Page 5 - 2005 AMA Winter
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by Vice-Chairman [Mountaineering]
2005 will be an important year for our Association and this journal illustrates that fact. Inside, as well as articles on expeditions to Wales, Switzerland, the Stubai Alps, the Pyrenees, Peru and Nepal, there is an update on how training for Everest West Ridge is pro­ gressing. This training is aimed at ensuring our teams arrive on task as physically and mentally well prepared as possible, in order to maximise our chances of success. Everest West Ridge will be Main Effort for 2006 and will also still be running when we enter our 50th Anniversary year.
Our aim in 2007 is to celebrate the first 50 years of our existence. If you could lead a component part of our 50th year celebrations then please make yourself known. More information to follow.
One of our Honorary Presidents, Meryon Bridges, has kindly penned an article outlining a new award we are Instigating in 2005. As Meryon was the driving force behind this award, it seemed only right that he should transmit his enthusiasm direct to the membership. The Streather Award will recognise expeditions displaying high levels of adventure, exploration and commitment. Having had the honour to meet another Honorary Vice President, Sir Chris Bonington, last year, I can confirm that he too brought up the point that our association should try to encourage such expeditions, and this was with no conferring, as Meryon (unfortunately detained by work) was not present.
To try to increase opportunities for our new and younger members, we have appointed W02 Geordie Taylor as the new Youth and Development Officer. His role will be explained in detail in the next Newsletter and his appoint­ ment should be seen as part of our general drive to offer development opportunities. Take up these opportunities if appropriate, and if you can, please offer your assistance to Geordie.
Once again, despite the extremely high tempo of opera­ tions, much has been achieved this year, as can be seen from the journal.
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Why not visit our web site at:
w w w .th e a m i.H iJ k
Cath Davies
Almost Touching the Void Douhle Edged Dragon Stubai Alps
Towards Wider Horizons
Everest West Ridge Alpine Training
Shahash Lancastrian
Mountain Blue
Northern Ascent
Pyrenean Peak Cadet
Haute Finn II
Tasmanian Dragon
The John Muir Trail
Welsh Wanderings
Winter Newsletter
On the Cover:
Sandhurst Cadets on the summit ot Pic du Midi D’Ossau.
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