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Uniting Europe’s Defenders: The CJEX Experience!
Lt Col Chris Göd
in a world of severe security challenges? Enter the Combined Joint European Exercise (CJEX) conducted by military education institutions across Europe. Those ACSC course members
not lucky enough to go to Paris, Rome, Madrid
or Hamburg, were joined by course members from Italy, France, Spain, and Germany at the
UK Defence Academy to plan the stabilisation
of the wonderful country of Alambara. But don’t let the severe business fool you—this exercise
is about training together and gaining a better understanding of each other! In this article,
we’ll explore how the CJEX not only strengthens European defence capabilities but also facilitates future cooperation between various nations.
At CJEX, camaraderie is as important as training
in the application of the famous and complex Comprehensive Operational Planning Directive, the so-called COPD. By coming together and sharing knowledge, the course participants from multiple nations developed a bond that goes beyond borders. They learned to coordinate seamlessly, adapt to
diverse environments, and even discover shared strengths and capabilities. It’s like a multinational potluck where everyone brings their secret ingredient to create the perfect recipe for teamwork!
The CJEX and JSCSC created an environment where military personnel from different nations forged personal relationships and gained faith in each other’s abilities. They laughed together, faced challenges together, and learned to rely on one another like a well-oiled machine. This trust and confidence not only made for great memories but also ensured smoother integration during future operations.
Whoever said military exercises had to be boring clearly didn’t attend CJEX! This exercise puts the “fun” in “fundamental military skills.” The scenarios
are as complex as trying to assemble Ikea furniture without instructions. Participants faced challenges that would make even James Bond’s eyebrows
rise. But hey, it’s all about learning and growing together! By training side by side, nations exchange ideas, share best practices, and discover creative approaches to tackling security threats.
The CJEX at the UK Defence Academy proved that military training can be both effective and fun! It not only strengthens European defence capabilities but also builds trust, enhances interoperability, and prepares forces for the most outrageous scenarios.
  It’s like a
multinational potluck where
everyone brings their secret ingredient
to create the perfect recipe for teamwork!

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