Page 5 - Journal Compilation
P. 5

Colonel of the Regiment’s Foreword
Since its formation on 2nd May 2015, I am clear that The Royal Lancers has achieved more than even someone look- ing through the most optimistic of lenses could ever have
First and foremost, from top to bottom the regiment is properly integrated. Already it is all of one company. I have been hugely impressed during my visits,  nding an organisa-
tion in which everyone is genuinely content to be a
Royal Lancer and striving to make their regiment the best. Second best won’t do. There is no looking back but, instead, a genuine sense of excitement about the future together as the Royal Armoured Corps’ newest and most achieving regiment, built on the strengths, traditions and successes of the past.
Second is the clear focus on creating an operation- al edge; on becoming a gritty, no-nonsense  ght- ing unit. The regiment’s raison d’etre is about delivering ground mounted reconnaissance capa- bility, and the reports coming from early training events indicate an organisation that is already at the top of its game. Additionally, it is becoming known for innovation and thinking out-of-the- box, not least through early force development work designed to optimise the next generation of recce platform, AJAX. Cutting edge stuff.
Third, there is a whole host of broader activity taking place which is giving our of cers and sol- diers the rewarding careers that they seek, and which strengthens the regiment further still through excitement, endeavour and enterprise.
I applaud the leadership that is being demon- strated at all levels. Across the board there is a palpable sense of dedication and exertion and the development of a deep, indomitable  ghting spirit. All of this is highly evident in the pages which follow. The Royal Lancers is making a name for itself. It’s the place people want to be and its soldiers are highly valued across the Army, wherever they are serving. I couldn’t be more proud to be Colonel of the Regiment and, if I may say, we should all feel proud to be as- sociated with such excellence.
We were all immensely honored that Her Majesty the Queen, our Colonel in Chief, was at Richmond Castle for the regiment’s formation. On behalf of all members of the Regimental Associa- tion, I sent our loyal greetings to her last month on the occasion of her 90th birthday and include a copy of her personal reply.

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