Page 31 - The Gazette Autumn 2022
P. 31

Eleven personnel from JHG (S), a tri service mixture of nurses and HCAs, took part in the 104th Nijmegen International Four Day March during July, with a grant from the association. Our intention was to succeed as a team and raise funds for Help for Heroes charity.
More than 42,000 individuals from 70 different nationalities took part in the march, which is widely acknowledged as largest multiple day march in the world. Military teams made a significant proportion of walkers and cover 160km across the four days, with male personnel carrying 10kg of weight less water and food.
Unfortunately, due to the extreme heat of over 40 degrees and in the interests of safety the first day was cancelled. Despite this, the atmosphere of the Nijmegen was exhilarating, particularly as the 40km route was lined with spectators providing their support, cheering us on, playing music, handing out snacks and most importantly spraying us with water in the high temperatures. The festival atmosphere kept morale high even during the 02:30am starts.
The opportunity to march alongside other militaries and exchange flashes created a brilliant camaraderie and an invaluable source of motivation.
The team from JHG(S) was led by S/Lt O’Neill and Sgt Gurung whom were both returning participants. Utilising their experience, they ensured all members from JHG(S) embarked on rigorous training. Commencing in March 2022, training was built up gradually in preparation for the two-day 80km virtually run qualifier march in May. Training over the hills
of the South Downs certainly provided both a physical and mental advantage when gifted with the infamous flats of the Netherlands, however blisters couldn’t be entirely avoided.
This build up training was a strong contributing factor in ensuring all individuals from JHG(S) successfully completed the walk. As such, all members of the team were awarded the Vierdaagse Cross by the Netherlands.
In addition to completing the march, JHG(S) members undertook a battlefield tour to the Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek and surrounding cemeteries learning about the Battle of Arnhem and Operation Market Garden. Time was also allocated to visit the surrounding city of Nijmegen, enjoy its festivities and to visit the local waterpark.
The Gazette QARANC Association 31
 ‘Festival atmosphere kept morale high’
           The LGBT Veterans Independent Review has been set up to examine the impact
of the 1967 to 2000 ban on homosexuality in the UK Armed Forces.
The Review will seek to better understand the experiences of LGBT individuals who served in the Armed Forces from 1967 to 2000 and will provide recommendations to government on how to address this historic hurt.
  If you or someone you know, were impacted by the ban, head to our
website to find out how you can submit testimony in our Call for Evidence.
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Front e informa
 Top left to right: Sgt Gurung, Cpl Gurung, Capt Bradbury, Pte Barratt, Cpl Faisal, Cpl Rai, S/Lt O’Neill, Bottom left to right: Cpl Vickers, Cpl Swindley, Cpl Still, Cpl Lutwyche

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