Page 57 - Cormorant 2023
P. 57

 End of Course Revue and Prizes
     WITH ONLY A RED Arrows display and personal admin (and, for over 100 course members, packing for an international move over a single weekend before parading for a
new job) between the course and graduation from ACSC, we sat down for the End of Course Revue and the Presentation of Prizes.
Skilfully compèred by Wg Cdr Will Williamson and Lt Col Ed McCann, we were presented with an impressive selection of entertaining skits which resulted in a lot of laughs and a few
red faces. Not a small number focused on our many travel mishaps, and the extensive summings up given by our Divisional Directors after guest speakers featured prominently (as did some rather dubious accents). Superb tech support from Marcus Joiner and Dave
Mans kept things flowing and Tim Woods’ comedy contribution wasn’t
to be missed, while a highlight for
me was the skilfully woven musical accompaniment from the course’s own band, the ‘Chicago Footnotes,’ who had personalised a number of hit songs to perfectly suit ACSC.
Events soon turned to the awarding of the revue prizes however. The biggest round of applause of the afternoon went to Surgeon Commander Dan Henning, as he pipped the many (many) roles of Lt Col Chris Masheder to the prize for the ‘Best Continuous Assessment Points (or Harry Potter points) Hoover.’ His prize? A game of Operation.
Awards presented were:
• Best Dressed Course Member: Lt Col Felix Ngato (Cameroon)
• Slido Queen of the Year: Wg Cdr Warwick Burrows (UK)
• Best Bus Monitor: Maj Nigel Pop (Belize)
• Best CA Point Hoover: Cdr Dan Henning (UK)
Playing second fiddle to the Revue Awards (he jokes) were the official Prizes and Awards, presented in Cormorant Hall and at the End of Course Dinner. With a friendly and open course, there were very few genuine surprises, and each recipient was warmly welcomed by the crowd. The Marines (both Royal and United States varieties) made a strong showing, taking the top spots for UK and International Course Members. The full list of recipients is as follows:
Commandant’s Commendations
Lt Cdr Simone Venturini (Italy)
Wg Cdr Suzy ‘Suzy RAF’ Flynn (UK) Lt Col Josh McCreton (UK)
Lt Col Chris Göd (Australia)
Lt Col Pierre Neron-Bancel (France) Cdr Dan Henning (UK)
Lt Col Christof Masheder (UK)
Lt Col David Mans (UK)
Lt Col Ben Cassells (UK)
Cdr Paul Caddy (UK)
Wg Cdr Sharon Wheeler (UK)
Lt Col Lee Curson (UK)
Wg Cdr Warwick Burrows (UK)
Cormorant Fellows
Wg Cdr (now Gp Capt) Kenny Fuchter (UK) Cdr Paul Bastiaens (UK)
Astrid Hardy (UK)
Lt Col Cressida McCarthy (UK)
• Best Defence Capability Course Member (CM): Lt Col Gary Robertson (UK)
• Best Strategy CM: Lt Col Chris Webber (UK)
• Best Operations CM: Lt Col Rebecca Sharp (UK)
• Best Army CM: Lt Col Tony Brazier (UK)

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