Page 40 - QARANC Vol 14 No 11 2015
P. 40

                                38 QARANC THE GAZETTE
 Millbank Branch
Chairman Lt Col (Retd) L Kibbey • Secretary Mrs A Johnson
Once again the time has flown past and as I write the sun is shining and it’s such a good feeling to be alive and enjoying this glorious weather and reflect on what we as a Branch have been doing over the past 6 months.
Corps Day as always very well attended with our very own Col Jane Davies Col Commandant as our guest of honour.
On April 16th we had our Spring outing to Chiswick House and gardens. Our guide was so informative and gave a very interesting talk she explained that this house was one of the finest examples of Palladian architecture in England and the birthplace of the English landscape movement. The house design was inspired by the work of Palladio and Inigo Jones The Rt. Hon. Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cork, KG, PC, born in Yorkshire on the 25th April 1694 three hundred years ago built this house not to live in as it had no kitchen or bedrooms only a cellar and different shaped rooms for entertaining his friends. An early patron of Handel, he had numerous paintings displayed around the beautifully designed rooms . He was called ‘The Apollo of the Arts’, according to Horace Walpole.
The house was started by the third Earl of Burlington in in1723and completed by 1729, not to live in, but as a showcase for his art and book collection which he was able to show to his friends in this magnificent setting.
We visited the house first with many impressive paintings and the guide filling us with anecdotal stories that had us all listening keenly for more. After lunch we had a tour of the gardens and Conservatory which houses a world class collection of Camellias thanks to Janet Jennings for organising a splendid day.
  DANS Symposium
This was held on 14th & 15th May. Millbank and Welsh Branch members attended and were very pleased we did. Col Bates organised one of the best opening speaker’s I have listened to for a long time.
The Theme for this year was “Be the Best to Care for the Best”
The Deputy Commander General (Operations) a 3 Star General in the United States Army Medical Command/Chief United States Army Nursing Corps, Maj General Jimmie Keenan kept us informed and entertained throughout her talk. It had the serious parts but she also included so much information with a touch of humour she was a joy to listen to.
It is a great opportunity for members of the Branches to catch up with the latest developments and to meet meet up with friends.
Not Forgotten Association Garden Party
I had a wonderful time at the Palace. The weather was perfect and it was a relaxed occasion. I did not meet up with anyone I knew but soon joined up with others and exchanged gossip on military matters!
The Princess Royal was dressed in an Edwardian style I think and I got very
close to her as she and her husband spoke to designated guests.
There were a number of serving personnel who were helping with the disabled guests where necessary.
There were a number of actors and media people to be spotted mingling with the crowds, including Esther Rantzen, Anita Harris, Anton Du Beck (I had my photo taken with him) Ken Dodd, Christopher Biggins, and Ray Winston all support the Not Forgotten association.
Tea was served from 2.15pm with little sandwiches, cakes and
miniature scones and cream. To end strawberries and cream was served. All very delicious and much needed in the strong sunshine. The band of the Royal Marines Plymouth played throughout. A real sense of a Garden Party!
Apparently the Not Forgotten Association Garden Party is the seventh and last of the season. It is also the smallest with only 2,500 guests invited! We were a small but perfect group! I know that the Garden party held in Scotland in July had 8,000 people!
A good day was had by all Gwen Folley
  National Arboretum
Turning of the Pages June 3rd Members volunteered to make up our allocated number of 4 and our Standard bearer for the day was Di Robertson Bell. I heard it was a wee bit Breezy so thank you all for representing our Branch.
D-Day. Mrs Betty Evans 94 was interview by the BBC for a 6-part programme which was on screen from the 6th June talking to veterans who were involved with D-Day. It was called the Greatest Generation all about the Bravest of the Brave. We are delighted that Betty is able to fly the QA flag for all the army nurses past and present. National Corps Day in Belfast NI was represented by Morag Roberts, Linda Kibbey and Annette Bowden Whisker in uniform representing our Branch and 256 Field Hospital. Another Excellent day for our members.
 Future events
Step Short Parade 2nd August 2015. This parade is held every year and as a Branch we felt that it would be appropriate to participate for the duration of WW1 years and that for the next 3 years we will need members to volunteer to help out and fly our Standard at this important event
Volunteers to join this year’s parade are OiC Jane Carey Harris, Liz Gregory will be Standard bearer other members joining parade will be Bridget Kelly, Lindi Kibbey and Di Robertson Bell.
If you live in the Folkestone area and wish to take part in next years’ parade, please let the branch secretary know you will be most welcome
Plans for our Edith Cavell Commemoration Tour is well underway and we have 30 members and friends signed up to go to Belgium in September. (Please put dates in your diary)
Saturday 12th December - Christmas Lunch & Bring and Buy will be at Guys Hospital. Friends and family if they wish to come will be most welcome Sunday 20th March 2016 - Millbank Branch Corps Day.
Alison Johnson

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