Page 16 - Cormorant 2023
P. 16

   ACSC 26 Olympiad Day
Wg Cdr Stephen Turner
EXACTLY ONE MONTH INTO ACSC, with nerves settled and divisional lines firmly drawn, the course design team felt it prudent to pitch the latest crop of middle-aged pseudo intellectuals against one another in a more traditional test of physical strength, endurance and skill, through the programming of the ACSC Olympiad.
Competing across a variety of sporting disciplines, including: Netball; Softball; Cricket; School Sports; Football; Squash; Dodgeball; Tennis; Hockey; and the Olympiad finale – Superstars, each division earned
between one and three points according to their final event standing, with double points awarded for the Superstars event. The Olympiad trophy would be awarded to the Division who, over the course of the day, accumulated the highest overall score. BLUF: C Div smashed it out of the park!
In true Olympic fashion the day of sporting prowess began with an elaborate opening ceremony in the JSCSC Forum, each division entering the central core from separate directions and bearing their respective divisional sporting colours – A in red, B in blue, and
C in green. Once the chest-beating had subsided, CMs were put through a rigorous physical warm up to breathe life into lungs and limbs, atrophied by the sedentary demands of the contemporary staff officer, before dispersing to venues around the Defence Academy to commence battle.
Throughout the day, CMs had the opportunity to engage with peers across divisional boundaries, expanding networks out with the formal setting of JSCSC and providing respite from the fatigue of Cormorant Hall Lecture Theatre. Whilst it is not
“Once the chest-beating had subsided, CMs
were put through a rigorous physical warm up

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