Page 14 - Four Cavalry Regiments (Crest)
P. 14

                                 The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
A Squadron – The Empire
2020 has been a high tempo year focused entirely on preparations for Op NEWCOMBE, Mali. The initial return to work in January saw another change to the deployment date from April to June and there was slight envy as the spring term progressed and C Squadron were finishing the final preparation for their deployment. There were some who felt Mali would never happen. However, despite COVID causing further slips, with patience, hard work and much training under our belts the Squadron finally deployed to Mali in December.
Like everywhere around the globe, 2020 is the year of COVID. Nothing that wasn’t critical to the delivery of outputs escaped unscathed. The biggest positive for 2020 has been a year of command and general ORBAT stability for the Squadron with a focus on deployment. The only change of note was the SQMS. The other significant strand that ran through 2020 was capa-
bility development. Many embraced this challenge, by gathering evidence, posing for photos, writing up reports and submit- ting business cases. Op NEWCOMBE and the fantastic work done on Op CABRIT by all Lt Cav units past and present have paved the way for a step change in capabil- ity for Mali which we hope will improve the longer term investment prospects for formation recce. The hard work of Project THUNDERCAT and the CABRIT PORs is finally paying off.
As the spring term started we welcomed SSgt Price from the LWC, saying good- bye to SSgt Delaney in Dec 19; we wish him well at RAC TR, Bovington. We also welcomed 2Lt Jefferies into the fold, hot off the Sandhurst press and in between his Troop Leader’s course elements. Operationally focused, SSgt Price injected a huge amount of tactical acumen and rigour into Admin Troop and Squadron capability as Equipment Tables for the
deployment were debated and refined. This proved a critical couple of months of activity, and despite his short time with the Squadron he managed to set us up for success. With mixed blessings and events outside everyone’s control he was called up at short notice to take over as SSM of the Legion. With delight we welcomed back SSgt Thomson from the training wing to fill the chair.
Mission specific training started in earnest from the start of the year. The conceptual cadre set the scene for the deployment and provided excellent insight into the chal- lenges ahead. A briefing from the Foreign Office was a first for many at Regimental Duty. A highlight was an evening of Malian music and culture organised by Lt Black. It must have been the first time Malian dress has been paraded through the dining room for a black tie supper. The 2IC, Capt Christie, saw his workload increase expo- nentially; navigating the myriad of indi-

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