.Warkentin,E.Gregory,F.Isonio.Secondrow-T.Sauceda,F.Martinez,D.Jackson, S.Young,F.Hicks, J. Catlin, J. Hardebeck, R. Groening, T. Colivas, T. Mayeda, O. Youngblood. Front row- Coach D. Scheidt, Advisor; E. Hirose, A. Tarailo, L. Kim, B. Moran, J. Kontilis, N. Iwasaki, T. Takasaki, W. Watahira, B. Uchimura
The photos and extracts about the Block R group were published in a Reedley High School 1950 Por- cupine issue. A copy of the article was submitted to the Exponent by John Kontillis.
Kontillis wrote that he was among the first group of students to climb Campbell Mountain and paint the capital 'R' on its south side.
"The copy of the article describes
our venture up Campbell Mountain," Kontillis wrote. "I believe this was the first time an "R" was painted. My weak memory is that there was no paint on the rocks and we used what we had to create the best pattern we were able to make."
Kontillis also added that he wasn't sure whose idea the mountain emblem was, however he wanted to express his gratitude to the group of students and volunteers who con- tinue to keep the tradition alive.
The Porcupine article stated the following:
The large white "R" on the South side of Mt. Campbell heralds to the public that Reedley High is keenly interested in athletics. Supervised by Coach Scheidt, the boys built the R on Saturdays and carried all mate- rials up the side of the mountain by hand. Each year it is to be re-painted by new members as part of their in- stitution.
Photos Contributed
ABOVE: (As caption appeared in Porcupine) Kenny Unruh is orating on "What's wrong with Ford Tractors!" on Main Street during Block "R' initiation.
BELOW: (As caption appeared in Porcupine) Back row- J. Stewart, Secretary,
R. Robinson, Vice President, N. Iwasaki, Vic President, R. Jadwin, Seceretary. Front Row- D. Jackson, President, D. Raphael, President.

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