Page 9 - Cormorant 2023
P. 9

 Lt Col Matthew Baylis, Royal Marines
with the frisson of ACSC’s first ‘big day out’; Exercise WHITEHALL DESTINY. After a month
of about 300 Course Members and Directing Staff ‘forming’ new group dynamics in over 20 different syndicates, it was time for some chino ‘storming’ to occur in the heart of London.
Duly briefed on the aims of the day and “smart casual” clothing, a parade of Tweed and Barbour assembled to embark Barnes Bus company once more. After the coaches attempted to derail the Land Combat Power Visit a month earlier, the low course expectations of the company plumbed new depths as a finely tuned programme met the morning M4 traffic.
Undeterred, and mostly armed only with memes, some micro-aggression and a few thoughts on “How good is Britain at Strategy?”, this legion of “smasual” attire broke down into smaller groups to descend upon the city. With each syndicate given free(ish) rein to devise their own city walking tour, experiences for each group varied significantly. Where some syndicates admired the organs of Government whilst congregating on
a corner or under an umbrella, others were given
an intimate tour of Departments of State, High Commissions, and even the Houses of Parliament. Some were enriched by memorials and museums (Imperial, Cabinet War Rooms) and others schmoozed by City firms; a daring few managed to access MOD Main Building, whilst fewer still sat at Wellington’s desk in Horse Guards Parade and visited the site of Britain’s last official cockfight. Setting the scene (some might say!) for syndicate discussions on strategy.
Providing an excellent backdrop was the course visit to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. This privileged view and private discussion
   “Undeterred, and mostly armed only with
memes, some micro-aggression and a few thoughts on “How good
is Britain at Strategy?”, this legion of “smasual” attire broke down into smaller groups to descend upon the city
    with FCDO seniors in King Charles Street gave an honest and unique insight into cross Government working, the importance of clear language and good relations, and the limits of “Multi-Domain Integration” - which most officials seemed unaware of! Taking
up the cry of ‘good relations’ the course then dispersed back into the city to further forge their own friendships whilst making a few others; friendships that would become indispensable as the course, and no doubt careers, continued.

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