Page 3 - 2009 AMA Winter
P. 3
You heard about the guy needing a new brain? He started looking at the samples sitting in their jars; “How much for that one?” he asked. “Oh, that one is £6 million”. “What?! That is unbelievable, why so much?” “It was from a doctor who was very healthy, religious and moral”. “OK, then how much for that one over there?” “£2 million”. “I can't believe that, look, it has some flaky parts, shady and bruised.” “Well, that one is a fine specimen of a lawyer who made a decent living, only cheated on his wife, taxes and at cards.” Well the man was beside himself; eventually he found a moth eaten, tattered lit- tle brain about the size of a walnut sitting in a jar of alcohol. “How much for that one?” “£30 billion.” “Why? It is the worst example and in horrible shape!” The Doctor looked at the man and said “It came from a sports climber.” “So, why so much?” The Doctor said, "Do you have any idea how many sports climbers we had to go through before we found one with a brain?!"
A rope walks into a bar with the obvious look of a bad day: core showing and sheath all in strings. The bartender yells “Hey! We don’t serve ropes in here... get out!” and throws him out of the bar.
Rope REALLY needs a drink and ties a Figure of Eight on the bight in the centre of his body and walks back in. The bar- tender sees him and asks “Aren’t you the rope I just threw out of here?” “No” says the rope, “I’m a frayed knot!”
Appointments 2 Foreword 3 News 4 Diary 5 How To:
Build a Climbing Anchor 7 The Lotus Flower Tower 9
Avalanche Tranceivers 14 Photo Competition 16
In the Company of Giants
A Circumnavigation of Manaslu 18
Preventing Climbing Injuries:
Warming Up 20
AMA August Bank Holiday Meet 21
Army Sport Clmbing 2009 22
The Tour of Mont Blanc 24
Kelvinside CCF – Pyrenean Expedition 27
High Altitude Trekking in Uganda 28
Bouldermania 32
That’s Me 33
On the cover: Barry Whale cruising Klahanie Crack high above Squamish, Canada.
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The Army Mountaineer is published for The Army Mountaineering Association by: Crest Publications, 20 Moulton Office Village, Scirocco Close, Northampton, NN3 6AP. Tel: 01604 495495. Fax: 01604 495465.
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