Page 3 - 2006 AMA Summer
P. 3

by Major Paol Edwqards
Vice-Chairman (Mountaineering]
I am very pleased to be writing this foreword in my capacity as Vice Chairman (Mountaineering) of the Association. Although this is a broad portfolio I am able to take over with confidence as my predecessor Maj Cath Davies has done a Sterling job for a number years.
I believe that I am very lucky to be assuming these responsibilities at a time when the Association is thriving. When I first joined the AMA committee some 16 years ago the Association’s membership had fallen below 500 and there was a feeling that we concentrated largely on “big boots" mountaineering. We now have a diverse Association of over 2,200 members that is active in all aspects of rock climbing, ski mountaineering, hill walking, trekking and of course expeditions.
We continue however to face many challenges. The continued high tempo of operations means that releasing officers and SNCO's for the time necessary to plan and attend major expeditions continues to be hard and of course we are faced with the ever tighter burden of Adventurous Training regulation. This is combined with the ever increasing cost in third party liability insurance; a symptom of the litigious society within which we all now live. The AMA has continued to adapt to these challenges in an attempt to remain relevant to modern Army Mountaineers and this has brought about many changes in how we conduct our business. The largest of these is as our increased use of the internet and websites, although our ability to obtain nearly £4,500 each year from the Inland Revenue by reclaiming income tax paid on your subscriptions as Gift Aid is another good example.
Your committee continues to have a number of veteran members, however this year has seen an influx of new members with Mick Kayser taking on the publicity portfolio, Paul Chiddle becoming meets co-ordinator and Clive Whitson taking over as Journal Editor. There are however always either vacant posts on the committee or meet/expedition leaders required. Anyone who feels that they would like to become more involved should contact me on and I can discuss what opportunities are available.
2006 promises to be another busy year with a busy season of meets and competitions and of course the Everest West Ridge expedition. We will also be planning a series of expeditions and events in celebration of our 50th anniversary in 2007. Keep an eye on our website for details in due course.
AMAon-line! CpS
W h y n o t v is it o u r w e b s ite a t:
JSAM 2005 4 Everest West Ridge Expd Alpine Traini5ng
ion by Crest Publications OfficeVillage, SciroccoClose.Northampton,NN36AP Tel:01604495495Fax:01604495465.
Peruvian Oouldering
Wyoming’s Wilderness
Avniding The Vnid Mountaineering in the Himalayas Army Sport Climbing Champs Arctic Olue
Army Rouldering Champs
An Alpine Apprenticeship
Santa Cruz
0 10
10 IS
Forbidden Plateau Antarctic Expedition
Leader Decision Points Explored 23
From Aphrodite’s Isle to the Ring of2F6ire
AMA Cornwall Meet 27
Himalayan Tiger 20
Panthers Void 29
Training for Climbers 31
Six week climbing training programme
On t h e C o v e r :
WOctff Jo Ooioan on Pingara Peak ■Wyoming's Wilierness.
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