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ACSC Pre-Course:
Preparing International Students for Success Gustavo Cabral Thomé, Commander – Brazilian Navy
 THE ADVANCED COMMAND AND Staff Course (ACSC) is a highly prestigious program that prepares military personnel for senior leadership roles. Among the participants are a significant number of international students who are selected to undergo a specialized pre-course designed to develop the skills necessary for their successful participation in the ACSC. This pre-course acts as a stepping stone, equipping students with the academic rigor and essential abilities needed to excel in the demanding environment of the ACSC.
The ACSC pre-course is a comprehensive 12-week program that focuses on honing the skills required for effective engagement and contribution within
the ACSC. Through a diverse range of modules and activities, international students are provided with the necessary tools to navigate the academic challenges they will encounter during the course. Key areas
of focus include academic writing, critical thinking, presentation skills, and leading and participating in seminars.
One of the primary goals of the pre-course is to familiarize international students with English vocabulary relevant to a wide range of topics, including politics, ideology, current affairs, social issues, and military terminology. By exposing students to materials that complement the ACSC curriculum, the pre-course ensures that they have a solid foundation in the language and concepts necessary for success.
Moreover, the pre-course offers international students a unique opportunity to build important relationships with their fellow colleagues. This early integration
into the UK military life allows students to establish connections and foster a sense of camaraderie
that will prove invaluable throughout their ACSC journey. The bonds formed during the pre-course contribute to a supportive and collaborative learning environment, where students can benefit from diverse perspectives and experiences.
In addition to the academic and social aspects, the pre-course also incorporates external visits to places of military and cultural importance. These visits, which may include destinations such as Winchester, Bath, and London, serve to enhance the overall learning experience by providing students with practical exposure to the historical and strategic contexts that shape military decision-making. This hands-on approach allows students to deepen their understanding and develop a broader perspective on international relations.
Throughout the pre-course, international students embark on a journey of personal growth and development. They engage in intensive language training, advancing their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to NATO STANAG Level 3. The focus on academic writing and presentation skills empowers students to effectively convey their ideas and analysis in a clear and concise manner. The pre- course also encourages critical thinking, fostering the ability to analyze complex issues, evaluate evidence, and develop sound arguments.
The importance of the ACSC pre-course cannot be overstated. It serves as a vital bridge between the diverse backgrounds of international students and the demanding academic requirements of the ACSC. By equipping students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and relationships, the pre-course lays a solid foundation for their success in the ACSC.
 “One of the primary goals of the pre-course
is to familiarize international students with English vocabulary relevant to a
wide range of topics, including politics, ideology, current affairs, social issues, and military terminology

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