Page 46 - The Gazette Autumn 2022
P. 46
46 The Gazette QARANC Association
Our Jubilee lunch at majestic Usk Castle
Since last year, Welsh Branch has welcomed 12 new members, bolstering our number to 77. Sadly, we lost one member Cathy Symons and our sympathy and condolences go out to her family and friends.
Our Corps Day celebration was held via zoom on 25 March. And the Association Reunion lunch was held at the Coal Exchange Cardiff with Welsh branch members enjoying meeting up with old friends and making new ones.
In July, we held a Jubilee Lunch in the majestic ruins and gardens of Usk Castle. It was lovely to see many familiar faces and to meet new branch members. Judging by the chattering going on in the room it appeared that everyone was having a good time.
Members of the band of the Royal British Legion, Llanelli looking resplendent in their red jackets played
for us during the afternoon. The weather was lovely allowing people to wander around the grounds.
Lunch was organised by Mo Humphries and her family, and the food looked stunning and tasted delicious. Our chair gave the welcome address and Loyal Toast whilst the band played God Save the Queen and our Corps march. The newly purchased QARANC Association bunting looked wonderful adorning the marquee.
All in all, a good time was had by all. The Branch would like to take this opportunity to thank Mo and her family for the use of the marquee, castle grounds and food.
At our Branch AGM in July, the chair was handed from Caroline Whittaker to Rosy Hubbard, with the secretary role to Paula Mitchel. As a branch we welcome both Paula, and Charlotte Walker, to the committee whilst saying a big thank you to Caroline, to Diana McCrea and Marilyn Williams for their continued support, enthusiasm and encouragement especially during the last few years.
We look forward to seeing members at future events which will include: Walking with Alpacas, Nantgarw China works visit, and our Christmas lunch.
Valmai Davies
‘Moved by how villagers continue to pay their respects’
Like many Millbank members, I no longer live in London but in Brockenhurst, New Forest.
Each year on the Sunday nearest Anzac Day the village meets with commissioners and military from New Zealand and Australia to honour the 93 who died in No 1 New Zealand General Hospital 1916-19, staffed by New Zealanders.
I was privileged to lay a wreath on behalf of fellow QARANC nurses, Millbank Branch and UK. The New Zealand government donated a bell for the church which is tolled 93 times. It is always a moving service, made more so by the fact
that villagers continue to pay their respects.
It feels as if business is getting back to normal with our social occasions resuming and plans forging ahead for next year’s events. Our recent branch AGM was followed by tea with a glass of fizz and was a great success.
The several times postponed battlefield tour of Normandy at last went ahead (see pages 18-20 for photos) and following the AGM, Lindi Kibbey, gave a splendid summary.
Sadly, since the last Gazette we have lost one member Ann McNeill. Although never a compensation
for loss we have been delighted to welcome three new members.
I wish everyone well, stay safe
Judy Cook